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End of Weekend

Cover1W's picture

Most of the weekend was a blessed disengagement period.
I know DP noticed, but I had a ton of things to do myself, and a friend of mine was visiting Sunday afternoon.

The only thing I did was prep strawberries for me and SD9 because I like them too.
Had SD9 eat a couple she's doing well with fruits and more veggies and she actually likes trying new things even though she doesn't always like them. Cherries are a good add.

I only mentioned disgusting non-flushed toilet to him b/c my friend was over and that shit (literally) needed to be flushed ASAP

Then came shower/bathroom time last night.
This was allllll on DP.
He got SD11 into the shower, some shower adjustments needed as this is the first time their shower has been used since we moved in three weeks ago. DP comes up, "Did you know they haven't used the shower at all yet?" Me, "Yes, I know. I think I mentioned it to you last week once." DP, blinks.
DP tells me about a draining problem (the latch is broken and needs to be held down to drain). I ask, "Does SD11 know to drain it when she's done?" DP, "She knows how to drain it." Me, silence.

I go to help SD9 (she doesn't want dad assisting her at all and I'm in the process of getting her independently showering), and lo and behold, tub not drained and new bar of soap sitting at the bottom in water. I don't have time to deal with DP/SD11, I just took care of it and got SD9 going.
Go upstairs and let DP know what SD11 didn't do.
He mentioned frustration with SD11...well, too bad DP! Follow up with her! Duh! Make her do it. I left it with no discussion. I don't often follow up "tattling" on SDs any longer, but the grossness that SD11 leaves NEEDS to be handled - by DP.

I did tell SD11 this weekend that she needs to finish her dresser painting project. Got a nod. Will tell her this week that if the dresser is not done by early July (i.e. by the time she goes to camp) I will take the dresser back for general house use and she will forfeit it. I need it out of the garage.


Ninji's picture

They haven't showered in three weeks. Holy Crap. My Skids smell like feet and ass after only a few days.

Cover1W's picture

Well, the last time SD11 had showered was on Thursday at BMs.
So that's 4 days out.
SD9 was likely one week or just short of one week.

SD11 IS starting to get BO and SD9s feet start smelling.

But I pretty much stay away from them pretty easy during the week (I leave the house sooner and get home later than anyone). DP can usually, now, see when SD11 (or smell when) needs to shower (thus, his directive for last night), but his general cleanliness maintenance is out in left field.

I also had to help SD9 will her finger and toe nails. I cannot believe BM lets them get to a horrendous state. It's just gross - at least SD9 knows it and asks for it to be taken care of.