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CLove's Blog

Crazy BM hooking up with coworker and still has BF Tweedle there in the background

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BM has always been something of a sl@t, in my mind. SO told me that she can get really nasty with her texts (Ive only seen the angry nasty), and I guess that she is popular on Facebook. Some of my friends have had to block her, because she has been very flirty and wanting to "date" them and not taking no for an answer.

So last week Whine-nona SD18 told me that her mother is "dating", and trying to ease out of her relationship with Tweedle. When I have seen them together they are very huggy-lovey.

CLove gets to speak her mind to BM and Tweedle BF

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After the choking incident last Tuesday, things with Winona have been nicer - she's been A LOT nicer to everyone, and on her best behavior with me, for now.

BM still insists on taking Winona SD18 to Vegas, and Winona tells me "she things she wants to go", but they are ALSO going to San Diego, to check out colleges (yeah right!). BM and Tweedle BF have already spent most of her tax return $$$$, and neither Skid has their promised graduation gifts yet (SD10 needs a laptop, and Winona's promised trip).

Update on Winona and the choking incident, and "Clean Slate Syndrome"

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I spoke with Winona briefly after the fight with BM, Wednesday. She told me the gist of things - that she was trying to record her mother while drunk, and had been arguing with mothers boyfriend, Tweedle prior. This recording led to her mother snapping, and choking her and slapping her and body slamming her. I do not know in which order.

My response was to tell her "it will happen again. No matter what she tells you, no matter how many times or how much she apologizes, the physical barrier has been broken, and she knows she can get away with it now."

O/T -Man pleads guilty to Salinas shooting - tries to kill wife after she enlists in the Navy

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After reading recent posts, and learning more about the abuse suffered by fellow step-talkers, not just from step kids but from spouses, I saw this today and thought of everyone's stories and posts.

This could be any one of us, back then, and now we are stronger. I hope this woman knows that she is not alone! This happened in my current city of residence.

Munchkin SD10 is falling down the rabbit hole!

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It all started innocently enough. I went out, to get some dirt for my garden, and some munchies for my lent-meatless diet. I came home and SO was piling on the chicken and rice, for Munchkin and he. I chatted while they ate. All friendly and happy. We started conversing and before long the Eldest came up. How she borrowed Munchkins favorite leggings, got makeup on them and now it wont come off.

Motorcycle accident and the Girl Who Cried Wolf...

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The weekend was starting off nicely, SO and I were on our way to a nice sushi dinner, and it happened so fast, in the blink of an eye, truly. A motorcycle was zipping right past us as we were turning right onto a busy street, and I had a premonition that something bad was about to happen. He flipped and his shoes flew in the air. Luckily he was still breathing as I called 911, and the ambulance was there less than 5 minutes later, along with a few police cars to direct the traffic.

Today is the day

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Winona SD17 turns 18!
She asked on Saturday, if she turns 18, is she aged out of the custody schedule. SO hedged, said "you have to graduate high school", then recovered his senses and said "you need to also get a job and pay rent to be here full-time". Causing her to walk away quietly.

At least this way, she cant do what she normally does, which is whine, and complain to dadeee "don't you want me with you? I am your daughter!"
