FDH is about to get slapped. lol
OK long story short. SS was on his facebook around midnight last night I guess I was sleeping and FDH was still up. Mind you SS is 10 ok i think that is important to know. lol Anyway he has on there that he is in a relationship and he told his dad he was talking to a girl and asked her if she was a bitch..http://www.steptalk.org/images/smileys/jawdrop.gif I know right. SO FDH said word of advice you need not ask any girl that kind of question or call them that.
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Gift number one went back. :)
Well gift number one went back the day before and the rest are going back sunday because if the hour drive to toys r us to. (gotta go over there anyway) I actually feel good about and if ever asked. "Wheres my christmas gifts. Well you made a choice to not come see your father for the holidays so we made a choice to take your gifts back." Maybe a little mean but whatever.
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Some Thoughts please
OK this is for a couple reasons since I am new I thought I would give a little quick hi and a little background. I am a BM and SM I have 4 BD and one SS. Now we are not married yet but will be soon. I have to rewind a bit. I had bought and made plans to go a to local theme park over the summer all the kids were excited. Well SS BM started crap the day before, now mind you SS is 10 is on only child at his home and pretty much does whatever the hell he wants to with little correction from his mom and has a cell phone. OK so he calls his mom tells him he is hungry blah blah blah.
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Mine all mine dont have to share this one. http://www.steptalk.org/images/smileys/evil.png
How nice to not share. This is for me. I am new here and I am excited to have a release that doesn't give me the look or the " But mommy I love you" or the "YOU DON'T LOVE ME THEN" Attitude.