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Colorado Girl's Blog

Dear BM...

Colorado Girl's picture

I wish I could write a letter to BM. I wish we could find that common ground. I wish I could dig deep in myself and not get so angry when she pulls the dramatics she does. I will never send it but here goes....

Dear BM,

Another day...a different BM

Colorado Girl's picture

Imagine this folks. All was well in Colorado Girl's world. BM was behaving herself and I even saw her on Saturday and didn't feel the need to regurgitate my lunch. I also complimented her new haircut, it was actually pretty cute. Everything seemed to be going pretty good. BM had agreed last week to the new parenting plan/child support order. DH's lawyer just needs to draw up the paperwork and both parties need to sign, and once this happens mediation can be cancelled (scheduled for next Monday). This all needs to happen before Friday or they are still going.

I am actually content today....

Colorado Girl's picture

The tides may turn like they always do, but for today I'll kick my feet up and sit back and smile. BM is on a bipolar upswing (which is always helpful) and I think I'll enjoy the ride this time around. I am the constant worrier and I'm going to have a little faith in my husband. I think he's capable and it is HIS situation to handle.

And the pendulum swings....

Colorado Girl's picture

It goes up, it goes down and with every down swing there is a click that jolts the upward swing of the otherside....

That is my life and I think I'll take a break for a while. I have to say that if I don't watch the stupid ball go up and down, back and forth....what is it that I'm missing? (For those of you who are clueless, please reference my earlier blogs and see that my mood is completely based on my reactions to this pendulum...or better known as the bipolar BM.)
