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FDH is about to get slapped. lol

CJSEEEA7's picture

OK long story short. SS was on his facebook around midnight last night I guess I was sleeping and FDH was still up. Mind you SS is 10 ok i think that is important to know. lol Anyway he has on there that he is in a relationship and he told his dad he was talking to a girl and asked her if she was a bitch.. I know right. SO FDH said word of advice you need not ask any girl that kind of question or call them that. And besides you need to go to bed you dont need to be on here talking to girls. Well we got to talking and I had mentioned that he was a little kid I dont understand blah blah blah. He goes dont call him that. I siad what?! He is its not meant to be mean he is not grown and not a teenager what the hell else is he then. And he comes back and said you are not different you wont let your kids go to their dads. UMM HELLO. My ex #1 lives in texas and we are NO WHERE NEAR HIM. He chose to move away. ex#2 lives with a drug dealer. What the hell kind of mother would I be if I shipped my kids to a drug dealers house for some whack job who he ripped off to come shootin up the house with my kids in it or the cops raid it. I told him shut up and don't talk to me. lol SS has still not come here to visit. However he did send his dad a message on facebook saying that he did want to come down for Christmas his mom wouldn't let him. I partially believe him. However she has taught him well to lie and manipulate. FDH said he wants to go get SS this weekend I said you should I have to work and it would be good to have some one on one time with him. Smile And with me working I don't have to deal with his smart mouth. Smile


giveitago's picture

Ooops a daisy!! Age 10 is still a child. I agree with you not sending your kids to their father under those circumstances, I would not iether.

In fairness FDH did tell him something! I believe a ten year old should not have been up on facebook at that time of night though. We disable the wireless capability from the main computer in our house, which is password protected.
I go to bed early at night, I am up early in the mornings and I need my beauty sleep! It's really up to DH once I am asleep.

I have come to realize that kids will grow up, regardless of parents! I put my own boundaries in place with the SK's and DH supports me if it's required but it's a half hearted support because his little cherubs are his little cherubs.

The bottom line is that I will not lose sleep over BS.