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Court today, not sure what comes next

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

My DH and SD11 went to court today for the emergency petition that BM filed. She made some false claims that SD11 was being abused by DH. They were all hearsay and the judge dismissed them. The judge did talk to SD11 in her chambers for about 20 minutes today. She determined that there was no child abuse. She dismissed the petition because she had no grounds to change custody. She also warned BM if she tried to further damage DH's relationship with BM that she would remove her visitation.

She did not make any changes to custody. But, she did say something to DH that has us thinking. Apparently, SD11 told the judge that she hates living with us and that she feels we favor the other 3 kids in the home. She told the judge she doesn't like our rules and she misses her mom. She also said that she will continue to run away and will try to return to her mom's house.

I don't know what the judge said to SD11, but she told DH that he might consider letting SD11 go back to BM. She told him that she believes that BM has cleaned up her home and can provide a clean, safe place for her to live. She also told him that she has no doubts that we can provide better. However, she said she believes SD11 when she says she will continue to run away. She told DH that he should think about this, and about what things could happen if she tries to run back to BM's home state (which is 900 miles from us). She also told him that SD11 has alot of hatred toward him and me. She told DH to consider what he thought was safest for SD11 and what is best for the other kids in the home. At the end of it, she says SD11 needs counseling and possibly a psych evaluation. However, the judge said she does not have grounds to force the issue as the emergency petition had to be dismissed.

So DH told me that he is really thinking about it. He let SD11 go and stay with BM. So I really don't know...


WTF...REALLY's picture

I would let her go live with her mom. Sounds like you guys had a wise judge who has seen a lot. Let her go and keep in touch with her. FaceTime, texting, send care packages.

Cooooookies's picture

I have had a lot of worry and debate over where my own BS14 should live. In the end I know he doesn't want to live here and he has better resources in the US so I try to do what is best for him.

However it doesn't seem like BM is the best choice. Has she really cleaned up her act? If she is willing to go to court with false abuse allegations then it seems the answer is no. This reaks of PAS and manipulation.

On the other hand I've read so many stores here of the horrible damage PAS does for the parent trying to fight against it. Would talking to SD help at all? I don't know, this is a tough call. If she's only going to run away and go along with whatever BM cooks up, maybe it's time to let her go.