desperately seeking for answers's Blog
My bf wants to break up because of his poor parenting skills
My ss9 just got suspended from the bus for 3 days because he cant seem to keep his hands to himself and wants to bad mouth the bus driver. Comes home get's punished I go through his school agenda and come to find out that on monday he stole something from another kid in school. So i got pissed cause bf never told me a thing about what was going on I though he was punished on monday for stealing money from my son's wallet. I told bf that is not fare that he keeps me from what's going on with ss because it concerns this entire house hold but he never listens to me.
More than what I bargained for
I'm so happy to know I'm not going crazy, that alot of other people are going through the same drama that I go through. I met my boyfriend a year ago. He was married and seperated for a year before I met him, his wife cheated on him and told him to leave her house and to take their oldest son (8)yr old with him and she kept the smallest son. I had just gotten divorced for about as long. Since we had so much ex drama coming from his ex and mine, we decided to move to another state together. And that's when hell broke loose.
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