My thoughts on virtual paper....
Being a stepmom is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Don’t get me wrong, I love my stepdaughters. They are beautiful and smart, loving and kind, made of pure “sugar and spice and everything nice”. The hard part is not the children, it is the bio-parents.
Divorce is never easy on anyone. Not the kids. Not the newly separated couple. No one. But, when kids are involved, I would have to say that the divorce that creates the parenting role of the now ex-spouses becomes the burden of the step parent. You are always wrong. You are always the one left out. And if you are being particularly “bad” in the eyes of either parent you are immediately “Not their true parent” and so the children magically become “not yours” (even though you bathe them, drive them to and from school, feed them, clothe them, coach their soccer team, attend their games, and most importantly love them). What is most frustrating is how quickly they go from “not yours” to what I call First Parent (the one that does all the work when the kids are around). By this I mean that the children come to me in our house, not my husband. Yes, he is the bio parent, so how does that make sense? It makes sense because I am the mother figure, the multi-tasker, the woman. There have been days that my husband has sat in the yard, enjoying a nice breeze while I bathe his kids, brush teeth, get pajamas on, and tuck them into bed (not an exaggeration- it really happened). I don’t mind doing these things, in fact I enjoy bath time. All I ask for is a little recognition. Is that so hard?
Now in my house it is extra complicated. My husband was married young and had two children with his first wife, who already had two children. He took on the two eldest daughters as if they were his own and never looked back (even after he divorced their mother five years later). So, on top of the two bio-daughters that he himself created, he had two stepdaughters who remain in the aftermath of one nasty divorce. I have now inherited these four young ladies. I love them all, but I am powerless.
A step parent is always powerless, ALWAYS. But for me, this is extra hard. I know kids. I mean, I really, really know kids.I have worked with children my entire life. I have made a career out of teaching grades 5 through 12. I know the whole range. I know the great things that they can do, and the not so great things. Parents always think that their children only do great things, but I know better. And I know this about my stepdaughters. They don’t always do great things, but God forbid that gets pointed out. If I do, this is what I hear: “You just don’t love them”, “If you don’t want them around, just leave me!”, “I knew you would do this! I never should have married you!” and inevitably “THEY AREN”T YOUR KIDS!”. The worst thing about all of those things said, is that they are said to me by the girls’ dad, my husband. This is utterly confusing for me. Where do I stand? Am I loved? I am constantly asking myself this.This is how my husband speaks to me? I never thought in a million years I would be in this situation, but here I am.
Now, I never point things out to be mean, I am simply noticing behaviors that if gone unchecked, manifest into life long issue. These are kids that have multiple fathers, that shuffle between homes, that are told ‘yes’ by one parent and ‘no’ by another. In short, they are confused. Nothing in their world makes sense, and so they are trying to make it work. Of course they will make mistakes! That is normal. Why can’t we, as the adults, recognize their mistakes and make moves to correct them? I am not heard when I suggest this and this is where I feel so powerless and rejected-- why won’t anyone listen to the woman who has spent over ten years studying the behavior of children?! I am once again told that I am not a player in this game, but aren’t I a contender for MVP? I am an asset! If these bio parents would get it together, they would realize what a resource they had at their disposal! And for free!
That’s what you don’t get as the step parent: a f****** trophy.
So often in life we forget that everything that we do effects the people around us. I am forgotten first. I am the step parent. I will forever be on the outside of this desperately trying to make my way back in. It’s an uphill battle with a downhill slope. I am not saying that I will always be right. In fact, I will be wrong a lot of the time. The point is that I just want to be heard, and possibly-- if my husband can muster up the freakin’ strength- to be valued.
- CPaquette's blog
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Everything you said is very
Everything you said is very very true.
"I am forgotten first. I am the step parent."
I find it very confusing as well, the latest blatent example for me was SS7's birthday party, in which BM invited MY children (not blood to DH) and informed DH that I was not welcome to attend.
