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Court: Long day but oh so worth it.

just.his.wife's picture

First up was the hearing for BM breaking the RO again, 5th time overall, 2nd time while in custody. Judge went off on her! He dismissed the case she filed against me for harassment and causing her financial "harm" and advised her that she alone was responsible for the sad state her life was in, to stop blaming others and take responsibility for her piss poor actions and decisions. He did not buy her story that she didn't "know" that she could not mail me something and told her he was not as stupid as she hoped he was, and he seriously hoped she was not as dumb as she portrayed herself to be!
BM who should have been getting out of county lock up at the end of the month/ beginning of next month, has an additional 6 months to now serve. (This time they did not say no time off for good behavior, so if it is allowed: figure her serving 3 more months.) BM put on the crocodile tears that she would lose her house and kids etc, and the judge simply rapped his gavel and called the case closed while she was still blubbering.

Summary: Case against me dismissed. BM gets six months in jail, RO gets made permanent. Which in FL apparently means for 5 years and I can have it renewed at will.

Second on the agenda yesterday was the "emergency" custody hearing. Attny had to get copies of the judgement from the first hearing fast, to show the judge in the second hearing (this one was a lady) that BM was not only currently locked up, but would be for sometime to come. Again with the BM tears and blubbering. Which all ignored. DH's attorney petitioned for her to have a psych eval and have to take parenting classes before she was allowed supervised contact with the skids. Judge agreed.

Summary: DH has sole legal and physical custody. BM is granted no visitation at all for a year after a year is up she can petition for visitation but must have had the psych eval done, must have taken parenting courses (judge named a specific one that needed to be taken) and even then it will be supervised only. BM also must pay DH $1200 a month in child support: retroactive to June 1. We will never see the money esp as she has no job now, but it was rather the cherry on top of the sundae.

DH attny and judge did go back and forth on sd17 and the issues at the house her being in juvie etc. Judge barred SD17 from living in the house to protect the other kids, but would like DH to be involved in counseling with her in the hopes that she can be saved and not end up like her mother. If DH feels she is safe to bring around the other kids, then she can visit them for short periods but may not live in the house. As DH and SD17 are already in counseling that made the judge rather happy, she authed the half way house if necessary but DH is working with his brother and his wife and it looks like SD17 may be going to live with them until she is 18. Per BIL after she turns 18 she would be on a day to day 'lease' first time she shows her ass he will personally pack her shit and put her and it on the lawn.

Judge also told DH to sit the rest of the kids down and explain her orders: and why. Said they were old enough to realize poor decisions come with consequences and how dire those consequences can be.

After court we picked up the rest of the kids and went to the shelter last evening, let them do more hours, cut hair (no mud fights this week lol). DH plans on sitting down with the younger three this evening to explain what decisions the judges made and why. Involving both their mom and older sister. This should be an interesting chat. Odd thing is, none of the three younger kids have asked to see their mother, write her, call her, visit her in jail... nothing. Nor have they asked about SD17 at all. They seem to be totally happy without them around. They behavior is acceptable - they are teenagers, going to have moments, but even those moments are within limits. They are looking forward to school starting, have earned back all their privileges and seem very happy very well adjusted and are actually kind of enjoyable to be around right now.


SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

After reading all of that I have nothing to say other than...YOU ARE A SAINT!!!

HadEnoughx5's picture

Congratulations! I am so envious of you. I can only dream that our BM will get the same treatment and all her boo hooing will be ignored. We are 3 weeks til the court drama.