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groovetheory's picture

Well this weekend was a relatively good one compared to those past. Our family actually had a good time. On Saturday we allowed SD8 to a playdate that she did not deserve. Most of it was to get her more motivated to do the right thing, so that she can once again feel what it is like to have someone over the home and have a good time. The SD8 and her friend played in her room, they watched a movie and we all had pizza. While SD8 was with her friend, me and DH were able to play a couple of games. On Sunday, we went to church and afterwards, we ate, and then played a game - which kind of got everyone into good spirits. Overall it was good. SD8 still had some sneakiness about her this weekend, but after a conversation with my husband, he is all about calling her out when she does something, no matter how much it gets on his nerves. He figures if he keeps calling her on the carpet about things, that it will change. I've told him that i'll try to keep it up too - however it is always so easy to disengage. Well, that's as good as it gets, somedays are beter than others and this proves to be one of them. Until next time...


Anon2009's picture

I'm glad you all had a good time. Maybe this will help SD8 to reach out to her friends and turn to them in good times and bad, and that will help her to cope with her situation. Also, good for DH for calling her out. I wish my DH had done that when my SDs were 8 and I wish a lot of the BFs/DHs we talk about here would do that as well. Hopefully this is a sign that better things are coming your way!

Tara12's picture

Sounds like your DH is doing the right thing and you guys are able to talk about these things without him making you the bad guy so I totally applaud him for that. Hang in there - present a united front and I'm sure things will get much better for you! Take care!