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Freeloading stepson

Ck48's picture

Hi all, my husband's 19yo freeloading stepson is causing grief in our relationship as his dad won't lay down any boundaries or rules. He feels guilty for leaving his fanily when son was a young child and now let's him use our home like a hotel. No chores, no $ contribution (son refuses to get a job). I'm at my wits end with this as he eats what he wants, doesn't clean up and dad still does his washing. When I try to talk to hubby about this he defends and says I'm being a b**ch. Help please!


oyvey's picture

:jawdrop: This is my worst nightmare come to life.

I've resolved to leave if it comes to this.

Your husband is WRONG. He's allowing his kid to screw up your life, his own life, and the kid's life. I wouldn't want to be a part of it.

I'm sorry. I know it hurts. I've had to face that I can, and will, walk, if my lazy, useless SS ever comes to live with us. I just can't abide it. I know I can't.