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Eagle Eye's Blog

Another day, another issue with SS13

Eagle Eye's picture

We went to dinner for my son's college graduation this past Friday! SS13 refused the invitation to join us for dinner. I didn't feel like making him go!

We got home around 9pm and SS13 said he had eaten already. There was no mess in the kitchen so dead give away to me. He told me he went to Mc D's with a friend who bought him food. I mentioned to DH and he thought it was unusual right away and got up and looked in his drawer where he keeps cash. Sure enough $50 was gone. He asked his son how he paid for it and this time the kid said he used his debit card.

Just a rambling vent........Does it ever change??

Eagle Eye's picture

The past couple of weeks have been really rough on me!! My mother lives alone in a 2 story house. She broke her ankle and just had surgery this past Friday. I stayed with her all weekend leaving DH and kids at home.

I've been driving back & forth to her house after work then back home to make dinner etc DH knows I've been stressed! I guess knowing and trying to help out are two different things.

**Update** to SS being grounded

Eagle Eye's picture

I was just looking at facebook (the tell all) and found that SS13 was posting on his girlfriends page last night!! Not only was he posting but he told her that he would be calling her later! :?

I guess this shows that I'm not truly disengaged because I sent DH a text letting him know what I had found. I clearly thought he'd be in trouble! I couldn't figure out how he was facebooking or calling!!

I should have known!! DH text me back and told me he gave SS his phone back for a "few minutes" :jawdrop:

How many times does DH have to hear the same thing before changes come??

Eagle Eye's picture

Another phone call today from the school regarding SS13. He is in trouble again for talking and being disruptive during class. He is in 8th grade about to go into high school! This behavior is ridiculous!

Just last week we got a call from a different teacher! Sad

Great start to Monday has changed!!!

Eagle Eye's picture

BM announced a couple of weeks ago that she would be in town for 2 straight weeks and would like SS13 to stay with her on DH work days. Yippee!!

She only lasted a week!! I was planning on SS going with her today because DH works so I asked DH last night to have SS take out trash since he wouldn't be with us tomorrow and he says oh SS says his mom left already. WTF?? I told DH to find out if that were true! So he text BM and sure enough! Sad

Aaaahhh The Double Standard!!!!

Eagle Eye's picture

No secret in our household, BD13 is a straight A student and SS13 barely gets by with D's. I have blogged about this before but just had to get this new situation out there!!

Last night SS Science teacher calls to let DH know that she gave SS a referral due to his non stop talking, he was asked 3 times to stop and continued! She also let him know that he currently has a 57% in her class!!

**Update** to "AM I BEING PETTY?"

Eagle Eye's picture

I went home at lunch yesterday and grabbed my charger. I decided I wouldn't give him the opportunity to get me all worked up!! When I got home I discovered our laptop was not in our bedroom. I sent DH a text asking if he gave SS13 permission to use it and he said no. I told him I'd let him handle it! (he took it on Saturday also)
