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Eagle Eye's Blog

Am I being petty? I am annoyed either way!!

Eagle Eye's picture

So SS13 has an Iphone and an Ipod touch. BM gave him the Ipod and then DH gave him his old Iphone. Each of these came with their own charger that can be used on either one.

I go to plug in my Iphone at night only to discover my charger is missing. I ask DH and he says oh I think SS has it. WTF? I go get it. This continues to happen on and off over the week until it is finally gone every night!

BM up to something!!

Eagle Eye's picture

SS13 has been living with us full time for over a year and a half now. It was only supposed to be one year while she moved away w/her DH. During that year she stopped working and had a baby all the while trying to parent from afar! She of course thinks what she wants is the only thing that matters!!

Don't slam the door!!!!

Eagle Eye's picture

Every morning when I drop SS13 at school, I have to remind him not to slam the door when he gets out. If I don't say anything he will slam it. This morning I said please don't slam the door when you get it out. He said I won't and then proceeded to slam the car door harder than shit!!

I went ape shit!! I rolled down the window and yelled at him in front of the all the kids! Of course he said he didn't slam it! frustrating!! The kid drives me nuts!

DH wants me to "try" harder with SS13................

Eagle Eye's picture

I told my DH the other night about my relationship with SS13. I told him the only relationship we have is SS being sassy or totally ignoring me. He said he had noticed that we hadn't been talking and it does bother him. Sad He wants me to try harder to start conversations with SS, to ask questions about his life so to speak.

How does your family treat your SKIDS....

Eagle Eye's picture

My BD and SS are both 13 so they are treated fairly equal in our home. My mother on the other hand spoils my BD to no end. She is always taking her shopping or taking her out to eat. She wants to pick her up after school just to take her for a treat and prefers that SS doesn't come. They attend the same school. have got to be kidding!!

Eagle Eye's picture

So I have complained about SS13 not doing his homework and lying about lots of things. I know we need to get him whipped into shape and we are trying. BM gets him every other weekend as she lives out of state. She made the decision to leave and had actually never even met me. Who does that?? Anyway, she is very controlling and wants my DH to do everything she says when it comes to their son. He does for the most part give into her because he says it is easier than dealing with her mental games.
