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Now Preg - I am Resenting Stepdaughter! LONG blog PLZ read I really need help / support...

PregStepmommy's picture

OK so I feel horrible admitting this, but I am almost 6 mo pregnant, and have found myself increasingly becoming more and more resentful and angry towards my 8 y.o. stepdaughter! I consistently lash out at her and verbally discipline her in ways that are borderline abusive considering that she is a VERY sensitive child. I yell at her and get angry when she disagrees with me or questions me or what I have said. She has been in my life since she was 2 and up until a few months ago I had a super close relationship with her. I have been pushing her away so much lately and I hate myself for doing it.

The flip side of this is that the ex is HORRIBLE and has (in my mind) caused so much stress and burden on our lives since the day we became a serious couple. She takes him to court repeatedly, lies about her financial situation to get more child support out of him, lies to her daughter and family, calls husband and berates him anytime something isn't going her way and sometimes just because she feels like it.

My hubby and I both lost our good jobs 2 1/2 years ago along with our house, cars, savings, our storage unit with every piece of personal past and personal belongings we had, (along with my sanity I think). Hubby has severe back injury that has caused him to be partially disabled, but he still can't get his disability payments because he worked under the table in construction for years so there is not enough for him to draw on. Anyway we are in a terrible financial situation, and he was unemployed for almost 2 years, myself for about a year, and all the while she kept petitioning the court for him being in contempt. (They rejected multiple modification requests because she lied over and over about her financial situation) and now he pays $50 less & no more health insurance for stepdaughter than he did when he made almost 50K per year! This leaves his monthly support for her at $727 per month! Even while we were both unemployed for soooo long, still racking up 700 per mo. She has tried to have him put in jail 4x. Luckily he could prove that he was diligently looking for work!

Uggh it is such a long sad story that I am sure many of you can relate to. (Esp if any of you live in FL! The state REALLY doesn't care about the non-custodial parents here).

Back to my emotional with all of this going on for so long, and now getting pregnant, has left me treating my stepdaughter very badly. Even now as I feel this little life kick inside me while I write this and we are both so very happy about the baby, I am so scared for the baby. I am scared that his ex will make my baby's life more difficult and keep her from having opportunities she might have otherwise had if his ex/step were not in the picture. We can't leave state where he has had 2 job offers, he can't do it emotionally, he can't leave his little girl. We tried once before and came back. When we were gone the one time, we only were able to speak with his daughter 6 times in 4 months because his ex never answered the phone! Nor did she allow her to get on the computer we got for her so we could chat and do web phone calls with us.

So we're stuck here. And I am watching our lives go down the drain and I am since I have no control over what happens with his ex / daughter, I feel so much anger and sadness. And its starting to surface by me being mean and resentful of this beautiful smart innocent little girl who loves us unconditionally and with all her heart....

So lost....


oilandwater's picture

You were doing so good there for a little while (being gentle with your comments) She's pregnant (too late to place blame) She came here to state the she feels bad about how she is treating her SD. She obviously wants to change that. She is asking for coping mechanisms, I believe). How is any comment you made constructive? She is under enough stress without you adding to it with your harsh comments.

oilandwater's picture

Can't you just try to be kinder with your reponses? I know you can, I have seen it over the past couple of days. Do you even realize the stress you add to these SMs with your comments? Unnecessary, to say the least.

PregStepmommy's picture

Right, its not like I need to be coddled or anything, but damn its like you were trying to get me to get angry. I mean my whole post was about me getting angry and then you go and say shit like we're not taking responsibility and how dare we not pay CS IN FULL. I mean c'mon, these are the stress factors that are killing me here! It really did stress me out and damn my baby inside me certainly doesn't need any more than the stress I am putting myself under...

PregStepmommy's picture

Thanks - sometimes its just good to hear that people feel for you or understand. I think you're right, I think this economy has put a lot of people in very very bad situations.

Other than wealthy people, I think every single person in this country, (and many more all over the world) has been affected by this economic crisis. It is a sad sad state and I do hope it turns around. I am glad to see that jobs are opening up a BIT more. Not to say as many jobs have been created as have been lost, no not even close, but still its good that more people are working now than oh say a year ago....puts hope in my heart.

