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just need to "say"this out loud

dodgegal05's picture

I know I shouldn't care, but Fdh just told me one of skids friends texted him asking if we were doing alright. He said yes and why she asked. She said, bc u are awesome.and deserve someone as awesome. She said she has heard about me, but when asked "all good?" (more of a joke) she says, "oh, lots of things." I know I should not care but now it seems skids are using friends to try to make problems.
After last weeks bipolar interactions with a skid Fdh still hasn't called them to schedule anything. And.I'm not reminding him. its not my fault he doesn't want a relationship with them. He just won't try and neither do skids. I'm sure ill be blamed that he never called, but Atleast I can expect that.
Just had to say this in some form. Can't say anything to Fdh Ofcourse. Ugh.


dodgegal05's picture

The skids are all over 18, the friend associated with the 20 yr old. He did stop talking after that. The "all good" comment came b4 that. I am just annoyed, and Ofcourse Fdh doesn't see the issue since he knows the friend.

red flags's picture

I would just follow your gut instinct and ignore it. No sense in letting the little brat make an issue where none exists. That would only provoke further texts/intrusions because she got the desired response-upsetting you. Perhaps your DH doesn't see the issue because he knows your relationship is solid and is brushing it off as stupid kid shit. I'd let it slide this time, but if the friend does it again, your DH needs to pipe up and tell her that texting her friend's dad about his romantic life is inappropriate.

dodgegal05's picture

Thanks, I did let it slide for the most part. I guess I just didn't like how now I have more people to a step ahead of. I will let it go now, just needed to have somebody hear me. Thanks again.