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So DH decided to send a text.....

cfmommyof3's picture

So if your read my blog earlier today about the Foot, hand, mouth virus you already know how pissed I am about it. DH was really pissed when he got home and I laid it all out for him. So we looked it up on WebMD and sent BM a link to inform her on it. Followed by something along the lines of "A heads up would have been nice since you knew about this Monday. Its serious and very contagious. I hope you at least notified her school and her dance teacher. 20 mins or so later still no response. Pretty surprised the house phone hasn't rang yet with a screaming foaming BM yet. Could she perhaps be feeling some shame at a bad choice? Lol...that would be too "mother nature" of her.....Im sure the texts will be pouring in before you know it....


newbiemommy's picture

Lol I CAN'T WAIT to hear what she will say. She is probably trying to formulate a defense. Bhahaha. Please let us know when the calling and txt commence.

cfmommyof3's picture

I have been waiting all night and nothing. Im sooo shocked!! Like you said probably getting her shit together tonight and text bombing will begin in the morning! Yay. I already told DH don't respond cuz he doesn't know the details to back it up. I do. He said OK argument this time. He is that pissed at her finally! He knows this isn't a small deal. And he is ripped BD2 got it.

cfmommyof3's picture

Oh no she knew by Monday morning what it was. I double checked with DH last night before sending any message to BM and he said he deff told her about SDs fever last sat and that she threw up a little and sunday seemed to be back to normal again. Then SD tells me yesterday morning that her cough was part of her virus. I said what virus? She said well it was Monday cuz I had dance class (which is only on Mondays) and I had red dots on me and my mom said it was just a virus and I was fine to go to school and dance class just don't touch anyone so I don't pass it around. Time frame matches up. Im sure BM didn't know she sent her with it cuz we picked her up that fri night and by sat afternoon she had the fever. But knowing about the fever and stuff then her getting the rash and knowing the coughing was part of it and telling her not to touch anyone? SHe knew and she should have immediately let us know especially since they can be contagious for quite a while. She just cant admit when something like this comes from her house.