My bf wants to break up because of his poor parenting skills
My ss9 just got suspended from the bus for 3 days because he cant seem to keep his hands to himself and wants to bad mouth the bus driver. Comes home get's punished I go through his school agenda and come to find out that on monday he stole something from another kid in school. So i got pissed cause bf never told me a thing about what was going on I though he was punished on monday for stealing money from my son's wallet. I told bf that is not fare that he keeps me from what's going on with ss because it concerns this entire house hold but he never listens to me. Instead this morning he decides to praise him and take him out his punishment and take him outside for a walk and never said a word to me as he was walking out the door i didn't even know where they where going. so because I text him and get on his case about his poor parenting skills and i tell him that i'm sick of being the wicked stepmom he texts me back that all he did was take him for a walk and that I was over reacting. I dont think i'm over reacting or am I? That's not the point that he took him for a walk the point is that if everytime this child gets in trouble he chooses to praise him one way or another because he feels guilty about the kids mom leaving him. So I got dressed and told my son to get ready and when they got back we left. I went to my niece's house and we all went to the movies with her kids. when I got back he was furious and started yelling at me claiming that I'm not suppost to walk out the door without telling him. He start accusing me because he happened to take my laptop when I left and a friend request popped in the screen from a share bear account that I opened to download music. I never thought people would be able to get my info and start sending me friend requests without even knowing who I am for crying out load there's not even a pic of me in my profile and I clearly remember putting an x on only share info with friends that I know. He thinks that i'm cheating or that I'm looking for men on line because of this stupid friend request that popped up on my screen..and I know he wasn't just using my laptop he took it to spy and look for shit on it to see if he could catch me doing something on line. I dont know why he doesn't trust me well he has a trust issue coming back from his wife of 10yrs cheating on him, but why do I have to pay for her broken dishes. I tried to explain to him that I dont be answering those friend requests and that I only opened the account to download music but he doesn't believe me. shit he even has an account with share bear himself but he claims that he has never gotten any friend requests because he hasn't ask for any. How do I get him to believe me. I dont even work cause he is not comfortable with me being out his site....I dont know what else to do. so everytime I tried to explain he laughed in my face and said yeah right and i'm bubu the fool. He also said that he thinks that his son's misbehavior has to do with what's going on in the house, mind you this child has been acting the same way ever since his mama left and I wasn't even in the pic till a year ago all of the sudden is my fault that the kid doesnt behave. since we were just friends I remember him coming into my grocery store and telling me that his son was suspended from school and he would repeat again, as he did it constantly. So his big words to me where I think we should break up because we are not agreeing on parenting...he's even sleeping in the living room....which aint knew to me he spends atleast 20 out of 24 hrs of the day on his computer in the living room when he's not working but i'm suppost to be the one cheating. I practicly live in my room doing nothing all day when the kids r in school I only drop my kids off at school and pick them up and once a month if that when things get too hectic and I want to vent I leave with my kids and either we go to the movies or to my niece's house and all he can do is acuse me of cheating....if that's what he wants to do is break up because he can't discipline his son then fine I guess it is more then what I bargained for I dont need the stress in my life my kids are all grown and they dont give me problems. I told him I would look for a place to go and I would leave with my kids cause I cant afford to keep this apartment, after all he's the one that pays the bills and he threw that right in face as soon as he had the chance to..I just hope he makes the right decision cause once I walk out that door I aint coming back..
- desperately seeking for answers's blog
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I am so sorry you are going
I am so sorry you are going through this. He is throwing a double standard in your face with--you have to tell me where you are going but he didn't tell you where he was going. I hate it when men say to stay home for the kids then throw it in your face when they get mad. It is so frustrating....I have dealt with it myself in the past.
It is important to agree on parenting when in a relationship but the truth of the matter is with blending families they rarely agree about the kids. If he were to move on, that is his choice but he should be aware that no woman will agree with this type of parenting.