Funny my hubby and I are now BOTH finally working full time. I haven't been able to say this in almost 3 years. Wow that's a long time....

oilandwater's picture

I am looking at this more from the position of a SD (because I was one from the age of 2) I am also a SM (SD21,SS18,SD15 and BD12,BS10. You are under a lot of stress, not to mention the pregnancy hormones. You are also trying to deal with the guilt of treating your SD poorly. I know it's not easy but next time you get upset with your SD please try to remember that your SD didn't choose to be in this situation (believe me, I know you are not the reason she is in it either). It is not easy, but young children of blended families take it all in and it shapes their development. If you need a break let your husband know or walk away (important for you, your SD, and your STB daughter)Don't get me wrong I'm on your side as a SM. Let the guilt go. Start over and relax!!!

PregStepmommy's picture

1. DH (I assume that is husband) worked illegally starting when he was 11 years old for his father who didn't WANT to pay his taxes and FORCED him to work for him. By the time he was 18, he was running crews for his dad and making good money and yes he should have gotten out of it at that point which is why he put himself through college as an audio engineer. Every penny he scraped together to better his life. He did get out of it eventually and ended up getting great jobs where he did work legally but there is still not enough for him to draw and actually LIVE on because he is only 32. Oh and disability comes from the money YOU pay in taxes. OH and 68% of the taxes are paid by the top 10% of income earners in this country (i.e. FILTHY rich), another 19% by the next tax bracket (i.e. over 250K) meanwhile the median income earners & below (i.e. middle class and below) pay only 3% of the taxes. Our piddly taxes don't even cover the PAPER costs, so get off your high horse about how people are sucking off your proverbial financial tit.

2. No he's not able to support his daughter FULLY. Even while we were BOTH unemployed he STILL managed to send her something. We had NOTHING and sold every little bit of anything we had so he could pay something on his child support. Meanwhile she lives at home with her parents (By her own admission BY CHOICE because she wants them as baby sitters so she can "go out and de-stress". And then we get to see her new car and hear from SD that mommy is getting a new big screen tv this weekend! And mommy took her on vacation (count em) 6 times this summer AND has annual passes to aquatica. They eat out at Carraba's, longhorn steakhouse, olive garden, etc at least 3 times per week. Then she has the audacity to call and lie and say she can't afford the $50 for daycare and we need to pay it on top of the 60% of his income that is automatically deducted from his minimum wage paycheck every week? Yeah you see how fair it is when it happens to you.

3. The pregnancy was an accident. I was using BC so fuck off. Should I have gotten an abortion? Maybe. But I didn't. I decided not to kill my baby because of money so excuse the FUCK out of me.

Of course we take some responsibility for our actions, but before you judge, I'd love to see how long you would have lasted in our situation! Everybody can SAY all day long that they would have dealt with it and you know what? We do. But I push down these emotions and force them down and bury my feelings because I have NOOOOO control over any of this and I am SCARED for my baby, and shit starts to come out in negative ways.

You know what? Why did I even post this shit? I should have know people would just judge me. I know I am not alone in the way I feel. But I should have known all the judgemental jerks would come out and spit in my face when I tried to do the right thing and get some HELP for how I am feeling. (Other than saying "Stop it its not her fault" DONT YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?????? Of course I fucking know that!!!!! And I feel SICK know I feel this way. And I hate it and I want to change it. But I don't know how. OK? So until you can offer some real advice and help STFU.

oilandwater's picture

You don't have to defend your blog. This is a site to vent. Take the advise that you can use and ignore the rest. Don't waste time responding to negative comments. Although there may be a lot to be learned by them, in many different ways.

PregStepmommy's picture

Well aren't you just SO lucky that your husband was in good enough health to be able to KEEP HIS JOB IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO PAY HIS SUPPORT. Where exactly are we supposed to get the money like you magically did when you were homeless? Our families are poor. We have no credit cards. Every bit of savings we had drained away as the months of unemployment wore on.

FL was one of the hardest hit areas in this economic BS concerning real estate which is the industry we were both working in - for the same company. We both lost our jobs on the same day with NO WARNING and NO SEVERANCE. He was a project manager and guess what big shock no one was hiring project managers after that. Or audio engineers. So yes we were able to pay in full for a while. But the money ran out. And like I said in my first post, we sold every little bit we had on hand to pay for her CS and oh god forbid gas, food, and weekly rent at a motel (gasp how dare we SURVIVE??)

