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4 More Months!

Frankman925's picture

My bratty SD12 has been with us full-time since August because her BM "just can't handle her" right now. January was my light at the end of the tunnel. The schedule was suppose to go back to normal...SD was suppose to go back to her BM's. Now, I find out that BM's therapist has concluded that she shouldn't have SD overnight until April! I have to have her 4 more months! I'm dealing with my own post-partum depression issues and having a 12 year old who thinks she is 22 is making it worse. She tries to play mommy to my 2 year old son and is nothing more than a lazy lying piece of crap. My H doesn't see it that way...he feels she is doing what every sister does...HALF Sister I might add. I feel like slapping her in the face when she is around...humming her stupid little songs and talking about other kids at school like she is so much better than them. She had the nerve to call a school mate a loser because the poor girl was trying out for basketball and doesn't know she "sucks" at basketball. It's 7th grade! I hope other kids talk about my SD like that and I hope she finds out someday. How am I going to deal with this for 4 more months? And, where the heck does a therapist get off dictating my life? Maybe I should go to a therapist and have him tell me that SD can't be around. I love my H and two small children (2 and 6 weeks), but the SD is always in the way and this weekend has been so hard with this new information. My H likes having the daughter around, but I'm miserable. Has anyone else ever just wanted to tell them where to stick it? I feel like making her life miserable to try to force her out.


melis070179's picture

Breathe....calm down...try to disengage if its all you can do to handle it. I doubt its that girls choice to live there, maybe she'd rather be with her mom too. Its probably hard on her too. I would definitely seek some type of therapy or medication if you feel like you have post partum depression, if you aren't already. I'm sorry this is so hard for you! Hopefully they will stick with April & you will get a break.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

SM#1's picture

My SD9 trys to play mommy too. She tells my BS2 to call me by my first name! She treats him well for about an hour or so that starts pinching a hitting him. SD is already blaming him for things that are impossible. Just like her lies make no sense, neither do things of this sort. Saying things like "SD2 was playing in my bag and stole a book I had in there". Her bag was hanging on the hook above SD2 head and we had only been home about 5 min!

When kids do stuff like this it drives us crazy. Try and think of the bright side--at least you don't have to pay any CS.