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EG94's Blog

Yet another kid weekend ended in tears - mine!

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I find this a good place to rant and not feel so alone. Two SS 12 & 9. It was our weekend. There's issues every weekend so not sure why I'm surprised this one was any different. Continued topics to work on are teaching the 9 year old to use a knife and fork. Unbelievable right?! other topic teaching them to tidy up after themselves. So Friday fine we do the knife and fork lessons and have the evening off they go to bed. Saturday, busy day we have some fencing to put in.

New to this and wanting to bolt

EG94's picture

Well I am glad I found this site! For months I've been feeling alone and heartless because of the way the step kids make me feel. Generally nice kids but have been spoilt and I can't bare the entitled attitude they hold. 

oldest 12, youngest 8. The 8 year old I really dislike with a passion. 12 year old I can bare. 8 year old causes the most issues as my partner babies Jim so does his mother! They have no rules and boundaries and think that applies to my house - NO!