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Unique crappy situation! FT Drama with drug addict loser birth canal.

CDOSM09's picture

If your going to start to read this, you will be in for a REAL treat, but please dont reply with " whats best for the kids" blah.. Im so f-ing sick of heating that, just let me bitch and say all the nasty things I want to here, I'm SICK of being nice!! Grrrrr!!

I met the man of my dreams, we got married almost 2 years ago...the catch, he has two kids from a prescription drug addict loser. In the beginning, the skids were w/ the birth canal (BC) 1st, 3rd and 5th weekend as well as Wed. nights. Now the game has changed, after her dumb ass stole drugs from the hospital she worked at, she lost her job, totaled her car NOT with the kids in it, and my husband took her to court concerned for the kids safety when they are with her ( rightfully so). After a LONG court battle and hearing, "temporary orders" were put in place, and BC can only be with her kids if a "supervisor" is around. The " supervisor" is her mom, once upon a time it was her 3 sisters as well, however they have since given up on helping this addict that will NOT she has a's everyone else's problem, not hers. The problem is that she LIES about everything, she creates stories and needs to be within 4 padded walls! Now that she has this supervision, when it is her weekend....guess what, she uses that as her excuse, and drops the bomb on my husband usually at the last minute (Friday) that she has no supervision, so guess what...the kids stay with us!!! My husband and I cannot make plans, as she controls our weekends that are supposed to be hers by her "lack of supervision". I get it the kids are safe, but guess what...we also have a 6 week old and I do not want to be FT mommy replacement to these skids, as they have a momma, and i have a new role and thatis to be a real mom! I also want to be alone with my child and my husband without them on those weekends that hey are supposed to be with BC. I have to raise her kids, cook them meals, pack lunches,wash their clothes, and ya know...They need to go be with momma no matter how f'd up she is THAT IS THEIR MOM!

Now that you have a little background, please help me with my awful feelings! I'm angry my husband had children with her, I'm angry that he took her to court, I'm resentful to the kids, they are ALWAYS around and I know it is not their choice, but I'm angry at them for the fact that they are always here! When my husband gets the " I have no supervision" message, he feels relief, they are here and will be safe, I get furious and resent their presence, I hide in our room , make plans to be away with my son running errands, etc because I want time without them, they are exsausting, I have not even touched on their issues, but they are emotionally, and mentally jacked! Im myself when they are not around after being with us 24-7, I get a moment to exhale! My husband goes back to court soon, and everyday, he has some new crap to discuss about her and her bullshit. Ive become so disengaged and I find it difficult to support or even listen to my husband talk about this crap. I'm so focused on the positive of our new baby, that I just want to turn my back on all of it, his kids, legal crap, etc. Where do you draw the line of supporting the love of your life, and being his partner versus raising your hands up and saying "F it, not my problem"??


stepgin's picture

I've been noticing a lot of the blogs on here are related to problems happening because of DH getting their kids fulltime after a new marriage... I'm just saying to all those nitwits that spout the "he knew he had kids when you married him" excuse that the dynamics change completely when the skids are there ALL the time. Exhausting.
In your case, I would have my DH contact the BM Mother or sisters and suggest that his kids spend a weekend or two a month with them WITHOUT BM involvement. It sounds like her family is sick of her too. But them having the skids might actually be a more attractive prospect since the BM wouldn't be there to screw things up.

SusiQ's picture

I agree - I would lose my mind!

I also agree with Stepgin - she's probably just saying she doesn't have supervision because it's cutting into her druggie time. Can your DH call her mother or her sisters? If they've cut her loose, you can bet they will probably understand and they probably want to see their nieces & nephews.