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Why oh Why

gettingtome's picture

Why oh Why a year and a half ago, did I beg DH to listen to SD and go talk to her BM and allow her to come live with us? If I knew then what I know how. Had I known all the stories were lies, and that she manipulates people to ALWAYS make herself out ot be the victim, the answer would have been a resounding no.

I didn't start out evil, but I'm in the throws of it now. I'm not one that has ever been able to be fake and pretend I like someone when I don't. I'm tired of SD13's shit. I can't even pretend to like her during the week and I can't pretend to not be ELATED when she's at her mothers.

Maybe if she still lived there I wouldn't dislike her like I do? Would still enjoy being around her? Her laughter literally makes me cringe. How sad is that?


lillfiredog's picture

I get what you are saying! It has been a year since princepothead17 and the 19 year old pokemonlvingdonothingelse SS's moved in. I love it when they are not home. It makes my skin crawl when they bullsh*t thier dad about what they are doing with thier lives. Princepothead got fired from his job last week. I overheard DH telling BM he felt bad for him and blah blah barf! The now 19 do nothing SS is such piggy... Urg! Last night I told them to get thier shit together, it doesn't take 3 days to do 2 loads of laundry. DH was much kinder about it with his "ok, buddy, do your laundry now...." like they are little effing 2 year olds learning to master a new skill. Makes me ill.
I have been trying to do more for me, like going to visit friends, painting (I love folk art) and walking on the treadmill when I feel my stress is really high.
Good luck momma, you can do this. We all can.

gettingtome's picture

I'm so glad I work out 4x's a week now, if I didn't I don't know how I would survive at this point. I think I need to find another hobby. I think I want to take up sewing or knitting. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me at this point. I tell myself I refuse to feel guilty for feeling like this, but I do. I hate that I can't stand her. I'm not a grudge holder by any means (mainly I can't remember why I'm mad) but with her I remember everything. How do I stop feeling guilty for feeling like this?

lillfiredog's picture

I am also doing meditation in the evening, positive self talk etc. it is an escape and I am learning -ever so slowly, and not always succuessful at it!!- not to let things they do and say get under my skin.
I don't go to counselling myself, but maybe that is something that would help? I think if you just accept how you feel (I really don't like SS19, I cannot for the life of me put my finger on why) but he is who he is, his choices in life are his, his laziness is his.. on and on... I get it girl. I wish I had better advice. (hugs)

gettingtome's picture

I was in therapy but it was making me miss too much work so I decided I had to stop it. Maybe I gotta get back in it. This might be something I have to try. I think I need to start journaling again too.

Willow2010's picture

Sad but I think that at least 50 percent of the DHs on here, that do have custody, is because the step mom pushed them into it.

And I bet that 99 percent regret doing it.

lillfiredog's picture

DH's are "old enough to do what they want" I wish they would want to move out and have thier own pigsty to live in.

farting_glitter's picture

that's why I always say "be careful what you wish for, you might just get it".....sometimes those wishes turn into nightmares!