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Munchkin SD13 and just like mom

CLove's picture

So, Ive been here a little while. And while things arent perfect, they have been good for some time now, since I started a wonderful new job, and we are still in the process of buying our house that weve been renting - and good news we are almost there. Just the closing disclosure, and closing documents and we are done.

My issue today is what I THINK is Munchausen by proxy. However it shakes down (sorry for earthquake reference its 30 year anniversary and all over the news here in California) I am concerned for Munchkin SD13.

She said she hit her head a week ago, and ever since then has been experiencing head aches and nausea.

Her mother, 3 years ago, also hit her head and over the time has insisted that she is permanently injured, made a case and actually sued the local school district where she worked, and won a chunk of money. Most of it is gone now, because of legal fees and taking monthly payments since November. Sidenote - she is using some of it to buy another car - from DH - and paying cash. Some of it in alimony, and that will help us with much needed home improvements. Thusly a little less resentful of her non-working self who does side gigs cleaning homes but cant "work" a real job and instead is mooching off her ex husband.

My issue - I found out last night when Munchkin dropped by after school, that she went to school nurse, recently and then stayed home at mothers apartment because she felt "sick". And that her mother Toxic Troll took her to get a physical - but never mentioned anything to DH (naturally). I know its a normal thing, but under the circumstances, NOTHING with hypochondriac TT is a normal thing. Even Munchkin recognizes that her mother "made" her sister sick so she could go on medications, go on trips to the ER. And be just like her mother. I am so afraid for her following the same pathway. Of constant ER visits and medications.

Another issue is lack of knowledge. According to CO, DH agreed to pay ALL medical, as long as the ex paid insurance. Since she lost her insurance through work, she has kiddo on state aid insurance. And from what Ive learned the state will come after you for any medical expenses. I just have to hope that munchkin passes her physical (bright side, maybe Toxic Troll will get an earful about childhood obesity because munchkin is 5' and 165 lbs) and no more headaches/illnesses.


ndc's picture

Here's hoping Munchkin passes her physical and is on the mend, and that your DH has his eyes wide open after what Toxic Troll did to the older girl.

BM had my skids on state insurance.  DH and BM have 50/50 physical custody, and his CO does not provide for CS or spousal support going either way.  The state does not go after him for any medical expenses.  My understanding, in our state, is that if you pay child support or you have a court order that says no support, they do not look for reimbursement.  

CLove's picture

DH keeps me out of the loop, but i still get a bit nervous - its the fear of the unknown, you know?

notarelative's picture

In my state, if one parent puts kid on state insurance, they look to the other parent to insure the kid.

Nephew was never married. He and BM separated and amicably shared expenses for daughter. Nephew carried insurance. All was well.

Then nephew lost his job (and insurance) and spiraled downward. Did not tell anyone that he was jobless, homeless, and, when child’s bills were being rejected by insurance, kept saying it was a big mistake and he’d get it fixed.

BM was understandably upset. Child was ill, needed surgery, and had almost $2,000 in pretest bills that needed to be paid. BM works, but not at a high salary, and only had high cost high deductible insurance available.

So BM turned to state insurance. State insurance hauled nephew into court. The court summons galvanized nephew into action. Two days before court he landed a new job. Judge told him to sign up for family insurance and ordered child support.


Livingoutloud's picture

Why is he keeping you out of the loop? That’s bizarre. Aren’t you married?

You are nervous and he isn’t sharing things with you?

And honestly why are you buying a house with this man? It will be so much harder to get out. I think it’s a big mistake 

are you preoccupied with what BM and skids do because it takes focus  off true issue here: your DH?

CLove's picture

DH wasnt included in any discussions of doctor visits.

He keeps me out of the loop because he figures its HIS problem and his alone.