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Asking but Not Asking

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DP has been asking me more frequently to pick up SD9 after school. This is fine with me so long as it's not a regular thing and not last minute, it's a hassle after work AND I miss my exercise (see he can do his in the morning and I must wait till the afternoon). He has also never signed her up for the after school program, which she hates but would help with his schedule, because she doesn't like going there. So here's what usually happens...

I get a text from DP to the effect that he's just exhausted because he's been so busy all day. Now, he does have ADD and takes meds for it (totally necessary). But jeez, I have also been really busy and at work (he works from home most days). So I respond, that's too bad. Maybe make sure you take a good lunch break and get away from ALL your devices for an hour...I hear nothing except his confirmation he's at lunch.

Forward and hour or so, this sort of thing rolls in, "Have asked family friend to pick up SD9 but have not heard back." No question. So I don't answer. He's fishing so that I say, "Poor DP, you want me to get her?" Not going to happen.

I get a text this evening, "I'm picking up SD9." Again, I don't answer. Her school is a long way from us, not my issue. It's been the same way since I've known him, nothing's changed but he's got a more challenging job. He needs a new(er) car. Not my problem.

It's hard not reponding but so be it.
I don't feel sorry for him since he has to learn.
And SD11 is JUST like this! Agh!


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Ha! He did something similar to me this weekend and I MADE him formulate it into an actual direct question (not relating to SDs). Damn it was difficult.

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He told me tonight he's working on alternatives for Wednesday pickups. Good.