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CPaquette's Blog

And the disrespect continues....thanks to DH

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So....I posted about my SD19 (who is actually my DH's ex-SD from his first marriage) and how she left that huge mess the dog made for me to clean up and had actually taken the time to picture text me a big long message...then left the mess for me to tke care of when I got home from work -- even though she was home all day. You can read the last post about it...

Husband took the reigns and stuck up for me!

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Very happy to report that my husband had a talk with the BM about the FB situation and told her that if this is not resolved IMMEDIATELY that he will be cutting all contact with ex-SD's immediately (which means dropping her off to her mom today after school rather than bringing her home. BM begged for this not to happen and he said only way we go forward with this is if we sit down to talk about rules that will be inforced across households and the manipulation that the SDs are trying to use to get what they want in the various houses.

Feeling useless and lied to

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My 2 SDs that aren't REALLY my sd's (19 and 12, from my husbands first wife- from her first marriage) treat me like shit. I do everything for them like they are mine, and the lie and ignore me all the time. They literally only do this when they aren't getting their way (see previous post about SD19- she still isn't talking to me by the way and is at BM's).

Lice is back! I knew it!

CPaquette's picture

So, SD8 has lice again. It's obviously in her classroom, on cheer squad or still in BM's house. My DH and I still don't have it (thank God) so it isn't in our house. Told BM that she should have been more careful, but she insisted that she knew what she was doing.

You can be the best mom in the world and still lice gets you everytime. That sh** is gross! So, that being said....SDs are not coming over until it is GONE. For real...

SD that isn't really my SD- 19!!

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so just to vent....

My husband's ex wife had two children when they married (not his bio kids). He was married for 5 years and then divorced. We are five years beyond that now and he has continued to stay in contact with his SD's 19 and 11 from that relationship. I see that as having great character, and thats all fine and well. BUT, his ex-SD19 lives with us 5 nights a week (basically sleeps here from 12a-12p) and contributes NOTHING to the household. If I ask something of her, she simply goes to her mom's to avoid me until it has blown over. WELL, today--

I enjoyed the night without him :)

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So, last night my husband stayed with his kids while their mom was at work, at her house. I am totally fine with this. I had the house to myself, and proved a point. Go ahead and leave if you say. I woke up early, enjoyed coffee on the couch with my dog, read the extra hot for work, and then even had time to stop and grab another coffee at my favorite spot Smile

He says he's leaving...

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So my first post ever was tonight. It was a random essay about being a step parent that I wrote today after a heated discussion with my husband about what to do with his three kids that are supposed to come over this weekend- but have lice. I said that they should stay at their moms this weekend, and we can switch...that way we won't infect both houses and just keep passing it back and forth. He thinks that I am using this as an excuse to not have the kids this weekend. He says that I never want them around and I am just trying to get out of seeing them.