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Frustrated_in_Missouri's picture


I'm new to the forum and just looking for a place to be able to vent and get some support. I've been dating a man for a year now. He moved into my house in July. He has a daughter 6 and son 7 from a previous marriage. I'm not sure I know what I'm getting myself into. Sometimes I feel like I should just run away.

The kids are crybabies. They are coddled so much by BM that all they do is whine and pout. I know this divorce thing is hard on them and they must be really confused. BM says bad things about BF in front of them and then they come and call him the same names.

What do I do? At this point do I just walk away and let him be the only one interacting with the kids. I can't ignore them and I don't want to? Maybe I should just be involved 'when times are good' and step back and let him handle it when they are bad.

The kids woke us up every half hour on Saturday night crying because they missed their mother. They never did this kind of stuff until recently... I don't know what BM is doing mentally to these kids to suddenly make them unable to spend a fun weekend with their dad. He only gets them every other weekend and every other holiday as it is (he had a crappy lawyer)

I'm not sure if I'm rambling at this point so I'll just hit the 'submit' button.


Anon2009's picture

If so, he should get these kids into counseling ASAP.

Google "Parental Alienation Syndrome." That sounds like what BM is doing to the kids. Parental Alienation Syndrome, or PAS, can be extremely hard to combat, but you need to try for the sake of these kids.

Document EVERYTHING! If BM violates the court order, then call her bluff. Document every instance of PAS, every court order violation, and save every email and text.

Frustrated_in_Missouri's picture

Well BM calls him today and says 'has your son talked about people making fun of him in school?' He's 7 and what most of us would describe as a sissy. Smart kid, nice kid but he wants to play with dolls and thinks 'the jonas brothers are cute.'

He lets her know that they have discussed it and he thinks the kids need counseling. She replies 'I have been taking him to counseling. I didn't think I needed to tell you because I didn't bill you for half of the co-pay.' He went off on her 'It's not about the money! It's about me being his father.' Then he proceeded to tell her that he thinks her coddling has something to do with it. She hung up on him.

Wonder.Woman's picture

my husband and I have been married just over a year. I have a SD6 and SS7....we are basically twins! LOL I wish I had more time to write....just wanted to say hey!
