Final Exams? What Final Exams?
SS's finals are this week.
I am the only one in the house that was aware of this.
Dw knew that he had finals "some time" this month but she wasn't sure exactly when. She was expecting SS to be on top of this.
SS? Completely and utterly clueless.
Me: "SS, what exam do you have tomorrow?"
SS: "I dunno"
Me: "You don't know? Okay, so obviously since you don't know what exam you have tomorrow, you are obviously not preparing for it. Since you are not preparing for it, how do you expect to pass?"
SS: *shrug*
I had this conversation right in front of DW and DW's stress-meter went TILT. It was amusing to watch her chase SS around the house the whole day to make sure his nose was in his books. At one point, SS tried to pull "the bathroom trick". DW threaten to barge in the bathroom, wipe his ass and haul him by his ears back to his books.
This kid is just unbelievable. I didn’t have to say much to SS after that.
- Drac0's blog
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At one point, SS tried to
At one point, SS tried to pull "the bathroom trick". DW threaten to barge in the bathroom, wipe his ass and haul him by his ears back to his books.
I am sorry but this actually made me LOL!!
It's amazing how the tables
It's amazing how the tables have turned. Once upon a time, SS was riding DW skirt trails and I couldn't get a sentence in without SS interupting me. Now days? SS does his best to hide from us.
Best way to flush him out of hiding is to is to kill the WiFi router.
SS: "Moooooooom!? The internet is not working!"
Me: "Ah! There you are! The lawn needs mowing."
OMG, I just had a flashback
OMG, I just had a flashback to SS16, then 13.
DH: SS, have you studied for your math final?
SS: Huuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh??????
DH: It's finals week. Your mom did take you for your science final yesterday, right?
SS: Huuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh??????
No clue. No freaking clue.
"She was expecting SS to be
"She was expecting SS to be on top of this." *sigh*
good for her tho' for riding his ass about it once your comment made her realize she was wrong!
This year, the exams are
This year, the exams are early (which is why DW probably didn't look into it sooner).
I think STalk would have been proud of DW. After the incident with the knife, DW knows that she cannot trust SS as much as she has.
I could care less about my
I could care less about my SS's finals. It's all on him. When SS's come for their weekly visits, BM will tell DH if they have to study for a big test or do a big project. DH tells them to study but he never checks to see that they are. He does help with projects but it's usually at the last
Minute and they are up half the night with DH doing most of the work. I help YSS with his English homework because DH sucks at it and his BM talks as if she is illiterate. I finally got to the point I stopped harping at my own BS about studying. He is 17 yr old and he chooses his path. I fought with him for years and got only bitching and arguing. If he fails, he will
Have to get a job and support himself as I will no longer be anyone's verbal punching bag when they want to fight about things they should do. Luckily BS has stepped up and has been getting good grades. Sometimes I believe you have to let them make it or fail on their own.
Good for you SM12. To date I
Good for you SM12.
To date I shut up two people (family members) who accused me of "stressing" too much on the importance of education; specifically FIL and my SIL. "Oh education is not everything! As long as he's happy, bla, bla, bla..."
I turn around on them and say "Oh yeah!??!? Tell you what....When SS flunks out of HS, I'll have him come live with you. That way you can teach him how to live a successful life with no education...."
They quickly STFU.
I'm lucky. My Dad, pushed and pushed and pushed....He did so because he decided to take the hard route. Worked 2 jobs (sometimes 3 with night shifts) to make ends meet. He didn't want that life for me and my brother. I have my engineering degree and my brother has his MBA. We are both thankful for our parents for pushing us!
Dd11 knew she had exams, and
Dd11 knew she had exams, and she was on top of it. She studied and made all high b's on all of her exams.
If the kids want to pass they will be on top of their crap. I've never had to help dds study or remind them to study. It's not an unreasonable expectation, if your kids aren't lazy or unmotivated.
Yes, I am smelling summer
Yes, I am smelling summer school too.
Hopefully DW will wisen up and make him pay for it this time. Summer school is not free.
>By the time he was too
>By the time he was too injured to be redeployed they were permanently stuck on stupid as DH likes to say...<
This could very well be SS' internal soundtrack
"I am stuck on stupid,
'cuz stupid is stuck on me!"
Summer school and NO NUTELLA!
Summer school and NO NUTELLA!
lol!!! nutella side note
lol!!! nutella side note -
i'm a food network freak. i could watch that shit all day and am very much familiar with many of the chefs due to my fanaticism.
i about shit a purple twinkie on saturday morning, as i watched Geoffrey Freaking Zakarian make a NUTELLA SANDWICH on "The Kitchen".
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
an Iron Chef... *mindblown*
i about shit a purple
i about shit a purple twinkie
OMG, Tuff, I just snorted water out of my nose!!!
Side note: I LOVED watching the original Iron Chef!
teehee yeah that's one of the
teehee yeah that's one of the colorful expressions i've picked up from dh~