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Fading's picture

So I am super sick. Snotty nose, sore throat, no voice, all over aches and pains, plus bloody nose and dry heaving. So this morning I called my boss and told her that I was really not doing well. Well, ha, so much for that. She said "Oh you sound awful" then proceeded to tell me that I HAD to come in because one other person was gone (someone whose been gone all week) and that we would be 'short' if I didn't. So here I am at work miserable and hardly being productive and there are more than enough people here for coverage if I wasn't. I've had two customers thus far and BOTH said I need to go home because its "wrong to spread my sickness". I feel like vomiting and passing out but here I am sitting at my desk doing squat because I feel like sh!t.

Ugh sorry just really needed to vent that out.


stepmom008's picture

"puke on the persons desk who told you to come in"

That's EXACTLY what I was going to say!!!

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

NachoMama's picture

UGH...that stinks! I hope you feel better soon! Being sick on the weekends is NO FUN!!!

****I can do bad all by myself****

Rainbow.Bright's picture

it's completely wrong for an employer to force you to come in when you are sick. That's just irresponsible behavior on your manager's part.

I hope you feel better, I'm sorry that you are so sick. Ugh.

Fading's picture

GRR! I just asked if it was ok to skip my lunch and leave at 4 so I could go to the doctor (the bloody noses won't stop) and she said that "Tami" is leaving at 4 (for a grill party) so probably not unless it's really slow. So apparently a freakin GRILL PARTY is more important than a doctor's appointment. WTF ever. I'm just going to cancel the appointment and stay here. I see where her favoritism lies.

*: (=’:’ ):*

Rainbow.Bright's picture

Honestly, there have got to be some laws about this. You are effing SICK for gods sake. What if you were to pass out, or god forbid collapse and have to go to the hospital? I think you should do it just for the law suit money.

Gia's picture

How, that's abuse.

Where do you work (or doing what) if you don't mind the question.



"I will die on my feet before I live on my knees"

JMC's picture

Fading, I don't know what kind of business you work for or if you have actual contact with customers/clients but your boss is putting not just you at risk by making you work in your condition but also your co-workers & anyone else you come into contact with. I'd make sure HR was aware of the situation.

Gia's picture

Girl, I have not seen you in forever. You may not remember me, but hope your health is much better.



"I will die on my feet before I live on my knees"

JMC's picture

Hey Gia, yes ma'm I certainly remember you - wondering where you've been hiding out - glad to see you! I'm hanging in there - still dealing with some health issues but not as bad. If the saying only the good die young is true, I'm gonna live forever, lol!

Fading's picture

Thats what I am thinking Alexandra. JMC I do work with the general public (customer service representative) so I am coming into contact with tons of people a day. But my boss just left work because....drumroll please....HER HUSBAND'S SICK!!!! WTF. Yea so I am now royally torked off.

*: (=’:’ ):*

Gia's picture

That is fucked up!



"I will die on my feet before I live on my knees"