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Hee hee! Ho ho! Let's change the CO!

Drac0's picture

So SS sends DW a text.

"Why isn't Drac0 picking me up?"

DW texts back.

"It's summer. We are now on summer schedule"

"Awwwww" was all SS replied.

DW showed me the text and says "See? SS hates being at his Dad's. He wants to come home."

I hand the phone back and say "More likely he is confused and got his days mixed up again."

DW starts talking about getting a lawyer because - surely - SS is old enough now to decide that he wants to live with us full time. Surely that is what he wants (because that is what DW wants).

I ignore DW. Every single summer/holiday we go through this. DW wants to talk about bringing SS home and having the CO re-written in her favor.

I know that one of my roles as a husband is to be supportive, but I just can't in this regard. At first I was all for it, because Donkeykong is an ass and I am positive that half the problems we have with SS would go away if SS is with us full time. But I know that is just not going to happen. Besides, I don't love the kid. Donkeykong - in his own convoluted way - does.

"Honey, we have gone over this over and over again. You keep insisting that SS is mature enough to stand before a judge and weigh in on the CO. I am telling you that SS is not. He's a teen but still has the mental maturity of a child. SS is just not ready yet. Let. It. Go!"

Except she won’t, and now DW is arguing with me over how I am way too hard on SS and that she believes he is mature and my view of him is invalid.

I just about had enough, and I did something to DW that I never thought I would do to any woman.

I pulled the "bathroom trick".


step off already's picture

I just blogged something somewhat similar regarding SS14. I'm going to insist dh follow the co and have ss do his summer schedule with his mom. Dh thinks he's bored and he should be able to play more with his friend that's moving away.

I have to remind dh that bm is crazy and we WILL follow the order until dh is willing to take bm back to court to amend the schedule and reduce her visitation.

Drac0's picture

I'll read your blog in a bit.

This sh*t (talking about revisiting the CO) started the moment the original CO was drafted. Someone planted this seed in DW's ear that the CO can be re-written once SS reaches the age of maturity.

neither DW nor SS seem to get it. I can just see it now.

Judge: "So SS. Can you explain to me why you want to stay at your Mom's and Drac0's for the summer instead of spending time with your Dad?"

SS: *shrug*

Judge: "You don't have a reason, or you just don't want to tell me? It's okay. Take your time."

SS: "I dunno."

Judge: "So why are you here?"

SS: "'Cuz I wanna be with my Mom."

Judge: "Okay...Why?"

SS: *mumbles*

Judge: "I beg your pardon? Can you speak up please?"

SS: "I'm bored at my Dad's."

Judge: "Surely a boy your age can do something to occupy himself?"

SS: *shrugs*

step off already's picture

Lol. Exactly.

My dh has no desire to ever go back to court. But our bm is crazy and she fights just to fight. Dh was actually requesting bm have eowe with ss whike bm was requesting g every other Saturday night.

I will continue to ensure the court order is followed. I don't think my dh would actually initiate anything court related so at least I have that.

Would your wife go do it on her own ?

Tuff Noogies's picture

u made me choke on crackers!

"mental capacity of a wall." LMFAO!!!!

Drac0's picture

You know what Vick. I have been going back to re-read some of my blog posts from a year ago. I don't find my tone has gotten worse. I think what has changed is that I am less "fearful".

Even if SS really, really, REALLY wanted to change the CO and had a very good reason too, I would have a nice LOOOOOONG talk with him and he would have to do a TON of convincing to me to convince me that spending less time with his father is good for him. Right now, SS gets these in these "moods" that change as quickly as the passing winds. I have told DW this but she doesn't believe me. She believes SS is ready. So I told her "Fine, do what you want, but I won't support it."

Drac0's picture

Oh it certainly is frustrating...Which is why I have to force myself to take a step back. No child under my roof fails. That is what it was like for my father growing up. That's what it was like for me and my brother growing up.

But these entitled CODs - STalk was right when the vast majority came on my blogs and said that I cannot push SS any harder than my DW and Donkeykong are willing.

And STalk is right.

