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Why does BM think she can do whatever she wants

Frustrated woman's picture

ok I am rather new here and havent posted very much in the past, but I have had all I can take with the BM in my life. My SS14 BM thinks she can come and get her child whenever she wants too no matter what we might have going on in our house. My BF has joint custody with BM, but SS14 lives with us. Anyways she is constantly blowing off her scheduled weekends to get her son. And then we are just suppose to drop all our plans when she does want to get him. my BF feels like that is her son and she should be able to see him when she would like, well that is true to an extent but when it messes up anything we may have planned in our household it just causes drama. My BF has gotten better at standing up to his Ex-wife, but he still has a long way to go for improvement. When she calls our house for SS she is always so snotty if myself, BF or my daughter answers the phone. We always give SS the message to call his BM. and if he doesnt call her back she is calling our house again and yelling saying we arent giving him the messages. If BF and I leave the house for any reason and BM happens to call while we are gone, she then texts BF asking where he is and shouldnt he be home taking care of HIS son. It just makes me sick to my stomach when she behaves this way, its like I feel like a prisoner in my own home and we cant leave without her breathing down our neck. I mean come on my SS is 14 years old, and my daughter is 17. I think they can take care of themselves for an hour or lol I also have a SS20 and the BM has already made him hate me. If we do tell her no she cant have SS this weekend she startes screaming and yelling saying thats MY son I can see him whenever I want. or she trys the we have joint custody line. Well in my state Joint custody doesnt mean jack shit. My BF is the custodial parent she is the non custodial parent. It just means he has to include her in major decision making for SS14. No matter how many times my BF tells her that dont matter and that we have set visitation schedules of every other weekend and for her to refer to parenting time guidelines. She just says whatever and hangs up and then when it is her scheduled weekend she will blow him off, and then want him when it is our scheduled weekend. and once again we have to remind her of those rules. Its like damn do you not get what the rules are here. My daughter also sees her dad every other weekend and he sticks to the schedule with NO problems. We do like to have the kids on the same weekends to visit there other parent so that me & BF can get a child break too. I just hate the BM in my life so much, why does she have to act like this. I am a BM too with my daughter and her dad has a girlfriend, and I can tell you that I am normal and am nice to my ex-husband current girlfriend. I think she is nice and I know my daughter is well taken care of when she visits there and thats all that should matter. I am a good step mom to SS14, I love him as though he was my own. I know that BM hates that and that she is very very jealous of me and the fact that I get to see HER son all the time. I just wish this would get easier, but from what I can tell it wont. I just have to try and get through the next 4 years until SS14 is 18.


soverysad's picture

Welcome to the club. the bottom line is that your BF must make her abide by the schedule unless you and he decide it is okay to make changes with BM's agreement. No changes to the custody order should be one-sided. Our BM (wingnut) tries this as well. She wants us to babysit at her convenience and give her the kid whenever she wants to see her. We just tell her no, we have plans. She kicks and screams, but we stick to our guns. We aren't babysitters, we're parents and we have lives that do NOT need to be scheduled around some other adult's life. If Wingnut had her way, she'd have every Saturday from 8am until 3pm on Sunday, which is fine if we don't have plans (we have her all week anyway), but that leaves us with no way to make weekend plans with or without SD because we're expected to have her until Sat and back on Sunday. It only gets easier if you and BF decide what is acceptable and what isn't together and than present that boundary without exception. Wingnut is still a pain in our asses, but we control the situation whether she likes it or not and that has made it easier to handle.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

soverysad's picture

DH never agrees to any change in the schedule without asking me.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!