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hey guys im new to this site but was searching for answers and this came up. I am dating a man who has two children an 8 year old son and 13 year old daughter. We have been together for two years but the kids just found out about us 5 months ago when he moved in. I have an 8 year old son also from a previous marriage. The boyfriend and i have a 6 month old daughter together. I thought we would all be one big happy family but boy was i wrong! The problem im having is my boyfriend has no problem pointing out everything my son does wrong but when his kids are here he acts like they are perfect angels and refuses to discipline them. His daughter is very disrespectful and his son has issues with hitting my son. Big problem for me! he says he feels guilty because he doesnt have his kids all the time but oh well you still have to be a parent . any advice?
