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Fading's Blog

And it begins....

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I decided to play Mrs. GoodWife and picked up SD like I was asked. Although now I wish I didn't. The kid does not shut up. Constantly talking about "my mommy this" and "my mommy that". Ugh...Anywho, I get her back to the new house and she immediately begins doing laps through the house, I told her to not run in the house and she continued to do it, so she got sent to her room and had to sit on her bed. No tv, no toys. Then after supper she started in with the "I only like my mommy and daddy together".

I Am Guna Need Horse Tranq to Get Thru Tonight...

Fading's picture

Blog Hog Day! Yippie!
DH calls and says "Fading can you pick up SD on your way home from work? She is spending the night." Ummm. WHAT? This wasn't mentioned to me before. Her room isn't even unpacked or ANYTHING. So I guess my night will be full of SD whining because "her toys are in boxes and Fading isn't unpacking fast enough". And of course the in&out crap. Plus it's a new place and SD ALWAYS has a hissy fit at night and ends up bawling and screaming because the water heater noises bug her... Thanks for the surprise DH, thanks a fricken ton. Ass.

She Damaged My Calm!

Fading's picture

So after a few weeks of peace and quiet and not seeing SD, I saw her yesterday. I was at home packing up whatever I could get my hands on when DH walked through the door with her, so my first words to SD "Hi! Let's go pack up your room!" she was excited until she discover how much 'work' it actually entitled. She sat and watched me do half the packing and I finally said "SD you need to help me pack your room, these are your things and if you want them at the new house, I need your help." What does the little stinker say? "I don't want to help.

Holy Pepto & Oh Mylanta

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Apparently I missed something somewhere in the last 24 hours...Lots of negativity filled blogs! I know I know I'll be the first one to be negative lately but! ever since we found out about the house things have been terrific between DH and I! I have completely 'disengaged' (ignored) BM for the last few days and I feel a lot better about myself since seperating from her bad vibes and highschool behavior. I haven't seen SD for about 2 weeks now, which has also made me feel better and given me time to think of how I want to approach some of her behavior.

OT: Anyone Familiar with Mono?

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So I have been feeling really nauseated and sleepy the last five days and in the past 2 days I've gotten really horrid diarreah (overshare I know). I took a pregnancy test to be sure it was that (although I knew it wasn't better safe than sorry) and of course negative. So I was talking to my mom and she seemed to think it's mono but I went through the symptom checker on and I don't have a sore throat but I am coughing more than usual. I am also have some abdominal pain upper and lower. Anyone familiar with mono?

Someone was listening!!!

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So the other day I was really down. But someone must've been listening because yesterday we got a call from the gentleman helping us with the last house we looked at (a double wide on a triple lot, we were denied the loan, it's only 36000.00, but we are paying 4000.00 down) and he had told the sellers our situation and he said they told him they could sympathize because they went through the exact same thing so.....THEY OFFERED CONTRACT BUYING!!!! So as long as the monthly payments they want are reasonable and feasable we can still get the house! I just want to HUG AND KISS THESE PEOPLE!

I Can't Take Anymore....

Fading's picture

DH and I have been trying to get a house for well over 5 months now. The first house: denied for mortgage loan. Second house: flooded the day after we looked at it. And the third house that we just got an answer on yesterday: denied the loan. Why? Because my credit score is 655 and my debt to income ratio is apparently not good enough. DH can't go on it because he and BM claimed bankruptcy less then 5 years ago. We have 4 weeks to get out of our apartment and find a new place. If that wasn't enough, I got another 80 lb bag of shit dropped on me.


Fading's picture

DH has been walking around here today like someone just shot his dog. I ask him what's wrong, his reply is always nothing. Hello, I'm not STUPID I can tell when somethings wrong but god forbid you talk to me about it. If I could smack some sense into him I would, but that'd be spousal abuse...Just needed to say something about it before I ripped him a new one.
