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It never freaking ends does it?

evilstepmotherJ's picture

Found out today, that SD removed my access to her college 1098T form, which would grant us an educational credit for our income taxes for this year. She cannot claim it as she is our dependent yet she doesn't want us to have it so the government will get to keep up to $2000.00 in tax money because she'd rather us not have the money. Oh boy is this going to give me leverage with hubby to start charging her rent. I guess SK's turning 18 doesn't change anything.


just.his.wife's picture

I would advise her that her rent is $2k a year. She can either put you back on the form or hand you 2k cash by Jan 1, 2014.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

Well that's where it gets confusing but lets just say we do claim her as a dependent and from what i've read (letter into my accountant now) and the only people who can get this credit are independent students.. She is not eligible for this credit since we claim her.

bearcub25's picture

No, I was able to claim my DDs credits when she was still a dependant.

You have to be able to back up that any payments to the school came out of your banking acct or credit card.

Hell anyone can put it on their taxes if they have the info off of the 1098T. They don't require proof when you file, only if your audited.

How does she disallow access to it? It is either sent to the home address or is it online and you don't have the password?

evilstepmotherJ's picture

It's online through the college and she has disallowed me access but you can bet I'll be watching the mail in January for it.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

I do however, have copies of her tuition bills, copies of the cancelled checks to her for tuition and books (they are safely stored in my work office). I also have some copies of receipts for books. Here's hoping this is enough.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

thank you but she has locked us out of the portal as of today and the bursar's office will not release to us because she is almost 19. She is a shithead, and just to continue with being the evil stepmother I sent her two job links for full time employment today, how much you want to bet she ignores them.

Justme54's picture

I tell DH, if she does not correct things ASAP...she is icked kout on the street ASAP. If you tell her to pay it back, she will say she will but it will never happen.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

He hasn't replied to my emails but in his defense he is at work. She has since told me via email that she wants to talk to us both this Thursday. she has officially withdrawn from college and has decided she is just too stressed to go to trade school yet but might down the road. Oh hell, it truly never ends.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

She dropped too late so no refund of college tuition. I will be going into battle (again) on Thursday night. That is when she said she wants to talk to us. $300 a month rent or I make hubby pay 2/3's of all bills. Hate what this is going to do to my marriage. If we had not just purchased a home, and were still renting I would just walk out, I've hit my limit of patience. I may put on my sympathy face and tell her that she needs some mental health care as she has stated "she is burdened with the stress of this all". She does work part time, and has stated that she doesn't need to work full time because she has enough money - insane.

DaizyDuke's picture

Wait, she did this and she lives with you rent free? what a witch! That equals what roughly $170 per month. I'd start charging her at least that to make up for your lost credit and see how she likes that.