Ugh.. does it ever end
I am a step mother.. and have been for three years now. I HATE it. I started out being the all giving.. going the extra mile in order to keep peace, make peace, hell even find the peace. I have two children, boys, that are 17 and 13. They live with me full time and have adapted well to their new step dad. They funcition in our home as members of a "family". They co - exist in a NORMAL fashion. They come and go with friends, they eat dinner with us, they watch TV with us they have friends.. NORMAL. And then there is his freak kid. He is depressed, a liar, manipulator, contacts his dad only out of convienence and when in need of money.. oh but didnt I mention his mother gets over 650.00 a month in child support from us.. It gets better.. so my step freak was slated to stay with us for half of the week, when I orginally moved in.. well that lasted all of about two months.. he said he hated us and could not take the pressure.. What pressure? My kids go no where near him and leave him to his own depression. What he did not like was the fact that we live in a structured home with rules, becuase god knows there are no rules where he comes from.. eat when you want, play games when you want oh and make F's in school all you want and you will be rewarded with a big screen TV for your room.. Well it does not work that way in my home.. My kids are straight A athletes.. as is expexcted and my step freak is a looser who has no friends and is failing at school.. yet he sits all day and texts his dad (his only friend) sad.. when he comes to my home he will not speak to me or my children, he breaks all the rules and then tells me "I can, because my dad says I can" he will not speak to his dad in front of me but will sit and text message him constantly RUDE.. he is up his dads butt sideways constantly.. if his dad and I try to do anything.. ANYTHING alone he asks to go he is always in our face in our space, we have NOOOO alone time when he is around.. he does not do any chores when he is in my home, something expected of everyone... ugh he is just a complete ASS. He insults me constantly, calls me and my children names.. he does it under his breath, within ear shot.. It pisses my boys off. It is so disrespectful. When I think of him coming into my home I get sick, physically ill. He crys.. literally crys when he thinks my boys and I are going to attend a function with his dad, like a FAMILY birthday party or something. What in the hell does he expect us to do, stay behind while they go do their thing? He is a freak. His mom and dad have been divorced for over 5 years and my husband and I have been together three years now.. this kid is almost an adult.. my god get a grip. I HATE him!
- cheerios's blog
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Ewwwww....just ewwww.
Ewwwww....just ewwww.
why doesnt dh do anything?
why doesnt dh do anything? does he hear the name calling? that for me is horrible, if ss EVER did that i would expect that dh handled it immediately!
ummm wow has this freak kid
ummm wow has this freak kid seen a docotor. you said he is depressed has he been diagnosed with anything. He may need meds if he has underlying issues. One of my fav books is about a kid with bipolar manic depression and the way this kid acted wow everyone even bio mom didnt know what to do for years. The fact that he has know friends is sad he needs professional help it sounds like. Or an oldfashioned kick in the ass
Your husband the problem
Your husband the problem here. He needs to parent this kid. Quickly!!!
I second this. Fine your ss
I second this. Fine your ss is a pain in the ass but your DH ALLOWS him to behave this way, to not follow rules, to be in your face, to cry, etc. Kids live up to the expectations their parents have for them. Sounds like ss is living up to dh and bm's expectations.
"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"
I second the
I second the EEEEWWWWWWW.....I'm grossed out and my heart goes out to you.
I feel your pain, i wish you
I feel your pain, i wish you well.
Ugh...I feel your pain. I've
Ugh...I feel your pain. I've been a SM to the spawn of satan for 7 yrs. He was only 2 when my husband and I married and I threw myself into the "other mother" role wholeheartedly. Its been all downhill since. I've been cursed out more in 7 years than I have in my entire life. His mom should've been put down years ago. LIES! OMG...they just get bigger and bigger. This "kid" has never played...N-E-V-E-R!, unless he was made to. He would stand on the porch if you sent him outside crying like he was being tortured until he projectile vomited! I've witnessed it! I was speechless! My kids, when they were kids, were always outside playing or playing inside with toys. NOT THIS ONE! Eats no veggies or fruits, never has. He's 9, 125 lbs, and he's biggest accomplishment in a day is walking from the bedroom to the couch to watch TV. My husband, who you can damn well bet I blame as much as anyone, does nothing to try to change any of this. His latest lie was that I had picked him up by his neck and told him to get his f********* ass outside AND I punched him in the stomach. Now first of all keep in mind he's 125 lbs. I would've had to pull his neck out of joint and he would've screamed bloody murder if I had even attempted this! But of course the call came 4 days after taking him home from his wkend visit with us, from his grandmother, stating that he had told them that I had done these things and they were gong to have me thrown in jail, etc etc. Wellllllll, long story short, I never went to jail, they never even contacted any authorities. Now if that had been MY child and I thought for one minute this had happened, #1...he would NEVER go back to BD home, #2 I would have contacted child services, the sheriff's office and my lawyer to make sure he never went back!! This spawn, when confronted by hubby, says he didnt say this...BS!! I can't stand him!!!! My skin crawls just thinking of him coming back to my home. AND YES...I totally blame my husband as much as I do the BM. If that was one of my children I would've busted some butt BIGTIME! Good luck in your endeavors because baby you're gonna need it. I've told my husband he's got 2 choices....change it or pack up and move back with the pack of liars!