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skids walking to the door on their own?

msg1986's picture

I'm posting this here to see if I get more responses...

How old is old enough for skids walk to the door on their own at drop offs? Bm always seems to wig out on FDH when he walks fss to the door. FDH only allows text from her so this is the only chance she gets to get mouthy with him so I think this is why she does it... she knows better to text nasty things to him. Fss will be 5 in July and bm's door is about 15 feet from the gate that enter her yard. I don't know anyone really who has gone thru this so what did you guys do? When did your skids start walking themselves to the door?

oldone's picture

Five if old enough to walk to the door with someone watching but is probably not old enough to carry luggage.

msg1986's picture

I see. We don't do luggage so we should be good. I think in July when he turns 5 we'll implement this rule. It's very hard to sit and watch your spouse get yelled at by someone who has no right to do so.

hismineandours's picture

5 was when bm stopped walking ss to the door. She told him he was old enough and that way she wouldn't have to see me :). Very appropriate to tell a 5 year old.

Step-Volgirl's picture

SD is 9 and DH/BM always walks her in. DH hates dealing with BM, but it's worth it to check out how BM's place is looking - check to make sure the power is on, that there's no rotting food on the coffee table, make sure that the dogs haven't had an accident on the floor. BM at least still makes an attempt to tidy up before drop off on Sundays. On the occasions when we've had to go by there early, we know that housekeeping isn't at the top of BM's to-do list.

msg1986's picture

Yikes, that seems very necessary for the skids safety. our Bm lives with her parents though whom are both retired military and are pretty wealthy so their place is really really nice. If BM ever moved out FDH would probably want to do that but this isn't the case here. BM doesn't even really take care of fss, her mom does it all...

Cocoa's picture dh was like this at first, then i realized that he was way too involved in bm's life. i told him if he wanted to keep that close of an eye on the kids and her, he was free to move in next door to her. it's hard to believe that bm changed that drastically into such a slob that now he was concerned about it. he didn't care when he was living with her, in fact tried to keep the marriage intact. so, why was he soooo concerned now? no, i would not like my dh walking (and especially ENTERING) bm's house with the excuse that "it's dirty". when my ss started reporting the dogs crapping all over the house, etc..., we turned it into children's services. haven't heard a thing, so if the judge and children's services think she's fit to mother, let her mother.

tryingmom's picture

DH has allowed Skids to walk to the door from the street (20 - 30 ft walkway) since I've known him. He doesn't want to deal with BM at all. If she actually is outside waiting on them, she has tried to engage him but usually he'll just wave at the kids and get in the car.

msg1986's picture

How old were your skids when you guys got together, if you don't mind me asking. Fss is going to be 5 in July and it would be nice to get him walking to the door as soon as he can. It'll be so nice once we can eliminate some of the crazy from Bm.

fedup13's picture

Sidestep the whole drama and make her meet him at the Police Station in town. That is what DH's situation is. BM doesn't have the balls to even dare start trouble there. Skid gets out of one vehicle and gets in the other. Simple and effective.

msg1986's picture

That seems very effective, at least we wouldn't have to travel so far to take fss home because bm refuses to meet us... heck I dont even know if she'd come to the police dept..

fedup13's picture

skid is picked up from the PD in her town on DH's day and she comes and picks him up from the PD in our town on her day. BM was not given a choice. If she wanted him back that was where she had to go.

silentnites's picture

When my skids were young, they walked in the door on their own at drop off. They walked in their own door on their own at drop off on the return home. They were younger than 5, and we were expecting them. I don't know your situation, but this sounds to me like drama that is not needed. It sounds like a control issue. Life is too short to worry about that sort of thing. So, in my opinion, BM is being a little ridiculous.

msg1986's picture

Yeah, it's all control with BM. Fdh has let her know that he will drop him off at 5 every sunday and yet she still insists that FDH text her to let her know he's on his way, which FDH doesn't do. She knows what time we drop Fss off, there is no need for a reminder. I think I'm going to print this out for FDH, I think he's on the fence about letting Fss walk to the door on his own just because it's all he's ever done, but Fss is a really smart kid and it's not like we'd be telling him to tuck and roll which we drop him out of the car.

Cocoa's picture

my dh quit when ss was about 6 for this exact reason. doesn't stop bm from coming to the care, even now at age 11 to carry his backpack (i guess he doesn't carry it to/from school).

Cocoa's picture

if i were the new wife and my dh disappeared into your home, losing track of time, i'd be very upset at this inconsideration of me and i'd probably be angry and harboring resentment that my husband took his ex wife to see our private bedroom. i would see this as VERY inappropriate and would look for other instances of things being inappropriate. this may be one of the reasons she doesn't want you anywhere near her home.

Cocoa's picture

if i were the new wife and my dh disappeared into your home, losing track of time, i'd be very upset at this inconsideration of me and i'd probably be angry and harboring resentment that my husband took his ex wife to see our private bedroom. i would see this as VERY inappropriate and would look for other instances of things being inappropriate. this may be one of the reasons she doesn't want you anywhere near her home.

Unfreakingreal's picture

My DH takes SD12 all the way upstairs. I think it's pathetic but he thinks she's a baby so....

Jellybeam's picture

All drop offs and oick ups for SD11 are at our house. Bitch used ti just dimp the kid out at the regular time and drive away which was great. Now that she is ourduing my dh, she gets her nasty ass out ot the car so she can chit chat with dh, Pick ups are better because bm ususalluy picks up at school, but now that its summer, she will probably fing a reason to get her flat as a pancake ass out of hte car, I told dh that if he wouldnt sit on the front steps waiting for hid bd, then bm would just send the kid in with no opportunity for face to face contact. All he has to do is love me enough to stay inside. Then she will stop, drop and roll like non-triffling ex would do.

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emotionaly beat up's picture

If dad waits at the gate and makes sure mum opens the door and the child is in safely they could walk to the door in their own at two it wouldn't matter. But as long as dad is at the gate not in the car and makes sure she gets in okay, age shouldn't matter.

Hannah32's picture

My skids were 5 and 9, but OH watches them get into BMs car and vice versa. 5 year old is fine, 9 year old carries all the bags etc.

Rags's picture

Micro-recorder.  Then bare her ass in court.

As for walking themselves to the door.... when they can walk.   Though they is not the point.  Dad can walk his kids to the door when they are 2yo or 200yo if he chooses.

This is the perfect opportunity to get BM being batshit crazy on a recording while DH is just saying goodbye to his kids.  Play her hard m.

And have fun playing those recordings in court.



Someoneelse's picture

I feel like, if your child is old enough to walk up to a complete stranger's house to get candy while trick or treating, they are old enough to walk up to the door by themselves. about 7 is appropriate IMO... some kids are more immature and need guidance, but those are our skids, pretty immature and need guidance on every aspect of life forever.