I, me, the one who picks up her kids, feeds them, buys them the things DH can't possibly remember or take time to get them, cleans their clothing, gives them bandiads when they are hurt, answers the homework questions - ME, the SM, who is good enough when she has better things to do to dump her kids off with me without question or notice - but I am excluded from the birthday party because she doesn't like me.... and my husband who claims I am the love of his life says, well he can't blame her, what can he possibly do about it and that I, me shouldn't make him choose.
That is one simple example of daily events.
Always last, no credit, no recognition, just constantly dumped on and loaded with expectations, the first one to be blamed for, you hate my kids, they aren't your kids so you get no say and if you can't deal with my children then we have a problem.
i never thought in a million years children would control my life, I don't let my own bios control my life - yet someone elses kids get to - along with their parents dumping on me.
Its a horrid position and there are days when I really truely question if its worth it.
Thank you! Everything that
Thank you! Everything that you have said really hits it on the head. There are days that I question it. And the thing is-- it won't be the kids that drive me away, it will be my husband! The repeated behavior is unreal, and I have mentioned it many many times.
We have been together 5 years, married for only three months. It seems as though once we got married there was a switch. It's automatically my duty to do all things mother when I am called on, but when I have something to say about it suddenly I'm "not the parent". It really gets me.
Another thing, financially we are "okay" but struggling (like the rest of middle america) and he insists upon supporting the two eldest daughters that are not either of ours and HAVE A DAD THAT IS AROUND. It baffles my mind. You can't save the world! I tell him all the time that if we were to no longer be together, I wouldn't for a second think that I had rights to those children, and I have helped to raise the youngest since she was in diapers! However, after a divorce, they simply aren't your kids or stepkids anymore! I think that it is noble of him to continue his relationship with them, since he was a large part of their young life, but lines need to be drawn.
I must sound so selfish, but I just need to feel that I am cared for too. And when I am having trouble making the mortgage because his ex-stepkid wants (and doesn't NEED) an ipod touch, I get a little pissed. Basic needs first, wants later. Ya know?
You don't sound selfish at
You don't sound selfish at all. I can't imagine financially supporting my step kids if DH and I get divorced no matter how much time I have spent with them.
I agree that DH is my primary issue where his kids are concerned. We have been together 5 years coming up on our 3rd wedding anniversary. We met in the workplace - me having a career was not a new thing - then BAM he expected Martha Stewart right after we moved in. Wanting me to be wife of the house and mother of the house but only when it worked in his favor where his kids were concerned.
We currently are facing the guilty problem that BM is telling SD12 that she may have to find a second job because they can't afford to live. DH and I do pretty good. The thing is, no CS exchanges hands, BM makes too much money and its 50-50 - DH already pays more than his share and declined the CS ordered from BM to HIM!!!
So why is BM struggling? becasue she has decided to support her parents and is sending them money. How is this our problem? Well guilty daddy of course - the skids can't do without - ever - even if BM is the one dropping the ball - so DH is picking up her slack - the way I see it is DH is supporting her parents now by footing the extra skids bills for her so she can send money to her parents - how is that proper ?? Dh doesn't see it that way of course - he is simply supporting his kids - um no DH - BM is supposed to support 50% of HER kids - if she drops the ball on them and sends the money to her parents instead - its no different in my mind than DH writing an extra check to support his XWs parents directly.
I totally get it - it angers me a lot - we maintain separate finances so there is very little I can say - and I let it go 99% of the time - but DH knows better than to bitch to me on THAT topic - my answer is simple, JUST SAY NO to BM.
We have been separated
We have been separated financially until YESTERDAY, literally. My husband is not a great saver, and if I left it to him we would have an over abundance of crap in our house. Toys galore! So, we joined finances under a financial advisor who has LOCKED accounts that are only used to cover household bills first and such. Now mind you, my husband makes TWICE what I make in a year, yet couldn't say no to his kids either and so has no savings. I am happy to report that I am now in charge of ALL of our money, and so hopefully that will lessen some of the anxiety. SM gets her support straight from good ole' uncle Sam (an account my husband pays directly into).