Yes I admit I judge her. Its hard to watch her be "just fine" yes in my humble opinion, while we struggle to feed ourselves. Do I want to take it out on my SD?? OF COURSE NOT. Thats where the whole I hate myself for feeling this way thing comes in. I'm sooo glad you are just sooo in control of your emotions that nothing ever causes you to lash out at people you love. I never said I was abusing her. I have NEVER touched her to discipline her, because she is a good girl. I NEVER will. But do I get more angry than I should? YES and THAT is my point. EXCUSE the fuck out of me for asking people on a stepparent site for some support. We live in a tiny 1br apt and its very close quarters. We have no money do go out and do stuff, other than take her to the playground or go walk around at the mall when its 105 heat index. The rest of the time, we get on each others nerves, cause we're up each others asses all weekend long. It gets difficult and my hormones get me going more than ever.

I said before, we take responsibility when its due. But I DO put some of the blame on his ex who has SAID to us that she doesn't want him to be around her and doesn't think he deserves her. She has SAID that. And then goes and does EVERYTHING in her power to try and send him to jail and drain him of every dollar and penny he DOESN'T have. We struggle and struggle and struggle and we deal and deal and deal with it. And sometimes I freak out. I don't have anyone else other than my husband to help me with this, and he quite honestly is pretty broken and feeling like a miserable excuse for a father and husband when in my mind he has broken his back, body, mind, and spirit to support, help, love, and GIVE GIVE GIVE to. He knows FULLY well what my issues are and we are working together to help me get through it. I just thought maybe I could get a little outside perspective (gasp how dare I???). I really truly am happy that you and your husband were able to get through your financial devastation just as I hope my husband and I will be able to.

I know in my heart that my love for my SD is true and good. And that I will indeed do what I must to overcome these irrational feelings and the hurtful manners I speak to her sometimes. I have never told her WHY I lash out at her and I have never, and would never EVER tell her how I am feeling because its not true. its just an emotion. An irrational illogical emotion. I have told her repeatedly that I AM sorry for getting mad, or yelling at her and that I am going to work harder on being a better stepmommy. She knows I am and she said she is going to try not to talk back to me and not make jokes that might hurt my feelings because those are triggers for me. We have had open and extensive conversations about it. We went through it again today, which is why I am on here in the first place today. Cause I am tired of going through this lashing out cycle then crying and telling her how sorry I am. I am just an emotional wreck and she of course does not deserve it. She deserves to be a happy little kid just worrying about school starting soon and icarly and her video games and stuff. NOT this shit.

Oh and as far as my baby being treated the way I am treating my SD? Of course I would be devastated. THE SAME WAY I AM ABOUT THE WAY I TREAT HER MYSELF. Thats my fucking point or did you not get that the first 97 times I said it?? Its not like I don't know.

Ugh I am tired of trying to fight with you about this. You won't get it anyway. I am going to go talk to some of the people who have CONSTRUCTIVE things to say to me. You ma'am can go fuck yourself. Until you walk a mile in my shoes don't pretend you have.

oilandwater's picture

You don't have to defend your blog. This is a site to vent. Take the advise that you can use and ignore the rest. Don't waste time responding to negative comments. Although there may be a lot to be learned by them, in many different ways.

PregStepmommy's picture

You're right, I am just on this get mad then feel guilty cycle lol. So yeah sometimes I can't tell if what I said was out of anger or what. I mean I know how I feel about certain things, but some things aren't healthy. Its natural to want to defend ourselves though....

PregStepmommy's picture

Thanks you guys. I know my reply to BlendedFam was out of line. And blendedfam I am sorry, but what you said really hurt, when I AM trying to get some help. I do have anger issues and I DO want to deal with them. I want to get my relationship back with my little sweetheart who used to call me mommy and doesn't anymore....

I didn't want things to be this way. I want to make things right its just so damn hard sometimes on all levels. Esp when I am 6 mo preg (my first baby) with all these insane emotions and hormones and feelings of protectiveness. And then I am basically supporting the household on my piddly income and work is really stressful. Its hard to keep it together sometimes.

I am gonna go cry stupid emotions. I am a wreck.

tugofwar's picture

Pregstepmommy, I have the same problem as you do, I do go off on my sd14 also (granted she is a smart mouth brat) but I do think a lot of times I resent her also because of her mother,bm has made life hell for me since I became serious with DH and milks DH for every penny she can, we have SD 50/50 and still he is expected to pay 70% of everything on top of child support, it is very hard for me because I have 2 children in the home that don't get spoiled rotten by another parent, bm will call SD in the middle of our week with her and tell her "I just bought you rock band" or I got u this or that and then SD wants to go to bm's house and enjoy the expensive gifts that bm bought her with OUR money. I have no advice to offer since I feel the same way but you aren't alone, you just stepped up and addressed the issue unlike many other people would. Good luck with everything and take care of yourself while preg, its not easy.

