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Need some support - I let FDH go

ConfusedinCA's picture

Hello All...I am a long time lurker, I did post a long time about about my FSS17. Well fast forward to now, I have a DS11, he is a tough kid, he has always been a hard kid. His father moved out of state in July and that did not help at all. So my FDH admitted to me tonight he is too much, it is funny after reading posts on here daily I totally understand where he is coming from so I let him go. I am very sad and heartbroken :(.

I am just hopeful someday I can find someone to love me.


dad'swife's picture

Confused I'm so sorry you have to go through this. My BS10 is a tough kid and I know it is not easy. My DH is so patient and has learned over time that he has to try a different approach when it comes to him because he is different.
I thought I was going to be single forever because I needed to devote all my time and energy into trying to keep my son straight. But I want to let you know, at the risk of sounding cliche, that there is someone out there for you, who will accept you and your son. Don't give up, you deserve happiness!!
