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Maybe there is more to it...? Thoughts??

dguiwh2334's picture

So I saw another poster(can't remember who) just posted about "what do your skids call you"? Which is an amazing post!! And I was gonna comment but mine will be long.. And I'd like some thoughts on this Smile
So the skids call me by my first name, which is all good by me! Well as of late sd4 and sd6 keep asking me and BF why they can't call me "mom". Which I say, "I'm not your mom, I'm your friend and someone who loves you and cares for you." And BF always agrees, so that's good.. Well last wknd we had the skids. We were outside doing water balloons with skids and their neighborhood friends, it was like a daycare in my front yard lol.. Anyways, I was setting all the balloons in a bucket (BF is on the porch) and SD9 walks up to hand me a balloon to tie and says, "here mom, I mean here -my name-" and he laughed and ran to grab more balloons... I just looked at BF and he kinda laughed..
It was an odd moment.. And please please please don't judge me for what I'm about to say or think I'm crazy.. But it was actually a special altho odd moment.. It brought on a lot of feelings.. I don't have kids of my own, and I'm not able too. And even tho it was an accident on his part, hearing him call me "mom" with a big smile oh his face.. God I wish I could feel that, and for the moms, I'm sure it u think I'm silly cause u hear it everyday.. But it was so wierd.. Anyways, the sds always try to call me mom.. And me and BF are not married, but the skids always ask if I'm their stepmom.. I would never have the kids call me mom, but I just want them to always know I love them, and would do anything for them...


stepkate's picture

I would feel sooooo weird if a skid started calling me mom. I don't have any biokids, so I've never been called that by anyone at all.

dguiwh2334's picture

I don't want them to call me mom! Please don't think that... They always call me by my first name, and I always encourage that!!! I always say I'm not their mom.. I just was trying to say that hearing a child call me "mom" brought on a lot of emotions.. That's one of my biggest let downs..that I cannot have a child of my own, and when I see my friends with their kids, or even when BFs kids run to him and yell "daddy" in the cutest voice.. Simply, it just sucks that I will never get to be "a mom" that's all Smile

herewegoagain's picture

That's great...I always made sure my husband's daughter called me by my first name out of respect for her mom...I met her at 4yrs of age and on a few ocassions she asked DH what she should call me...DH didn't mind if she called me mom, but at the same time wanted to respect crazy witch...I know that BM made her call her husband dad as skid told me a few times...this might have contributed to why she asked us a few times...Funny, crazy witch wanted skid to call her husband dad, but I am 100% sure she would have lost it if skid called me mom...

Nowadays who knows what she calls me! hehe

Sia's picture

I suppose it depends on how we define "mom". I have many "moms" in my life, and call them all that. My BM didn't really do such a swell job in raising me, in fact, it was hellish at times, so I learned to find other "moms".
I really never wanted the skids to call me mom, and they never did. They did have a mother, but I was really their only "mom". But, it would've likely made me uncomfortable.

Colorado Girl's picture

I felt all warm and fuzzy when my oldest SD introduced me as "my stepmom" rather than "my dad's wife".

You have a desire to have children and hear the sweet sound of being called, "mama".

Nothing wrong with that.

As a BM, I wouldn't want anyone else to bear that name for my kiddos. I'm their mama. (I know that's not your intent!!) I'd me totally okay with them calling her MamaD or Maams (what I called my BFF's mom when I was young) or some other sort of "mom" like title.

dguiwh2334's picture

Thanks spunki... The thing with ss9 is that at this point, he and I are finally getting close! He is the oldest of the skids, and the othet two are girls and younger, the first time we met they loved me.. They are always all over me Smile kisses and hugs and do this and do that, and constant "I love yous" from them both.. And I love it Smile ss9 was a bit harder, he is such a great kid and I kinda let him come to me, and he did!! And me and BF can see he feels so much more comfortable around me.. In other blogs I have said that ss9 doesn't want to go to his moms house anymore, he never wants to be there!! He loves being with me and BF.. Do u think that the fact he loves being at our home and he is now closer to me, that's why he accidently called me mom? And he wasn't like "oh sorry" or anything he just had a big smile on his face and ran to grab another balloon..?

dguiwh2334's picture

Thanks CG! For understanding my post lol... Since my hysterectomy, it often pains me to see "moms" and knowing I will never have that actual role. I have many women in my life I call "mom" that are not my mother either. I never called my step mom "mom" ever. I would not have my skids call me "mom" because believe it or not lol, I know that would hurt BM, and she is cookoo enough already Smile I am not their mom, but I do act as one when they are in my care.. And I hope in the future when me and BF marry, th skids will introduce me as their stepmom...

dguiwh2334's picture

Spunki, THANKS!! Maybe it was an accident, who knows.. But I'm seeing the whole thing over and over in my head, and he looked so happy! And that whole day, anytime he had a question or wanted permission to do something, he asked ME, not even his dad lol.. So I think he sees that when he is there, I love and care for him, and unlike BM, I don't sit on my ass and drink all day and night with my friends... I play with all the kids! I think that's what they love about me, and I know that's what BF loves Smile I'm happy today LOL

iwishyouwould's picture

hey.. there is always adoption. My littlest cousin was adopted - her mother was a 15 year old drug addict gave her baby allergies to EVERYTHING and asma (spelling?), a premature birth and severe excema but 17 years later, my cousin is the most beautiful young lady, who now has no health problems, just graduated top of her class and has brought my aunt (who had 5 late term miscarriages, and one full term pregnancy which ended with the baby being still born) and uncle endless joy.

dguiwh2334's picture

Iwishyouwould, you just made me cry.. Not in a bad way lol, but I want to adopt sooo badly.. As I've said BF is ten years older then me.. He has three kids already. He has said before that he would adopt a child with me cause he knows how badly I want to be a mom, he also said one day we wouldn't adopt a kid when he is 40, which is 6 years from now.. Yea, things change but I'm worried he may never want to adopt due to the fact he wouldn't want another kids... I want my own child more then anything and would LOVE to give a child a home! And btw, its sooo expensive Sad