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Colorado Girl's Blog

I just don't think it's fair.

Colorado Girl's picture

Biodad filed a motion for a new hearing...

I am just not ready to go thru this again.

I just don't think I have what it takes. He is not paying child support and my son goes to therapy twice a month. I pay for it all. Now more attorneys fees on top of the ones he never reimbursed for even though he was ordered.

I am so, so sad tonight. Sad

God is Great...Beer is Good....and People are Crazy...

Colorado Girl's picture


BM called DH yesterday for "directions". She called on DH's cell phone so unfortunately I could hear her loud and clear because DH's cell is turned up to a pratically speaker phone volume. She wanted to know how to get to the Highway to drive to her own father's house.

DH: "Never been there before or what?" (Jokingly)
BM: "I know...but YOU always drove"
DH: "Get on the Highway... and drive east for about 10 hours"

Still Learning...

Colorado Girl's picture

I've begun down a path that is seemingly different than some . In this world of Stepparenting, everyone is so versatile...but in the end we all seem to feel very similar though. A little bit broken and in the all consuming world of being a Stepmom...a little cast aside. I came to a bit of a conclusion last night and have been trying to wrap my head around it.

It's not easy being green...

Colorado Girl's picture

I want to be like Yoda.

I feel more like Kermit.

"Whose the one with the problem here?"

This was BM's quote from the other day.

She had taken it upon herself to buy shoes for SD9 that I had planned on purchasing because it was for DH's daddy/daughter dance. She then prompted DH to reimburse her which just had me ALL riled up. How do you do something that no one asked you to do, only to ask to be paid back?!? So when he confronted her on it three days later, she just knew it was ColoradoGirl's doing.

Court Today...

Colorado Girl's picture

SO, for all my fabulous friends who have followed my custody dispute with my oldest son...

Biodad did not show up today. His lawyer filed a motion to continue the hearing, and it was denied.

I was awarded sole physical and decision making responsibility.

Biodad is ordered to pay for any future therapy visits.

Biodad is ordered to pay for all my attorney costs that have to do with his non compliance.

The judge held to his earnings for the past 4 years and my child support order was more than doubled.

Court Yesterday...

Colorado Girl's picture

First of all...I truly appreciate all my friends who have followed my not so stepparent related story, and kept me in your thoughts and prayers. From the bottom of my heart...thank you.

So ultimately, it got continued until March 3rd (next week). Not because either of us requested it, but simply because we ran out of time.

Bad day...

Colorado Girl's picture

Nobody wants to contribute money.

Neither of the men who took part in the creation of my children has paid child support in almost 6 months.

BM won't reimburse the $150 she owes for the sports programs DH signed the girls up for.

All the kids have been sick and two (one biokid and one skid) have taken trips to the doctor. No reimbursing of copays or prescriptions from BM or exH.

Nobody wants to help pay for anything but me.
