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On another note......

Shaman29's picture

So yesterday afternoon, H gets home from work and SD13's phone (landline, she had her cell taken away months ago) is ringing off the hook. He was wondering why SD didn't tell her friends how to get a hold of her, and picked up the line to let whomever it was know SD13 doesn't live with us any more.

Well, imagine his surprise when it was an automated message for BM from a collection agency. Now please note......SD lived with us for two years, this is SD13's only means of phone communications in our home. This number is under H's name. So why is a collection agency calling it to get a hold of BM?

H cannot wait until they call back again. He will be telling them whose number this is, and exactly how to get a hold of BM. And is it illegal for her to give out her minor daughter's telephone number as a contact, when BM does not live with us???? Should be a very interesting conversation. This just gets better and better!!! Biggrin


libby's picture

They can call you, they most likely pulled her credit and seen they were once married, they are looking for unconventional means to contact her, like does she have a cell phone, her email address, work number.

I get them from my ex and my DH gets them from his ex all the time.

sparky's picture

I would call the number that showed on the phone and give them the scoop.

Shaman29's picture

We switched carriers for our landline and got the bare call waiting, vm or caller ID. But that's okay, we don't mind answering the line and helping these nice folks out!

Never eat more than you can lift.
Miss Piggy

Shaman29's picture

Excellent tactic! Especially with the BM in my life. Now that SD doesn't live with us any more we were planning on shutting down that phone line. Maybe we'll keep it on for a few months so we can make sure BM's creditors can easily reach her! }:)

Never eat more than you can lift.
Miss Piggy

DISbelief's picture

And so long as there is SOMETHING out there in CYBER SPACE connecting your DH and her, past OR present, they will call whatever number they find to try to contact her... and I can imagine it will only get worse as the economy continues on this downward spiral. I doubt she has any idea they are calling that number. It would, however, erk me to no end too, but I don't think this one is her fault beyond NOT paying her bills.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

Shaman29's picture

SNORT!! Sorry......I was drinking water when I read your last line and it squirted out of my nose when I started to laugh!

BM...not pay her bills?? I don't believe it! Especially since she's in arrearages to the tune of $4K to H. Smile

Never eat more than you can lift.
Miss Piggy

DISbelief's picture

I would give them EVERY SINGLE NUMBER I COULD FIND to contact her. Her mom, her boss, her boyfriend. Let EVERYONE know she is a deadbeat!!! That'll teach her!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

Shaman29's picture

H and I plan to fully cooperate with creditors going after BM! Smile

Never eat more than you can lift.
Miss Piggy