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ChiefGrownup's Blog

Quickie before ss13 comes out here

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This morning's blog I mentioned briefly how BM claims she does do reading and homework at her house. Fast forward a few hours I pick ss13 up from school just now. On the ride home he asks, "Can I go home to Mom's house after dinner?" Since this is the plan anyway, I say sure.

His response?

"Yes!! The place of NO READING!"

Word for word.

LIfe and Times with Autistic Stepson--the Good, the Bad, and the BMugly

ChiefGrownup's picture

Picked up SS13 from school 2p. Had a nice chat with his teacher, got the latest details. Took a pic of them together. Chatted with him on the way home. This one is a real challenge because he has language difficulties and it's taken me half the school year to come up with a formula that is reasonable -- makes him grow, but doesn't overwhelm him. I think I've got it down now.

Dress for success. Unless you're BM.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Great story from SS13's aide at school!

Last week we dressed him in a nice Eddie Bauer type short sleeved plaid shirt with coordinating dockers. He took a shower in the morning before he got dressed and brushed his teeth. (I know, shocking that a child should have to go through such torturous rigors) He looked great, like a regular kid, a sixth or seventh grade girl might easily develop a crush on him if she saw his picture.

Nails/chalkboar update

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DH managed to make SD15 disappear Sat afternoon. He took her off to the mall to meet some friends. When he came back he was toting a giant new TV! He was pretty happy and giggly and not a hundred percent but it seemed to have just a shade of peace offering about it.

SD15 never did come back the rest of the weekend. We had a party to go to so BM was going to pick up the girl from the mall. But instead of delivering her to our house later, BM just kept her. DH did not object. Again, peace offering.

Operation SD15 Smackdown

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Last night DH made his nightly phone call to SD15 to check on homework. She currently has 3 Fs. She's been collecting them for the last 1 1/2 years at an impressive rate. Since nothing else has worked and her attitude gets more and more apathetic with a sidecar of squirrely, he tried something new.

He said to her, "At this rate, you will not be able to graduate with your friends. You may not be able to already. You need to start thinking about what your plans are and what you are going to do when you turn 18."

SD15 sloth so great they don't want her at summer school

ChiefGrownup's picture

So last week I stupidly got involved in helping DH and BM get their summer school ducks in a row for SD15 who is flunking math and chemistry and nearly flunking a few others, too. I don't keep count.

DH and BM suddenly got all fired up to put her in summer school to retake these classes because, you know, that's what sane parents would do. Sorry, girlie, being a little pissant all school year does not get you out of studying, you just lost your summer vacay, try again.

SD15's problem is that half her DNA is BM

ChiefGrownup's picture

I so wanted to say that to dh this morning. In one of my finer moments as a reluctant grownup I did keep my mouth zipped for once so I needed to say it here instead.

SD15 received DH's fine intellect. She received BM's slothful, mean temperament. So now we have an evil genius who will out-vicious her mother because she's smart enough to power her "mean" better.

BM gets her plates confiscated

ChiefGrownup's picture

She had the kids and starts texting dh can he take ss13 in to get his glasses repaired, they just broke. DH is a bit annoyed because he's already taking sd15 in to the orthodontist, can't BM take care of ANYTHING when it's her days? So she sheepishly texts back that she got her plates confiscated from her car and spun a story that it wasn't fair because she still had five days to pay. (So, of course, she can't drive her car right now)

BM makes me a prophet

ChiefGrownup's picture

This morning we awake to 2 texts from BM.

Text One: "Taking sd15 to Urgent Care right now. Her throat feels bad and she feels like she's going to cough and sneeze."

Text Two: "False alarm. SD15 says she's fine, it was just a little hay fever from the cats yesterday."
