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Head Lice, Head Lice and More Head Lice!!!

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

I am so freaking mad right now that I want to slap BM. The SDs went to stay with DF's mom. She brushed through their hair and sure enough, they have head lice again! I don't know why I am surprised. Every time that we get them, they have it. DF has tried turning it over to CPS and we have gotten nowhere. We brought it up in our recent court case. It was swept under the rug. It gets so frustrating because the SDs are having to live with it. SD9 told her grandma that her and her siblings were sent home from school again on Friday for having it. This is the 7th time this year! DF and I are at wits end. SD9 was crying because her classmates are making fun of her. And, to make matters worse, she was telling us that they are going back over to their grandma's house again next weekend. BM's mother has some relatives living with her and that is where it keeps coming from. It doesn't help that BM's house is deplorable. She won't let DF inside after the last time he went to pick up the girls. He was standing in the front of the house and said you couldn't see the floor. There were clothes, toys and food everywhere. Plus, they let their cats and dogs poop all over the place. DF and I are thinking we need to contact CPS again, but we don't have any faith in them since we have tried this before. Its not that hard, BM! Get off your ass and clean your house! Treat all five of your kids for lice and stop going over to your mom's house. It is so bad that we won't even let his daughter's wear clothes from BM's house to our house. We make them change out in the garage and then sit them down and treat their hair immediately. We take anything they bring with them and put it in plastic bags and it stays there.

At this point, I am just ranting. We pay BM an absurd amount of child support and her excuse is that she can't afford to treat their heads! Really, BM? I wonder if the school will report her since the kids have been missing so many days. Not to mention, BM forgot to take the SD's report cards out of their backpacks so we found SD7's report card. She is failing several classes. The last time DF asked about how the girls were doing in school, BM told him they had straight A's. She is supposed to turn all of the notes and report cards from the school over to us. That is ordered in the CO, but she never does. And the state she lives in is extremely pro-mom. I don't think we have a shot of winning full custody so I am really unsure of what to do next. Any ideas?


TheyCallMeMOM's picture

wow!!! that's a lot of headlice! they're a bit old for it but at this point I might buzz their hair. though I'm sure BM would have a conniption

simifan's picture

Tea Tree Oil... get some cheap shampoo... Use a dropper to add 10 drops of tea tree oil to 8 oz. of shampoo. Send it home with them.

JustAgirl42's picture

Gross gross gross gross gross! I would be FREAKED! I'm soooo sorry you have to put up with this. It definitely sounds like a major case of neglect, esp. after how you describe BM's house.

These poor kids should not have to live under those conditions...shame on CPS!

Lalena75's picture

Getting the school to report it and take them to a doc to get the prescription strength stuff be big time on about the deplorable neglect at their mothers and the doc may report it. I learned something recently that cps is more likly to take action if there are 3 or more complaints of the same thing. Also if the house is such a sad state call the city/county health dept code violations could get the help they need. A doc and cps (doc school and I called) plus the health dept here due to the chronic lice skids had and they have been lice free for a year now. SO really had to get loud about it (his dd was covered in sores from lice and bedbugs) to get them help (lice was from the kids uncles BM was dumping the kids on) BM was called to task on the fact the kids weren't living with her, neglected,etc she stepped up some.

Yosemite's picture

Washing their hair and clothes with peppermint oil soap or peppermint oil shampoo will keep lice away. The lice don't like peppermint at all. Give some to the skids to use at BM's house before they come so they don't bring them over to your house.

bi's picture

bd19 kept getting it repeatedly when she was around 12. I would get rid of it and a week later she had it again. it was apparent to me that someone at school had it and was not getting treated. I had finally had enough. I cut her hair. she still got it. I went to the dr and had him prescribe something stronger than OTC and that did the trick. she never brought it home again. it wasn't very expensive either.

Aeron's picture

Just to address the school stuff.... If DH has joint, you should be able to call the school and have copies of the report cards, etc mailed to your home. That's what we had to do with my SD. You should also be able to get teacher emails and be able to hear from/speak to them directly.