So my approach has changed but my attitude has not. DW was freaking out over the cost of the bills but wouldn't dare ask for my help because we both know my help comes with "conditions". And my conditions are rather severe - as in "SS becomes a cloistered monk"-severe. DW will not venture there.

I did take the pressure off of DW in handling some of the bills that she normally takes care of, but still, I have taken the same attitude as Sorvino in Goodfellas. After he gives Ray Liotta that wad of cash he says "Now I gotta turn my back".

Shaman29's picture

I can see her point Ladyface.

Even if she's not discussing it with her son, her entertaining the thought or even saying things like "Let me talk to Draco about it." is implying it's okay to blow off his father.

PAS doesn't have to be about talking down the other parent. It can be passive aggressive behavior as well.

Drac0's picture

Goodtimes, you are seeing the problem in an entirely different light. PAS entails a direct attempt to sabotage the relationship a child has with the other parent.

The REAL problem is that DW is so emotionally enmeshed with her son that she cannot see the global perspective and hones in on the negative emotions that her son is having and feels morally obligated to "save him". SS is a teen but still behaves and acts like a child.

So SS says he is "bored" at Donkeykong's. DW views this as Donkeykong's fault and wants to save him.

But then let's say Donkeykong comes home and takes the kid out somewhere (it does happen). Suddenly SS is NOT bored and says he has a great time at his Dad's.

Do you see what I mean?

SS flip/flops like a switch.

Aeron's picture

Do you really think this kid's issues really stem mostly from Donkeykong and not from DW treating him like he's going to break at any second he's unhappy? Or is it that if he were there full time you think DW's guilt parenting might stop? Maybe I just haven't read enough about what problem DK is sparking in SS but the lack of responsibility and maturity at least has sounded to me like its more from DW treating SS like he's 4 rather than 14. Does DK do this too?

Unfreakingreal's picture

I too feel that whether or not DonkeyKong is an ass or not, his time with his son should not be decreased. Your DW needs to take some medication, she sounds like a real pain in the ass.

Shaman29's picture

Draco....sometimes being a supportive spouse means giving them a kick in the ass when they need it.

Tell your DW for me, no judge is going to consider changing the CO, unless there is a change of circumstances. His age is not a change of circumstance. The judge is not going to give two f**ks that your SS is bored at Donkeykong's house. The judge also doesn't give two f**ks how old he is either.

I believe the only two things that will sway the judge's decision is:

If Donkeykong moves several hours away.
Abuse in Donkeykong's house.

You're right. She needs to give it up because every time she entertains this thought, she is continuing to hold him back from growing up and maturing.

Drac0's picture

>You're right. She needs to give it up because every time she entertains this thought, she is continuing to hold him back from growing up and maturing.<

And SS still needs the opportunity to at least "try" and develop a relationship with his father. His father is an ass, but it is entirely up to SS and his father now to take these long stints in the summer to try and bond.

What's sad (at least for me at any rate) is that Donkeykong and his wife have an entirely new family now and SS still feels like he doesn't fit in there. At first I thought, "Well then why bother going there at all? At our place, he feels he is home. Just let him stay here full time and visit his Dad when he wants to." But I quickly realized that is the wrong approach. So when SS laments over having to stay at his Dad, DW should be encouraging him to make the most of his time at his Dad's, instead of entertaining these ridiculous fantasies of "let's rewrite the CO!"

Shaman29's picture

I completely agree with you. It's up to your SS and Donkeykong to establish their relationship.

I think it's important for SS to learn to deal with his dad on any kind of level. Even if they end up not having a good relationship, it shouldn't be from the lack of trying.

Willow2010's picture

and I am positive that half the problems we have with SS would go away if SS is with us full time

Wait..what...? Just from Reading your blogs I would say that 95 percent of SS's problems are because of your wife. And I thought your opinion of SS's dad is that he is just kind of a lazy parent who only has kid on weekends. Can he really be the one screwing the kid up like this?!

Maybe it is better to restrict his time with DW just a little...? She seems to be the problem.

Drac0's picture

IMO yes, it would.