PregStepmommy's picture

I am so sorry to hear about your situation. It is SOO stressful. You just feel like, Yeah thats what I REALLY needed to hear right now!! Thanks for rubbing salt in it AND spitting in our face!

Ugh some people thrive on others misery.

Another person posted to me today about taking back control. That (basically) I am giving control up by blaming BM. Its true. I feel so helpless and I get so mad thinking that SHE has more control over ours lives than we do! But if I want to get better and take back control, I have to stop blaming her and everyone else for that matter. I think its not a matter of blaming myself or ourselves, because we both really do take personal responsibility for our faults and actions that had helped lead us here. I am sure you do too, but I think she is right (sorry I can't for the life of me remember the name of the person who posted that to me). I really think blame is irrelevant at this point. Its just so negative and produces no change, no good, nothing constructive. Only makes it worse.

I have decided to concentrate my blame, anger, and negativity to more positive things. Like focusing on our new family. Maybe refocusing on business ideas and training myself in new software, reading books, writing, self help, family, whatever! Any time I start blaming and feeling angry, I need to just STOP and realize its not healthy and its not helping. And then try to maybe do one small positive thing in place of acting out on my negative thoughts....

Maybe this can help you too? Just thought I would share....

Good luck to you too!

PregStepmommy's picture

I really appreciate the comments and the perspective. Even BlendedFam's. Its not easy to hold the mirror up but I finally admitted this to myself and its time for me to do what's right.

I don't mean to be a smart ass bitch in my replies either, but as I said before I have some anger issues that are difficult to control. I think I need to get out more. Go and spend time with some other people. Maybe some support group, maybe try and rekindle some old friendships. I think sometimes I just get stressed out working and busting my ass all week just to have our bills consistently behind, and then come home and want to relax and then my SD gets all hyper and says stupid kid shit and I just blow up when I shouldn't.

I have been writing and researching and thinking about this and talking to my husband for the last few hours and I think that it may be a matter of trying to separate myself from my anger. To see it as a separate entity who is not allowed. Just like smoking (which I quit when I got preg after being a smoker for 14 yrs) greasy unhealthy fast food, pot (again quit when I got preg), cursing around my SD, and the other "bad" things that I have been so good to eliminate from my life. If I acknowledge the anger when I feel it, and then tell husband / SD I am starting to feel angry for no reason. And then walk away. I told my husband that too, that he needs to let me walk away. And I told SD she needs to learn to just be quiet and leave me alone for a little bit when I ask her to (ALWAYS nicely) at first. Its like I sit at 0 and then idle up around 5 or 10, and then BAM shoot up to 60 and redline in no time flat. I will try talking to the county health nurse (I don't have a set OB since I am on medicaid for the preg) but I don't want them to like call DCF or something stupid when I know we can work this out as a family.

God it has been such a relief just to vent and write about this today. Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to read my posts and respond. It really means a lot to me.

Yes tomorrow is another day. Thank god! Goodnight.

Oh and sorry again BF, but damn you pushed some buttons that struck some real close nerves. Esp when those are the ones that hurt the most and I am so protective of and when I know in my heart that both my husband and I have worked soooooo hard to do the right things. I can't say we haven't thought about breaking down and go like go steal or sell drugs or something stupid to get back on top. (Not anymore, but when we were homeless we considered it....)So I do feel like we have come a long way....its just still such a long way to go and soon we'll have a baby to care for while we are trying to make it through this as well.

PregStepmommy's picture

No I said I was unemployed for a year. He was unemployed for 2 1/2 yrs. I have been a smoker on and off for years. He was quit when we met. I am the smoker, he is the social smoker. When I started working again and could afford to take a little of my bust my ass on my feet all day money and buy a COUPLE of packs a week between the 2 of us, I did. I was stressed, so kill me! As far as the pot, I haven't bought it in years. It is as prevalent here in FL as anywhere else and dirt cheap so I had friends who were always willing to give me a couple pieces here and there. My husband has only smoked pot 2x in his life, both times he was a freshman in HS. He never cared if I bought a couple packs of smokes or smoked some free pot here and there since it was me working and not him. I have spent maybe a total of $150 in the LAST YEAR on cigs so get off it.

