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My step daughter needs my help

daisygal77's picture

My stepdaughter has been a part of a cadet program here in Canada and is very committed to it! Today while selling poppies one of the cadet support parents came to me and told me that she has heard that a few of the other cadet parents in the sponsoring committee is gossiping about my stepdaughter! Both my kid and this parent asked me to step in and deal with this situation by joining the committee and possibly confronting these parents. I of course am willing to do anything for any of my children and am now apart of the committee, however, I sure could use some advice or tips on how to handle these parent bullies tactfully so that the problem doesn't escalate for my kid!!!


Jsmom's picture

I would pull them aside seperately and confront them. Chances are they will fall apart and know that you are not messing around.