Responsibility w/out authority...
Yesterday morning we were out of half and half AGAIN because SD13 uses it for her cereal sometimes (dh has told her not to but you all know that's meaningless), because she doesn't want to use the whole milk or she'll use it in her mac n cheese instead of milk.
The milk container was left empty in fridge and no note to get more was on list, everyone knows my rules. I don't mind getting things that are essential and no one makes assumptions about what I do.
So I stopped at store on way home and picked up a small container of half and half for mine and DHs coffed this morning. After we're done I put it on door, out of the line of sight.
I do my thing as DH and I are getting ready to go for a walk. I hear SD13 complaining in kitchen about no milk. DH says to her, well waht else do you want for breakfast? (We have at least three other things she could have). When I go into Kitchen a few minutes later, SD13 is sitting there with her cereal and the half and half next to her. Oh no I say, that's for our coffee. She says, but daddy said I could. DH comes in and says, yes, she's out of milk.
WELL that sets me off. Unacceptable. I state why I bought the small container and why we're out of milk. DH tells me I'm over reacting. We continue argument as we leave then he threatens he's not going to walk with me if I'm going to ruin the mood. !!!
I tell him he's darn well going to walk with me because we are going to discuss the situation. So we do. He quickly gets it's more than just the freaking milk and me using my money (although yes that's a part of it). I said I'm sick of ths one monitoring the essentials and no one helping and I bought the stuff for a specific reason. SD13 furthermore could have had x, y, or z for breakfast instead but nooooo she gets what she wants and everyone else be damned.
He had nothing but protests.
We continue that he does do some grocery shopping and contributes money to my trips. Yes, you do but I'M the one to do the major trips and the one who watches what we need, not just making fill in trips and the one who had to stop cleaning up empty containers because no one else knows what to do with them. And that if I say anything about any of it I get shut down. No you don't, you can say things. No DH I have no authority with the SDs because you don't let me. Yes I do! If you did you would've let me say no to that half and half and not undermined me. That's it. You don't really let me have any rules and yes, I get frustrated and PO'd. It will continue like that.
So at least that's stated again.
So grocery shopping today I put an extra third of the cost on his card. I also bought my own flavored creamer so no one else will use it. He thinks it's silly but I told him it's my sanity and something I can control.
Then he got all frustrated that I wasn't cooking dinner tonight. REALLY? I cooked last night and am cooking for father's day and don't get me started on all I did today to help you and you don't feel like cooking? I swear tomorrow morning the SDs are planning on making DH breakfast and if I'm excluded I'm just going to leave to the bakery on my own.
- Cover1W's blog
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Sums up why being a step mom
Sums up why being a step mom sucks ! I'd be soooo pissed! Nothing angers me more than when I tell a skid something and then push over Daddy then tells kid the opposite . I look like an idiot and have no power in my own home.
I'd go on strike and not cook, clean or grocery shop for awhile. And I'd buy a mini fridge for my stuff.
I know it doesn't solve the
I know it doesn't solve the larger problem, but I was going to suggest a mini fridge with a lock on it as well.
Sounds like what my lazy DH
Sounds like what my lazy DH would do. It's much easier to give the kid half n half instead of having to think about getting her something different to eat. You should buy a half gallon of heavy cream and see if she'll guzzle that down too, lol.
I run my kitchen with rules,
I run my kitchen with rules, since I do the shopping (DH would have us all eating junk food if he did it). If I have something that is my favorite, I stick a label on it saying DO NOT eat, this is a science experiment. Amazing how the skids avoid anything labelled that way.
I started this labelling back when I lived in a shared apt in university. People used to scarf my stuff all the time. The answer is, keep a pre-printed list of labels in the drawer and use them liberally. The best one is "do not eat this, it will make you sick. It has meds in it".
Yeah I don't mind the grocery
Yeah I don't mind the grocery shopping just have to remember to not buy extras again and stick to basics. DH will pay a greater portion of the cost. Esp. going into summer with SDs here for longer stretches. I'm ok with that.
And I already buy a bunch of stuff for myself no one else will eat so my flavor creamer will just be added.
And no I didn't cook dinner ladt night! No way. He figured out leftovers.
Good for you for not making
Good for you for not making dinner !
The dinner things annoys me sometimes. I cook when I feel like it. SO will ask me what is for dinner and I will respond " whatever you decide to make " and he gets a little pouty. My DD doesn't live at home anymore and SO has 2 kids to feed....not my responsibility .
I don't mind grocery shopping either . There a bunch of things I refuse to buy now since I get sick of throwing them know things the skids just HAD to have .
Ye olde SM gets 100% of the
Ye olde SM gets 100% of the responsibility and 0% Authority. It has a familiar ring to it.
You could try putting a grocery app on both SD and DHS phone but from experience I doubt they will use it. Then you can make your point that you tried and no one is cooperating so time to disengage and get that mini fridge with a lock. 
Oh I like cooking and we
Oh I like cooking and we don't eat junk food. I just don't want to cook every time. I'm away from house 12 hrs or more five days a week. DH works from home maybe, maybe puts in five hours a day average (he makes more per hour our incomes are similar). No way am I shouldering that task, esp with SD13s food issues.
So nope. SM not included on
So nope. SM not included on breakfast or gift giving. I picked up my bag, said 'See ya, have to do some stuff.' and left.
Had a cup of good coffee, with an amazing pastry, and read my book. Got back as DH was taking SDs to a movie. I think he did that for me as he knows I was at end of my rope, and he knows I rarely have house to myself.
So I'm goibg to finish a project then watch a movie by myself!
sounds fantastic! Chef has
sounds fantastic! Chef has his official job on Sundays and Mondays. Which is great on Sunday because I have the whole day to myself.
Cover - start taking your
Cover - start taking your coffee black... then who cares if there's milk or not lol....
simply pull up your shoulders and say, oh dang...
Why did you not simply tell DH - you are a parent not a buddy and if your daughter can't understand simple rule about leaving a note if something's out, then she needs to live with the consequences, you are not teaching her anything, instead you would rather get her into trouble....
what do you think will happen one day if she shares a dorm with other people, she will be use to taking what's not hers, and what the hell do you think will happen... you need to prepare your daughter for the future,
Oh Acra - that was part of
Oh Acra - that was part of our conversation...AGAIN.
He just caves every time. I just do less and less!
I just can't take my coffee black. I can live w/out sugar but not some kind of creamer. I'm happy with a really neutral flavored creamer I found and no more worrying about half and half for me!
...summer will be fun...DH is going to be ON his OWN with them for long stretches at a time. And I'm not helping nor am I doing all the grocery shopping since he won't have to be doing pick ups.