My DH is great about keeping our BSs and SD punishments the same but every once and awhile he will take her out somewhere during it. I certainly point it out after she has gone to bed but it is never an arguement--just a "I think you are confusing her blah blah blah". He says ok and thats it. Your BF is reacting this way becuz he realizes that he is wrong and now is searching for a way that you are wrong--even if it is as low as saying you are cheating becuz of a silly friend request. BTW---everything I have is sent to private to but I get friend request from people I don't know. Big deal, we can't control that. I just deny.
How old is SS? Will he be moving out soon or is he still pretty young? However, this type of parenting usually continues even through their adulthood. Keep that in mind while you sort out what you want to do...
DesSee, BF isn't good for
DesSee, BF isn't good for you. He's a control freak with major trust issues. Not to mention one who can't take the responsibility--instead he passes blame onto you. His issues are too serious to have a functioning relationship IMHO. I'm sorry but this will likely never get better. Perhaps if you leave it will but not if you stay and be continually treated as a post.
That bearshare shit he's pulling could be him finding an excuse to break it off with you but given the past, as you explained it, doesn't seem likely. He's messed up and doesn't think he needs fixing.
Do you really want to be with your BF? Other than the fact that you love the chump what other reason? And loving someone who treats you like dirt isn't a valid reason.
I figure you can't leave for financial reasons so I would go find work first. It will get you out of the house, get your own sense of self back, and ultimately your freedom. Who cares if he thinks you're cheating. Let him.
I just read your other post.
I just read your other post. This guy isn't done with his marriage. The sooner you move out the better. Sorry
And SS should be sent to the therapist for evaluation. His behavior isn't normal.
I know I have told him to
I know I have told him to take ss to counseling but he refuses to. yes he still married but we dont live in the same state but everytime I bring it up he claims that is not his fault that she dont want to sign the papers and that he doesn't want to open a can of warms concerning a custody battle about the son. and i mean the son that she gave him yeah she gave him to him like you give a toy away. and has never ever asked again about this child and has his cell phone number and address where we live at. she has totally neglected this child but he is afraid in parenthesis (afraid) that she will fight a custody battle in court and that he would have to fly back home with the kid till it gets resolved. I dont understand, I would say bring it on he's got all the proof that she doesnt want this child she even signed a letter in front of a judge that she wanted my bf to be with the son. I totally will keep to myself from today on I will let him make the decisions that need to be made regarding his son and our relationship right now i'm to the point where all i want is my money so i can get the hell out and get my kids out of this unhealthy environment my kids are grown and they dont need to be here
"he claims that is not his
"he claims that is not his fault that she dont want to sign the papers and that he doesn't want to open a can of warms concerning a custody battle about the son"...
Once again...putting blame on someone else. And he would be notified of a status hearing if she didn't sign the papers. You can't make a person stay married to you. If he signed then its over. If the both don't sign then that's another problem.
What about his other son that his x-wife kept? Doesn't he want to see him at all? Are you sure the oldest one (the ss9) is her kid even?
Smells like bullshit. No wonder BF has trust issues. He's a liar himself!
Are you getting CS for the 3 kids you have? At least you'd have something. And if you're a state away that's a substantial amount of support since dad can't see them on a regular basis. I'm sure you'd be able to find a small place with the CS and a going back to work.
your right he does have
your right he does have major trust issues cause it only seems to happen when he doesn't have me in sight. But at the same time when I am in sight which is 23 1/2 hrs out of 24 he's too busy in the living room playing with his computer and smoking and driking coffee which I dont do. He claims he's responding to jobs on line since he owns a painting company. but dont tell me it takes you all day to respond to jobs, i mean if there are so many jobs out there then what the hell are u still doing here crawling up my ass about everything. and your right I cant leave for financial reasons because I had my own business back home and I sold it to come here with him, I had the money from my business put away somewhere so I can start my business here but guess what I just found out two wks ago, that he invested my money with out telling me or asking me, in other words he stoled it from me. now I see where he's son gets it from. So now i'm stuck here waiting for him to get my money back from the investment so I can get the hell out of here cause that's exactly wht i'm gonna do if he dont change. He's got the nerve to say to me that all I can do is ask for my money after he's been taking care of me and my kids for 5 months, I was the one that lend him the money to get his business going here, and I was the one supporting this family till his business came up now all the sudden since he's on his feet and my money is gone now he wants me to leave.