Stop trying to reach for straws here, I am not the horrible person you seem to think I am. I know where we stand in life. We stress and think and plan and talk EVERY DAY about where we are, what we are doing and how to fix our lives. Its not like we are sitting around getting high going WOW that bitch really fucked up our life huh?

I think I need to be more clear. I blame the ex for making things worse. For kicking us when we were down. Spitting in our face when we both care for my SD so much and have sacrificed so much for her. We are a product of this shitty economy NOT bad decisions. We are both college educated in fields that are no longer in demand HERE in our area. As I said before he was offered jobs out of state but he felt he couldn't leave his little girl! Bad decision? Maybe but we thought it was more important to be in her life and be around for her rather than try to deal with an ex who would NOT help us keep a relationship for her if we left the 30 square mile area we live in now. How do I know, as I said before SHE PROVED IT. When we left once before for a few months she NEVER answered the phone or tried to keep an open communication whatsoever.

I resent that you seem to think that we have just put ourselves into this horrible situation. I know we have made some bad decisions, but I also know that if the economy never went south, we would have 10s of thousands in equity in our beautiful home, with 2 cars, 2 dogs, and a white freakin picket fence. So yeah, don't tell me this is all our fault. We NEVER were a SINGLE day behind in CS til we lost our jobs. In fact SD had EVERYTHING she could have possibly wanted including a pink princess room, decked to the ceiling with princess everything, 4 poster bed, big tv, dvd player, her own gamecube, craft table, and a WHOLE WALL of toy bins FILLED with toys. And she was only aged 3-6. I am not saying we loved her cause we bought her stuff I am saying we were fine. We paid for every doctor appointment, bought all school clothes, took her on vacation, and never gave it a 2nd thought! And at a time when we could barely afford to feed ourselves, his ex NEVER said thank you ONCE for everything we did (not that we cared), but then when it really mattered she acted like he had always been a deadbeat dad and he had never done a thing. She still acts this way. It just makes me sick when I think about it all.

Whatever I know who we are and what we have done, I don't know why I feel the need to convince you that we have done everything with SD in mind, and if bad repercussions came from them, then I would do them a thousand times again, because we only had SD's best interest at heart . We didn't do the things other people might have, we have just dealt with it. Just like i will just deal with this.

PregStepmommy's picture

You're right children DO still cost money. BUT custodial parents have access to public care, to WIC, food stamps, welfare, etc. We didn't have that. She never even got those things, which easily could have if she was as broke as she said she was. SD never went hungry and never needed for anything. Had ex NOT had a great job, a new car every 2 years, a GF (yes like lesbian GF but who cares) who according to SD gave her all kinds of stuff, lived with her parents, etc etc then we WOULD have made different choices. Like I said a couple times, we could have left state so husband could take job offers, but he felt it was more important to have relationship with his daughter. Ex made it clear she would not help us have a relationship with her when we left state for a few months for a job opp. So we came back.

As far as how we will support our own child, I am on WIC and medicaid atm, and husband is trying to go back to school if he can get scholarships. We hope to move if he can get a promotion at his job, which they promised when he got hired but we shall see. I have a decent job which I also hope to get some more money from on my 1 yr anniv which is a mo after the baby is born. We do have some ppl coming out of the woodwork who have offered to give us their old crib, stroller, toys, etc. I even had a co-worker who's mom works for an agency that helps needy moms and he already gave me a whole suitcase full of clothes, blankets, etc. I plan to breastfeed which will mean we won't have formula expense. Lots of ppl on CL have cheap stuff we can get and there are all kinds of thrift shops and church sales and stuff we can get the rest. The only really big expense that I HOPE we will have in the first few mo / year or so is daycare and diapers. I mean correct me if I'm wrong....I mean I make her food for free, got clothes and medical care for free, found a county daycare that is on a sliding pay scale, and have family, in-law, friends and co-workers who will help us with some of the other stuff we can't afford.....I mean yes I know they grow like weeds and will need lots and lots of stuff and I can't breastfeed forever, but you know sometimes you just have to plan as best as you can, do what you can, make the best out of a bad situation, let some time pass, and work on making our lives better, and hopefully within a couple of years things WILL be better for ALL of us.

