SD finally coming for the summer, sooo nervous.
DH has been in a custody battle for 5 years now. He's faced false allegations and an insane BM doing everything in her power to stop him from being a part of his life. Now SD7 is finally coming home with us for the rest of the summer. This is what I've prayed, cried, wished and hoped for since I met him 4 years ago. The problem is, now that it's finally happening we are terrified of what BM might try to pull now that she will be losing part of her control. Every summer we have thought SD would be coming to us, and each time his spirit is crushed because at the last minute BM files something new in court and just refuses to let him have her. She's lied more times in court than that dumbass could probably count, but somehow manages to get away with it since she works for CPS.
Every time we have a good weekend with SD, we get a nasty email or letter from her lawyer claiming that we did something inappropriate. It's always false, and really disheartening to know that if we do something to make SD happy then we will be punished for it. There is no way to anticipate her next crazy move, because everything that comes out of her mouth is a complete fabrication and manipulation of the system. DH and I work so hard to make sure SD is always safe and comfortable, but it's never been good enough for BM.
I really wish we lived in a world where people could just love and care for their kids and that would be good enough.
- Gigi82's blog
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Thank you allmitchell, she
Thank you allmitchell, she definitely needs to get a freaking hobby! I have heard through the grapevine that relations are strained between her employers and herself, probably because her craziness is starting to creep out. She had coworkers in court with her that actually lied, I saw it with my own eyes. My DH had contacted child services to speak with them about her behavior and find out anything that we could to do to help the situation. At the time we had no idea she worked there, and did not give the person her name anyway. They suggested seeing a counselor and taking a psych eval to prove that he was of sound mind, since BM was continually telling lies about his character. He took 2 different pysch evals (that we paid for) just to make sure that it could be used in court. He went to see a child psychologist numerous times so that he could learn how to deal with PAS and it's effects on his daughter, and how to be the best father he could. We both attended 2 different parenting courses, and all the while kept in contact with the CPS worker.
When the court date arrived, the women that had helped him denied ever speaking to him! Apparently once she realized that the crazy BM was in fact her co worker, she turned on us like that. DH had copies of emails to and from the worker, as well as phone records. I can't believe that the people that are supposed to be working in the best interest of children f***ed him over like that! The judge saw the proof and tisk tisked the department, but it was just like a slap on the wrist.
You should be! BM used to be
You should be! BM used to be a dumb waitress and now she's a dumb child service worker with too much power. She has no education, and I'm guessing is a receptionist or something there, but how the hell did she get into a department like that? Because her mom is a social worker, that's how.
See my above reply, you're
See my above reply, you're right, it is scary! She knows how to manipulate the system that is supposed to be used for protecting children, and has access to every resource!
Thanks ChaosUncontained! We
Thanks ChaosUncontained! We bought a video camera last year for that very purpose. I'm like a freaking paparazzi now, taking pictures and videos all the time. For one, I want DH and SD7 to be able to look back and watch all of the beautiful memories they make together. I also want to make sure, since BM has already made numerous false accusations against DH, that we have every day documented in some way. We have proof that SD is safe and happy when she is with us, our lawyer has confirmed that we are doing the right thing by accumulating proof of that fact. You can never be too careful when you are dealing with the devil!