For the following reasons:

A) No more having to deal with a sleep deprived kid whose father lets him go on all-night benders on the weekend.
Dirol Better monitoring of school studies during the weekend. As of now, I am convinced SS does absolutely none at his father's
C) A LOT less fighting between DW and Donkeykong. Although she tries to hide her distaste for Donkeykong, SS is an emotional sponge and picks up on it and it does affect him.
D) No more confusion over the rules/structure imposed in the two homes. SS still cannot remember what rules are in place at which home.

However, in no way shape or form does my opinion trump Donkeykong's rights and I feel it is better to respect Donkeykong's rights than try to figure out a way to undercut them. That is why I prefer not discussing the issue with DW because she simply can't see that.

Drac0's picture

I had this discussion once (last year around this time in fact) about the prospect of SS flunking out of school and just sitting around the house at 18. I told DW that should that happen, he is gone. He gets a job and I will pay for 1 month's rent and moving cost, but he is GONE! I will not, in any way shape or form support a grown man who is still "on the titty".

That being said, I may have to repeat this conversation but I am going to wait until summer school is over.

Unfreakingreal's picture

#1 - If he is sleep deprived on the weekends, it should be rarely easy to fall right back into a sleeping pattern when he gets home, assuming there are bedtime regulations at your house.
#2 - If he doesn't do HW at Dad's then he gets to stay up ALL night doing it when he gets home. That would be DW's duty if she wants to make sure he does his work. Do that a few times and he will eventually learn to do his damn HW on his own when he's at his dads house.
#3 - DW shouldn't even be talking to DK, so no idea what she could possibly be fighting about. My DH barely speaks 3 words to our Monkey Bitch.
#4 - The rules and structure being forgotten is a crock of SHIT. Kids are VERY aware of what is and what is not allowed in whose house. SD13 transitions immediately as soon as she walks in the door of our home on weekends. She is actually a chameleon of sorts. The girl she is at OUR house is NOT the same girl she is at BMs house.

Your SS is playing everyone.

Drac0's picture

>#1 - If he is sleep deprived on the weekends, it should be rarely easy to fall right back into a sleeping pattern when he gets home, assuming there are bedtime regulations at your house.<

Not for SS. It takes him about two days to get back into his regular routine (eat, sleep, etc.)

>#2 - If he doesn't do HW at Dad's then he gets to stay up ALL night doing it when he gets home. That would be DW's duty if she wants to make sure he does his work. Do that a few times and he will eventually learn to do his damn HW on his own when he's at his dads house.<

This is an issue that I still have to bring DW to wake up and see. At grade 8, students should be studying on average about 1.5 hours a day. I kept a log of what SS was doing and he averages about 20 minutes a day.

>#3 - DW shouldn't even be talking to DK, so no idea what she could possibly be fighting about. My DH barely speaks 3 words to our Monkey Bitch.<

Oh you have no idea do you?

Here, let me give you a list of the fights that occured in the past ONE MONTH alone:
* Donkeykong's Unpaid share of school fees
* Birthdays
* tutoring
* pick-up and drop-off times
* A cheque Donkeykong wrote to DW that bounced
* A dinner party Donkeykong took SS too that went well past midnight (on a school night)
* Taking SS to see the July 4th fireworks

If I was to write down all the disagreements that DW had with Donkeykong since the CO was first drafted, I would probably exceed my alloted bandwidth.

>#4 - The rules and structure being forgotten is a crock of SHIT. Kids are VERY aware of what is and what is not allowed in whose house. SD13 transitions immediately as soon as she walks in the door of our home on weekends. She is actually a chameleon of sorts. The girl she is at OUR house is NOT the same girl she is at BMs house. <

On this, I would agree. Oh but you see, it is not "fair" that SS is shuttled between two homes and therefore it is not "fair" that he be expected to remember the rules in one house as opposed to the other....

But yes, I am sure SS is playing both sides against the middle...