If I were in your situation, I would be PISSED! No way should he be doing that much extra. Good luck!
Really? You feel that you
Really? You feel that you wasted time helping with the stepkids? Enlighten me....
Thank you for your kind words about my post. I take pride in my writing.
Haha! If i make it to heaven!
Haha! If i make it to heaven!
I do not have any of my own children, so that is another factor. I spend my WHOLE day with kids in the classroom. Sometimes I am just spent. I am not sure that I want my own kids after enduring what I have so far with my skids. And truly it isn't them, it's my husband.
BM is a bit off, and doesn't make all of the choices that I would for my own children if I had them (for example, she let her 11 year old get her lip pierced in two places and her 14 year old got a tattoo). Now I am not against piercings or tattoos, but at that young an age, NO WAY! These are the types of stupid decisions that she makes. For the most part, I like her enough. We have had our history-- when I first started dating my husband she let the air out of my tires a few times
but we have come a long way from then. In fact, I like to deal with her when talking about kid schedules than I like dealing with my own husband!
Truth be told, my husband and I are VERY similar in character/personality. We are both stubborn and "right". I'm working on it. All marriages are a work in progress, so I am told.
I am just frustrated and feel that no one understands me. Glad I found this site.
These were my exact words
These were my exact words almost 2 years ago to DH about SS.
I say this: You can't have your cake and eat it too. I'm not going to give just the
nice parts of what a mother is to SS10 and withhold the rest of what a mother is just
to please my husband. Either I mother the same way I mother my biological children, or
I don't mother at all.
And that is where I am today. DH felt i am too strict and hard on his kids. Yet he 'wishes' his kids behaved like mine do - can't have your cake and eat it too. Yes, I am damn strict. Even my own mother said wow, she feels for my kids. But you know what?? My kids are well behaved good kids - I can give them 'the look' and not have to say a word. I am mean and strong and they respect me, I am not their friend but I am there for them and they know it without question, I am a parent.
Wow. Yes. Old Dart: being a
Wow. Yes.
Old Dart: being a teacher and being a step parent are pretty much the same thing. I know this because it is what I experience. I am constantly having to have "bio parent to step parent" conferences, just like i have parent/teacher conferences, haha. The style I ave adopted with them is more of a role model, teacher role. Since I am constantly told that I am not the real parent (when it suits bio parent) this is what I have had to do.
Dtzyblnd: Yes, I hear you with the "shoe on the other foot". As soon as I put the responsibilities down and he picks them up, its all whining and moaning. I do NOT volunteer for things anymore, because that means I automatically become responsible for them. So, I understand why you have "stood down" with your SS. However, I do not have any bio kids, so I can't relate there. Perhaps in the future...but I have to say I am pretty turned off from that idea today.
I also get the "You're too strict" and I get pissed. My response is "kids don't get to choose, they get told what to do". I am so sick of parents that say "well if you don't feel like it today funny". Are you F****** serious???? My mother never gave me a choice. I was the kid, not the parent. And I have to say, I turned out just fine. Give em an inch and they take a mile. The kids respond beautifully to my ways, because the respect me. You said it best : I am not their friend, I am their mother. Correct! Kudos to you.
That is a really great
That is a really great suggestion. I will start using that (are you asking me or telling me). A lot of the time however, my husband is more interested in a "fun weekend" with the kids than actually talking about what is going on with them. He is involved in their sports and their schooling, but at home it seems that I am the only one who notices their lying, sneaking, etc. Now, I know these are normal behaviors for kids their age (6,8). However, it is important to let a kid know that you noticed the bad behavior and it stops there. He lets it go. It drives me freakin' nuts.
Maybe I was just raised different and have an idea of what a parent/child relationship looks like in my head? I understand that I walked into an already established family. BUT, I was there for SD6 in diapers and SD8 only just out of them....I'm not new to this game, but still struggling to get to play.
Is the book a true story or
Is the book a true story or fiction?
Thanks Just posted another
Just posted another to weigh in on my dilemma?