Hmmm's picture

As someone who went through what you are doing in various forms, here's some stuff that I got from therapy, books, practice, and just life that really, really helped me. Might also help you.

1. Practice the idea that just because something is floating around in your head, it doesn't have to come out your mouth. Practice NOT saying stuff. Just close your mouth. Sounds simplistic but here's what happens. The anger backs up, pounds in your head--but because you are not letting it out, you realize that it is not going out anywhere, it has to be dealt with where it comes from--in your own mind. This really works. You will be amazed at the stuff you learn not to say.
2. When you start to get angry, go stand in a cold shower for a couple of minutes. It breaks the cycle in your head. You cannot be really angry and also cold and wet. Cold and wet becomes the focus. It cools you off, too.
3. Do yoga. I know at 6 months pregnant that's not physically easy, but there is an alternative nostril breathing technique a shrink taught me that is easy and really works. Hold one nostril closed with one finger and breathe in through the open one to count of 4 or 5 (try to get up to 7) Then hold closed the nostril that you just breathed in, and breathe out the other one for twice as long as you breathed in. Then breathe in, close it, and out through the other one. This is an amazing relaxation technique and also brings on more oxygen while expelling carbon dioxide, which settles your brain.
4. Try to meditate. Sit in a quiet place, the bathroom if necessary, close your eyes and focus your mind on something like a candle or a star.
5. Pray, if you believe in God. Just tell him what's going on, and ask him for help and guidance and the strength to do the right thing and not take it out on someone who is innocent.
6. Go somewhere, like Church, where you can meet other people who will get your mind off your problems and just remind you that there are still things like laughter and kindness in the world and that you can be part of them.

PregStepmommy's picture

Wow I really like #1 it rings very true. And I like the breathing techniques too really sounds like it would help focus my energy on something else. Thanks for your input.

PregStepmommy's picture

Glad to hear there are others in my situation (with BM being so self centered) No thats wrong I am NOT glad. It just plain sucks. But it helps me to realize we are not alone, there are a lot of shitty people in this world and a lot of good people in this world just struggling to avoid the shit people are trying to throw in their way....

Unfortunately I have been the breadwinner since we both lost our good jobs. I have always worked in accounting, but I was specifically working in construction accounting, so it has been a little difficult to make the transition to other industries. But I did finally manage to land an office manager / bookkeeping position. It doesn't pay that great, but it is enough to pay our bills if we stick to our budget. If either of us is going to go to school its going to be him, I actually applied for fin aid a few months back (before I found out I was preg) and was told I would have to pay in 8K per year before I would be eligible for federal assistance. I know thats not the only option out there, but it really does make more sense to have him trained in a field that is more in demand than construction or audio engineering. Like computers which he has a natural aptitude for. We are working on scholarships and loans for him, but he already had loans from the first time he went to school so they told us it would be hard to get this time around. But we have not given it up. We are hoping that if he gets a promotion at his current job and I get a raise on my 1 yr anniversary that we might just might be able to get him back into school. (and yes to anyone saying oh what about CS?? now that he is working CS is getting paid again including arrears, in fact it is automatically deducted from his check. And now he basically makes around $3 per hour after CS & taxes are deducted. He also has a 2nd job doing training / sales on a project basis and every penny he makes from that goes to CS arrears, when he does actually work. That was his "main income" for while but it was so sporadic that we basically considered him unemployed.

Wow that really hit home about taking control back. You're absolutely right. Blaming others no matter if it is or isn't their fault does NOTHING. Just makes me wallow in my misery. It actually gives BM the control doesn't it? Whether she realizes it or not. But sometimes I really feel this way though! Like she is in control of my families future, of my baby's well being. How do I reconcile that? I have to take back emotional control of my life and my family.

PregStepmommy's picture

No hubby will go to get trained in a new career IF he can get scholarships. I couldn't possibly manage going back to school now - you're right WAYY too much extra stress. We're thinking maybe spring semester or summer semester (of 2011) for him so long as things fall into place. No way we could afford it.

Sigh yes maybe a long time, but yes it can't last forever can it? I just want to learn how to cope with the stress better in the meantime...

mom2five's picture

Ok Pregstemommy...Let's get real for a minute.

You are pregnant. Doesn't really matter at this point why or how it happened. And a baby is always a blessing...always! Are you getting pre-natal care?

