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I want to be free of her

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So tired of DH being unable to stand up to BM. He lets her walk all over him.
He says he hates talking to her and that he's trying to keep the peace. But I'm off the belief if you let takers walk all over you - they just keep doing it.

Mother's Day, Good Friday public holiday, the last public holiday weekend were all marred because he didn't ask her "what time is the swap?" He knows I hate not making plans because we have to sit at home and wait for her. "But it doesn't matter because we weren't doing anything" ...well of course we aren't now! Apparently it's my fault that these days are ruined because I am making a fuss. There shouldn't be a problem because he doesn't have a problem with it.

Why does he prefer to keep the peace with her at the expense of his current relationship? Doesn't he realise that this is damaging us so much that I might end up being his ex one of these days?

Well I am over being quiet.
I am over working every day, missing out on time with our child, paying for her kids and not receiving child support because she's too lazy to get a job.
I am over her messaging 1 hr before she comes to pick up the kids.
I am over her promises to the kids to take them on holidays.
I am over her telling the kids they can't take their things to our place because DH will be mad.

I want to live my life free of her. Or at the very least minimise having to wait for her. Having to pay for her.
Will this ever happen or am I just dreaming?