hell no i'm not going no where till he gives me my money..I could go live with my niece but that would mean i would never see my money. so he's gonna have to deal with me and support me and my kids till i see that money in my hands.
He's a looser period. I'm
He's a looser period. I'm sorry. I know I'm being harsh...but BF reminds me so much of this guy that a dear friend of mine is with. He freeloads, hasn't had a steady job in god knows how long. And if he does he quits claiming unfair treatment. Oh, but he's always looking for work( yeah right). He's sucked off her savings including giving his brother 16,000 dollars to pay a gambling debt. Never paid it back. Constantly hurting her feelings then writing love letters to make it up only to hurt her again. And he wanted her to stop being a masseuse because of his trust issues--doesn't want her touching other men(she's a massage therapist!)but she quit for him because its LOVE. My friend has been selling off her furniture, cars, everything to make ends meet. She's 90 days past due on her house now. And is he working, providing? Hell no! He gets mad at her when she comments on what she can feed their child because there's no food! Yeah, she's been with him for 7 years has a 4 year old by him. She's been abused by one of his sons to the point where he can't live there. This man is 46 years old. He's never going to change...neither is yours.
Get out please!
thank you for always
thank you for always commenting when I need it. his ss is only 9 so I think this is still gonna go on for a while. I try to tell him he's wrong but instead of talking it out he decides to through something else at me. The kid already knows his father's soft side so he always tends to way till I turn the corner or step out d house to ask for something he shouldn't have and his father gives in 90% of the time. Then when I get back for example he will let him stay past his bed time or watch tv when he's punished but wont tell me about it so when I go to the room and c the tv on or c that he's still up past his bed time I turn the tv off or send him to bed and he starts yelling at me screaming,with a tamtrum yelling that his dad said he could so that pisses me off cause that makes me look like the wicked sm but my bf doesnt see it that way i always tell him to let me know what's going on so I wont look so stupid in front of his son but he does not. That's what has me so upset ready to through the towel cause no matter how much I try he's always saying i'm wrong. plus he is so computer iliterate cause it was me that showed him how to get around a computer cause he never owned one in his life, that he swears that a friend request is more than what it is. When I tell him and try to explain to him he says that I think his stupid. I tell him that as long as i dont answer those friend requests that is not a big deal. his answer is how would I like it if women start sending him messages and I said as long as you dont answer i really dont care...nothing seems to be getting through his big ass head...
anyways I will keep you posted and thanks again friend
Sorry to hear about these
Sorry to hear about these problems. He definetly doesn't trust. And is Extremely insecure and sounds somewhat abusive to me.
If I were you. I would wait it out until I had enough money to move. Then I also would take him to court if he spent your money without your knowledge. Was the money in a joint account? If it was you'll never get it back.
It would be your word against his, that you gave him access to the funds...If he just took it..Take him to small claims court And get your money back.
As for living with him 5 mos. I am sure housekeeping, cooking & being a sex slave,etc is more then enough for room and board.
As for online things, I get them all the time , most I don't know and I don'tanswer. That's just a normal thing everyone gets online.
I don't talk one on one..I allow emails thats about it, these days.
I am sorry to hear what you
I am sorry to hear what you are going through. I hate to break this to you but I doubt you will ever see your money again. You need to get out of that house. He has all the classic signs of an abuser. He's trying to isolate you and I think he's succeeded for the most part. You need to find somewhere safe to go and you need to file a charges on him for stealing your money.