Fading's Blog
Thank God ST is Back
I was beginning to go through withdrawls I think. I've had some MAJOR issues and of course, no one to talk to! We got our puppy about 2 weeks ago and he's terrific, such a good little boy. But SD on the other hand is still an unholy terror! She's been abusing the pup every chance she gets. She steals all his toys and hides them, chokes him, throws him and I am pretty sure she hurt his leg the other day because he won't walk on it at all today. (I am taking him to the vet today) I'm thinking this happened when I caught her HANGING him UPSIDE DOWN by his rear legs...
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How Do I Explain This To DH?
DH and I always text over my lunch hour. Well today he text me and said "After I take SD home, we have 2 hours of OMG time." (OMG time is sexy time). I text him back just 'Oh' and he said 'Just oh?' I text him back and said something I probably shouldn't have, "Sorry, it's just children don't turn me on." Yea apparently that didn't come out right or go over well. I just don't like hearing about/seeing SD and then have DH turn around and talk about how he is randy. I just cannot be all hot and bothered after being around her. I can't. I just can't.
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SIL calls me up and says "Guess what?" and I said "What?" She SCREAMS into the phone "I'M PREGNANT!!!" (Keep in mind this is the obsessive, controlling SIL with the destructive children). My first inkling was to say "You have two kids you can't handle and now you are adding a third to the mix....Great." But I didn't...All I said was "Congratulations!!! I'm getting a puppy." Silence....I thought the call dropped and she goes "But shouldn't you have a baby before you get a puppy?" Say what? I don't WANT a baby at this point, and I WANT a puppy so I don't care which comes first.
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MY Puppy, Mine Mine MINE!
I know the title sounds selfish but I kind of want to be. I am getting a puppy on Saturday (a male fawn pug) and he's already been raised with the name I wanted for him (Brooks). My issue is, ever since SD found out I was getting a puppy she keeps saying it is HER PUPPY. This puppy in no way is to be SD's. I, Fading, am going to be its sole caregiver and master. I am afraid that once Brooks gets here she is going to pull, hit, and chase him around and he is still young. She does this to my sisters dog on holidays and usually gets nipped at even though we have told her to stop.
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So I am super sick. Snotty nose, sore throat, no voice, all over aches and pains, plus bloody nose and dry heaving. So this morning I called my boss and told her that I was really not doing well. Well, ha, so much for that. She said "Oh you sound awful" then proceeded to tell me that I HAD to come in because one other person was gone (someone whose been gone all week) and that we would be 'short' if I didn't. So here I am at work miserable and hardly being productive and there are more than enough people here for coverage if I wasn't.
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*UPDATE* On SD & Bullying
BM called me last night and said that she and her mum are going to go speak to all the children's parents. I asked her if it was ok for me to show SD the bullying movies I ordered and the activity sheets, BM said she would be grateful for that and wanted to know where she could order a set for herself. BM started to cry when I asked her if SD was ok, she was very upset because she had gone through this kind of thing when she was in middle/high school and really didn't want SD to go through it. I told BM that I would be here if she or SD needs me.
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SD Called ME For Help
I got a call from SD this afternoon, and she was frantic and extremely upset. I tried to calm her down so I could understand her. It took me about 10 minutes to get her down off her 'cliff'. What I finally got out of her astonished me.
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Why Do People BUTT IN?!
This weekend DH went to pick up his bike that he lent to his nephew for a month or so, it was gone. We then found out it should be at SIL's house with his other nephew. Nope not there either. So SIL went to the house that his nephew had been renting at a few months ago and the owner said the garage was broke into and the bike was stolen...UGH. So nephew is buying DH a new bike. Well during this conversation, SIL brought up that she had some of SD's toys, baby book, etc. that BM had left when they moved out of SIL's rental house. She said that she also had some pictures for SD of BM and DH.
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I'm pissed. Yes there is a reason. No I don't want to publicly out it on here for reasons. But I am pissed. Maybe over something miniscule but it torks me. Just thought I'd share.
(I also wanted to type and pound the keys as hard as possible to make myself feel better, sooooo mission accomplished)
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OT Kinda but Funny In An Embarrassing Sorta Way
Ok so I took SD with me to Walmart last night (had her for just 2 hours so her mum could do some late Easter shopping) and we are walking down the ice cream aisle when lo-and-behold, there is a vertically challenged person (little person) walking towards us. I look over at SD and she smiles and her eyes light up and she YELLS "LOOK FADING! A GNOME! CAN I MAKE A WISH!?"
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