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Head Lice....Again. What. If Anything Can We Say To BM?

CrystalRE's picture

So SD (12) got head lice again. We have treated it three times now and she is still coming home from BM's with it. So we find out this weekend that even though BM knows perfectly well that SD has lice she is still allowing her to spend the night with people/have people spend the night with her.

This concerns me for obvious reasons. I don't want SD spreading head lice all over town and I also have concerns that she may be getting it from one of these friends since BM swears no one in her house has it. BM promised us that she spoke to the parents of these kids to let them know to check their kids since SD had it but I have my doubts. What if anything can we say to BM? Should we just call these parents ourselves? I'm very frustrated.


the_stepmonster's picture

I was just about to post something similar. About 4 weeks ago, I noticed that SD4 was scratching her head. Unfortunately, we only have them EOWe and I noticed this on Sunday, when they had to go back. I couldn't figure out why I noticed this after 2 days with this child and she had them for 2 straight weeks and didn't notice. DH let BM know and she supposedly treated her. Four weeks later, all 3 SD's have it again. Now I know lice sometimes comes back but this is like the 4th time. Then it turns out that BM doesn't notice because the children haven't spent a weekend with CP BM in over two months. She keeps dumping them off at sleepovers, her parents, anywhere but with her on her weekends. These women who act like God's gift of mothers but neglect their children really piss me off. I am not even that particularly fond of my SD's but it breaks my heart to hear of any children being treated like garbage.

CrystalRE's picture

That's how our BM is too. We ask her to check SD when she is with her to make sure she doesn't need to be treated again and she says that she checks but two days later SD returns to us and has lice all over! Its so frustrating not only because it is expensive and time consuming to treat but because I don't want other peoples children getting it from our because BM is an idiot. It is also very uncomfortable for the kids to be itchy and have things crawling in their hair!

the_stepmonster's picture

Its so sad. I get itchy just thinking about having lice and these poor kids probably live with it. Then she tells her kids they dont have to wash their hair daily because lice like clean hair. Really? How about you have your child have clean hair and then put it in a nice tight ponytail so they don't catch it from other kids? Oh wait, having dirty hair is easier...

ctnmom's picture

This is just outrageous. Don't these stupid mothers know how uncomfortable head lice is? It is very hard to get rid of thank God we've only had one bout of it in my house, but you MUST GET RID OF IT AND THE CHILD SHOULD BE CLEAR FOR 4 DAYS UNTIL THEY ARE AROUND OTHER KIDS/PEOPLE. What is her school saying? My DD 's elementary didn't play around-she was out of school until she was clear and they checked her every day for a month afterward. And I didn't blame them one bit.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Some people either just don't GET IT or they just don't care. When BM asked me to check SD's hair for lice I found them in 2 seconds, she said she had a feeling for a couple days she had them, I said you need to have that taken care of ASAP. She said I will in a week or two. WHAT?! I said no it has to be done now! It will spread and get much worse, she will pass it to everyone in the house and at school etc. So they said they treated her, they said she was clear but they clearly hadn't, she was aware the child still had lice, continued to send her to school etc and when we would go to get her for weekends SO would take me with him so I could check her hair first, I would always find nits and then of course she couldn't come because no one wanted lice in their house and I have 4 kids of my own, 3 of which go to school. They seemed understanding of this at first but then it quickly turned into a game of you aren't being fair, so what if the other kids get it, deal with it. She's finally clear (so I've been told) after a month and a half but BM KNEW how important it was to have her clear and she put in the least effort possible in insuring her child was clear of them. I would def say something and if dad is able to call the school and ask for her to be checked that would be good, it potentially saves hundreds of other kids from being infested. I know if it were me and I found out some neglectful parent was sending their child to school knowing their kid had lice heads would be rolling. I actually posted a couple blogs about this lice issue, feel free to read if you have a few spare moments.