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Wednesday Dinner

Cover1W's picture

And I kept my mouth firmly shut the whole time.
It was very hard, but success!
I was happy after dinner and DP had to deal with it.

Get home, SD11 watching a movie LOUD volume.
Her new coat and lunchbag were just laying on the floor by the front door, I ignored.
Eventually I start dinner, thanks to DP he had already made part of it so easy.
Meatballs (lamb/beef), wild rice and green peas.
SD11 asked what was for dinner, "Meatballs, rice and peas."
SD11, "OK."
(I knew she wasn't going to touch ANYTHING but not my issue)

Dinner served, DP asks, before SD11 even sits down, "SD11, you want pasta?"
After some back and forth between them, DP warms up pasta for her in the microwave. Because you know, that's HARD to do. My rule of thumb is, if SD11 doesn't want what's to eat, then she can MAKE HER OWN alternative. I've read about what I think is her disorder and we cannot do it for her. But since DP is hiding from that issue, I can't help him.
SD9 is happily eating away - I am silent.

SD11 barely eats anything, is up and down, talking too much, distracting SD9. DP tells her a couple times to sit down and eat, but since there's no repercussions, she continues. I remain silent.

DP looks at me for confirmation about something he's saying sometimes and I just nod or give a simple answer, because it's impossible to talk. SD11 is being her soon to be 13 year old attitude about anything anyone says, with no one shutting her down. She even lets it be known that she's doing the "easy math" because she doesn't want homework and doesn't want to think about it (she is very smart and could have qualified to get into a math class above her age group). DP finally looks concerned, but like anything, he hasn't talked with the teacher or made sure SD11 took the tests (she decided not to on her own which made me incredulous).

I finished my dinner and cleared my place only. Finished the laundry. Came back upstairs and told SD11 she needed to move her jacket or the cat may pee on it...never leave it there. My cat is territorial about the front door - I gave her this one warning because she didn't know. Anytime from now on her coat will remain on the floor for cat pee. I didn't say a word about her socks on the floor by the couch or the empty popcorn bowl (now I know why she didn't eat dinner, DP gave her a huge bowl of popcorn!). I moved that stuff plus her empty soda can to the kitchen. If it's not cleaned up by the time I get home, socks will be in trash, can will be in her room and bowl will be left for DP. Silence!

Then I find out that SD11 took her sleeping bag AND bedding to her friend's house on Friday and she has no blankets or comforter. DP said, "Don't worry, I'll get them back." Me, "Whatever." Not my issue that she took EVERYTHING she needs to keep warm with.

I went to bed happy, as did DP, and had time to read my book. Blum 3


Cover1W's picture

Yeah, he was already in bed (he gets up super, super early on Tues/Wed so goes to bed early on Wednesdays when he can to catch up on sleep), I didn't notice it until I was already heading there.

Last night was interesting.
He was SO tired.

I had been with SD11 yesterday evening, she's on good behavior when she's alone with me so it's not an issue. She cleaned up her stuff with one reminder and ate all her dinner and was chatty about her weekend plans. And was very happy I was helping with something so DP could pick her up after the dance tonight and thanked me profusely.

As SD9 was getting ready for bed he asked me if I could help her to bed.
"Um, NO. That's YOUR daughter. I already get her lunchbox made and am her motivator in the morning. I am not doing to do all of it. You are her dad, you go say goodnight."
I could tell he was irritated, but hell NO was I going to now do THAT too - slippery slope. Sorry you are tired, but I worked a hell of a lot longer.
He's also questioning SD9s karate classes because it's "so late for them" - the get home around 7:00 - 7:30. Not that late. And she LOVES them. I told him he needs to weigh how good they are for her with just quitting because he doesn't want to take her.

I did all the dishes, cleaned up my stuff a little, got things ready to go for the next day, and so I sat down to MY dinner at 7:45 pm and to watch one of my shows. DP gets home and it's chaos. So I changed shows (turned it up really loud because of the competing SDs trying to get his attention and ice cream serving, etc...). After all that was done reminded SD11 to put away the cones before she goes to bed, which didn't happen. The counter was a MESS due to DP and SD11 so I left it. Which made making breakfast fun but I didn't touch it. DP gets to clean tonight.