You are not angry at your stepdaughter. You are not angry at all. You are terrified. Anger is always fear based. And you have a lot to be afraid of right now. Look directly at what you are afraid of and acknowledge that you are scared to death.

When you interact with your stepdaughter, consciously remind yourself of that fear. She is only eight. She doesn't understand why you are angry. And she'll assume that she is a bad kid if you don't get this under control. You do not want to deal with a teenager that has been raised like that. If you can't do it right now, let her stay with mom until you can. You can use the pregnancy as a reason. Simply tell her you are exhausted and the doctor ordered you to rest for a few weeks.

Money. What are you doing right now about the child support? Do you have an attorney? Can't afford one? Call your county's legal aid office and ask for help. If they don't have a program, call the Florida (you are in Florida, right?) Bar and ask for a referral to a pro bono attorney. Attorneys are required to peform a specific number of pro bono hours.

Job? Sweetie, if your husband is well enough to get you pregnant, he is well enough to work. Tell him to get his ass out the door and find a job. He can flip burgers at McDonald's. At least it would be income.

Do not panic. Panicking makes bad situations worse. Your situation is temporary. It will get better. But you and your DH are going to have to work hard to make it better. The only way you can do that is by writing down your plan of action and doing things one at a time to move you and your family forward.

PregStepmommy's picture

First I have to say, he IS working finally. I swear for a long time I thought he just wasn't trying hard enough, but then he showed me proof that he was looking, and I couldn't believe that one person could possibly have worse luck than he has had! I swear to you my nickname for him has for YEARS been Eyore, cuz he just has this black cloud that follows him and rains on him every time he ALMOST gets something going good for himself. He is also very entrepreneurial and has devised more than one really good business plan but can't get investors to back him....sigh. While he was unemployed he LITERALLY applied at hundreds (no NOT exaggerating, I even helped him apply!) of places - including mcdonalds, home depot, walmart, sams club, gas stations, every freaking store in the mall, and more than I could ever possibly list. NO ONE would give him a chance. He doesn't have a single shred of experience doing any sort of retail, cooking, cashier, office work etc. All construction & audio - 2 VERY specific careers. Also he is a computer hobbyist, you know Linux, Mac, etc. and he tried and tried to get jobs with computers, but with no degree, again no real chance. Esp with several colleges in the area with college aged kids being given jobs over him because he is "over qualified" in many peoples mind, I don't know why when he doesn't have any experience, but whatever....

He FINALLY landed a shit computer repair job making minimum wage where he is on his feet all day and literally cannot walk or get out of bed some days, but still somehow manages to go cry his pain away in the shower (he thinks I don't know that), put his back brace on, deal with his ruptures, herniations, degenerative disc disease, arthritis, bone spurs, and extensive nerve damage and face the day every day. Where he gets the strength from, I have NO idea. I think he just remembers how much it means to me and SD and bears it. I massage his back and legs almost every night while he grinds his teeth to keep from crying out in pain, which happens from time to time anyway and I fight my urge to cry that he has to deal with this shit. And basically making $3 an hour on top of it after CS & taxes....I would have just lost my mind and probably gone to a psych ward, so he is a much stronger person than I am and honestly than most people I know.

If I thought for a moment when he was unemployed that he was just not looking hard enough or giving excuses because of his pain, then it was all wiped away when I started to see the physical pain he endures 24 hours a day working at this job. These are the things that make me so angry, because he is such a wonderful kind giving person so sweet and loving, and he does NOT deserve to go through this....

OK so besides that, when I read what you said about being afraid, I almost burst out in tears. You're absolutely right. I am terrified. I want so badly, no we both want SOOOO badly to take care of this baby AND SD. I am very afraid of what might happen. I live in constant fear that the nerve damage will get so bad that he won't be able to stand soon, I see his legs buckling sometimes and I am so afraid he will be in a wheelchair soon. His health is in shambles on top of our financial issues.

Oh did I mention I have rheumatoid arthritis? That I have a cane that I use some nights when I can barely walk around the house myself? I have more heating pads, medical wraps, icy hot, ice packs, and bottles of anti-inflammatories, advil, acetaminophen (that I can't take anymore, oh boy loving the preg for that!), to last a lifetime! Yes its awesome. I especially love it when SD asks me to play with her at the playground or just wants to go for a walk, and both of us just sit there tearing our hearts out telling her we hurt too much to the FUCK are we gonna chase after a toddler? Sometimes I wonder if keeping this baby was the right choice just because of our health issues alone. But then I can't imagine having an abortion! (I mean its all too late anyhow so the point is moot, but still...) I can't imagine have killing this innocent baby because we fucked up, because we have financial and health problems. How is that right? Maybe it would have been better for her....I don't know....