Drac0's picture

"Bathroom Trick"

The act of seeeking refuge in the bathroom using the ruse of "Nature's Call". This tactic is usually employed by teenagers in order to get out of doing chores, homework or some other shunned activity. The best part about this stealth maneuver is that there is no evidence of foul play. The parent cannot chastise/discipline the teen for trying to get out of "X" since going to the bathroom is a very normal and common occurance. Hence why it is a "trick".

The "Bathroom Trick" is not limited to simply teens. It is sometimes used by adults who find themselves in unsavory situations like; blind dates, quarterly office meetings, get-togethers with your in-laws, etc. In my case, I used the bathroom trick to get out of talking to my wife about something I really had no wish to discuss. And my wife will not talk to me through a closed bathroom door.

Drac0's picture

When it comes to SS, I feel like Denzel's Washington's character in "2 Guns"

"I really meant to love you."

Drac0's picture

Please bear in mind that DW and I get along smashingly well. The only times we have real grudge matches are over SS, and those big blow-ups are very few. Like maybe once or twice a year. I wouldn't be with DW now if we had not learned how to communicate with one another. That is our strength. We are both very loving to each other and to our family.

I know my blogs may not paint my DW in the best of light, but she has come a long way from the woman I first met who was letting SS waste whole meals and then give him not one but TWO bowls of ice-cream for dessert. I started on her for allowing that, and I have been chipping away at her ever since. Slowly but surely, DW has come around and will even admit today that what she did back then was wrong and it was bad parenting on her part.

We still have a long way to go. Neither DW nor myself are perfect but we owe it to ourselves (and to each other) to be the best parents we can be.

I know that doesn't really answer your question. Mainly because I don't see my wife becoming my ex. I know it is difficult for many people here who are on the opposite side of the fence. To many of you, my wife must surely seem like another loopy BM. Well she is "loopy" in the sense that she is emotionally enmeshed with SS and even after the therapist told her that straight to her face, she still doesn't see it. Maybe in time she will, but for now, she doesn't and gets stricken with a 1000 pangs of guilt whenever SS gets upset and sheds his weekly bucket of tears over something.

thinkthrice's picture

The fact of the matter is that DW is just as bad a parent being a guilty mom as Donkeykong is. It took me quite a while to come to the realization that in many of these cases, most especially in mine, neither BM nor biodad should reproduce, let alone have custody.

Drac0's picture

DW is vowing to "step up to the plate" (so to speak) over SS and summer school. She says she plans to sit down with him every night to review his work and stay on top of him.

I have said nothing. I told DW and SS once AND ONLY ONCE, that I will not nag, push, or chase SS to stay on top of his studies. Because if I have to do that even ONCE, that means SS is going to fail and repeat grade 8. In other words, I have put the whole onus on them.

Sure, I will make myself available if SS needs my help. That I have no problem with. But if I come home from work to find SS "studying" in front of the TV again while DW is out back smoking and checking her friend's FB statuses on her cell, it will not bode well.

Accordn2L's picture

Drac0 we have talked about this before, until your DW gets SS off the titty he will never mature and grow into a normal kid. He will be that kid that is living in your basement at 40 playing x-box and texts DW to make him a sandwich!

Unfreakingreal's picture

Draco - I hear you loud and clear. I think that as partners we do the best we can with the hand that life has dealt us. Parenting is no walk in the park, so Step parenting is just as hard, if not harder. We mean well, we try to guide these kids because after all, they are an extension of our loved ones and we can't love one without the other. What we can do however, is point out when they are getting off track and then step back and let them figure it out on their own. That has been the approach I have taken with my Skids. I love them, at the end of the day, they aren't half as bad as some of the Skids I've read about on here. They do dumb shit, sometimes REALLY dumb shit but they are just kids, trying to find their way like everyone else. I point out my observations to DH and then I let him handle things like he sees fit. Most of the time, he handles things very differently from how I would, but I shrug my shoulders and leave it alone. I love my DH, I know that kids marry, they leave and they create their own lives and their own families. With that in mind, I try to keep my marriage intact because when they're gone, I want to still LIKE my husband. Good luck with SS and don't completely give up on him. He sounds like he's a typical teenager, playing both sides, trying to get what he wants all the time with minimal effort. MOST teen boys are like that.