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Spoke too soon!! let the texting war begin.

cfmommyof3's picture

So I guess I should wait 24 hrs in the future before assuming she isn't responding. Here we go. Oh DH its all your fault. YOU sent her back here with the virus and its no big deal, its just a virus children get and yes its contagious but its not that big a deal and yes I notified her school and dance teacher so thanks for your "concern" doctor. I also called her doctor and they said nothing to do but rest and hydration, blah blah blah. Ohhh Im fucking steaming right now!


cfmommyof3's picture

exactly! The older kids only ended up with a fever and some minor spots (rash). 2 of the younger kids were in straight up agony. Not to mention they can keep passing it around to each other. BM didn't think it was a good idea to fill us in on what she knew when SD was going to be here for 2 1/2 weeks knowing she was contagious when she was here before and wasn't worried she could get it again? We know she has 2 other kids at her house and for that reason along with the fact that they SHOULD be letting each other know about things like this concerning SD we would have told her.

cfmommyof3's picture

Im pissed because she didn't notify us. We didn't place blame on her for it happening at her house until she tried placing it on us. Yes the fever happened during the 2 nights she was at our house but DH told BM about it (even though we thought it was the flu-she is sick a lot) at drop off on Sunday. If it had been the other way around we would have told BM as soon as we knew what was going on. We tell BM everything health related just incase. Also she seems to think its only contagious for a couple days..thats not the case. PLUS she sent crazy ass texts the day we got her for the start of the summer bitching about lack of communication and that it is natural for her to communicate since she is a parent. Really? You didn't think it was needed to to let us know SD has this virus? Other way around she would have been putting in court papers.

twoviewpoints's picture

" I know she had already passed it along before she went back to BMs house but if I had known what it was when BM figured it out I could have stopped it from blowing through every single kid here not to mention the extra kids that were here for the party this weekend". [blog after discovering what SD had].

How exactly were you going to 'stopped it from blowing through every single kid' that was exposed to the virus at your home only by BM notifying you Monday morning of the name of the virus the SD had already spread?

I 'get' your angry over the incident happening at all. It is unfortunate SD and any of the other children got the virus...but there is nothing BM could do to stop this spread nor anything you could have done to stop it from other's being infected after the exposure.

It's as if you're more angry SD had it in the first place and are wanting to blame BM for a virus she actually had no control of her daughter getting. Short of putting a kid in a bubble they are indeed going to be exposed to sicknesses and many times there is just no way of knowing they have been exposed until signs show which signs did after arriving at your home and already exposing the other children. It's not BM's fault, it's not your fault...these type of things just happen.

cfmommyof3's picture

BM was the first to know any kid had this. Another kid came down with it today. If I had known any kid who had been already exposed wouldn't have been around the other kids and the b-day party would have been rescheduled to avoid spreading it around so Yeah Im pissed she didn't let us know. Like I said reverse the situation and papers would have been put through. I don't blame BM for SD getting it. Im pissed she didn't communicate especially after giving DH holy hell over a friggin backpack the other night. The anger comes completely from a lack of communication on BMs part and yeah DH is pissed. Its his daughter too and he makes sure BM knows about every little fever, hick up, etc and she couldn't tell him she had this virus? Please.

newbiemommy's picture

Bhahaha. I KNEW once she formulated her rebuttal she would be back. What an IDIOT. Okay how about we have every right to know what the f you are sending over here exposing everyone to you idiot. Like we already agreed, had it originated at your house... he'll would have rained down on you!

cfmommyof3's picture

Im sure she did...shes blowing up the cell this morning and it just gets more ridiculous. I swear im gonna do a long ass blog just writing word for word some of the text wars they have had just so I can read the funny responses about her craziness! DH of course left the cell home today. If she sends one more im shutting the phone off. We said what we wanted to say and there is no further reason to respond. Once a year, just once a year....Bam right in the face...if only.... }:)