Lol (in that shaking my head all bitter no sweet, what can you do but laugh)...I wonder how many people are wondering how much of what I have shared is true. I have no reason to lie to a bunch of stranger. I don't need sympathy I really don't. In fact it bothers me when people at my work ask whats wrong or can they help me with something....I don't know why I guess its just pride. But I swear we could write a book on misery! We don't feel sorry for ourselves though, we just constantly look for ways out....we always talk and try to hope and plan and try to figure out what tomorrow holds....

PregStepmommy's picture

And yes I am on medicaid so I am getting prenatal care. In fact medicaid will allow me to deliver at one of the best baby hospitals in the state! I am also on WIC and I mentioned before but I guess it got deleted since it was a response, that I quit smoking, started eating really healthy, and take prenatals every day. I also TRY to take walks and swim during free open swim time at the local pool. When I CAN walk that is....

I am taking good care of my body and hopefully in turn, my soon to be daughter.

PregStepmommy's picture

Zero to armagedon lmao I am going to use that!

You're right, my SD, my daughter, she used to call me mommy....tears.....she used to tell us how much she wanted to live with what we said made so much more sense than what her mommy said....but young children are very easily influenced and its easy for her to become confused and feel soooo much for all of us. Her mom included. She is a bright, empathetic, sweet, understanding, LOVING little girl. And we talked today and she told me how sad she was that I get so angry at her sometimes and that its so hard for her to talk to me about it. That she's just a kid and she doesn't always know the right thing to say....I absolutely lost it I just grabbed her and wept with her in my arms and she cried and rubbed my back empathetically and wiped my tears from my face. God it broke my heart! How can children be so young at one moment and turn around and act so mature and so amazing the next? I was at an absolute loss for words except to tell her how sorry I was. It was a real bonding moment.....but it will mean nothing if I don't act on it. I can tell her all day how sorry I am and how much I love her, but if I can't DO what I tell her I intend to do and really try, no not try, actually do it, then how can I instill any trust in my relationship with her? Oh it eats me alive, and I can't tell you what a relief it is to have finally admitted all this to myself, to my husband, to her to some extent, and now to come here and talk to all of you. Some moments I feel more confused and more sad and more stressed, but more moments than not it is strengthening my will and my desire to get better.

Not reacting. Wow that is a good concept! In theory it seems very logical but in practice seems like it might be very difficult for me to just do. Just to not react. You're right though, if I understand what you're saying....stopping to analyze what is being said, the tone of voice, the emotions behind it. Why SD would say the things she says. I mean I know I am not alone in feeling like she has really become very smart mouth and talks back WAYY too much - hubby AND ex both have talked to her about it and SD is aware that it is an issue. Its just that I am the only one reacting so negatively. I will have to think about that concept more....

LOL thanks - I get very defensive and protective. I am fiercely loyal and devoted to my family and have dealt with a lot of negative coming at me, my husband, my family throughout my life. So I guess I am just used to be on the defense all the time. Its also easier for me to write what I feel than to say it.

Which reminds me - I can't believe you all actually read my really super long posts! My hubby always makes fun of me for "writing novels" when I am writing emails and stuff like that...

Thank you for posting. I appreciate your thoughts.

tugofwar's picture

Really, I can't believe what a bashing became of this blog, it sucks cause I thought this was a place to vent and where we all had similar issues so we could help each other through these things. I am hesitant now to post my feelings about skid and BM for fear I will get jumped all over for my feelings and search for help. We have all made stupid choices in our lives and good choices in our lives. But it is not nice to kick someone when they are down and be emotionally hateful to someone that has come to vent when they are already probably at their lowest at the moment. I'm sorry pregstepmommy that u were unable to get some advice without some of these people throwing blows at you. You do what you gotta do and if you hate BM cause that b**ch has everything funded by you go ahead and hate her. I am struggling with the resentment I have for my SD right now too and she's 14 and we constantly argue, I have a very hard time tolerating her bit mostly cause BM encourages her to be hateful with me. Good luck with it all, it will get better we just don't know when sometimes.