So Sick of the Games
An important note: DH and I saw SS12 over Thanksgiving and SS told us that he despises wrestling and doesn't want to sign up again next year, but BM and GF are forcing SS to finish out this season. ** This will be important for later. **
A week ago, BM emailed DH to let him know that SS' wrestling districts overlap with a long weekend visitation we have in February. BM told DH that she was swapping DH's weekends from a 3-day weekend in February to a 3-day weekend in January. It wasn't an ask, but rather a demand. Since it was "like time" and we didn't have plans, DH agreed that was fine.
Tonight, the coach emails everyone with dates and times of other matches throughout the season and one is scheduled for the Friday that DH is supposed to pick SS12 up in January. DH emails BM to acknowledge that he saw this scheduling conflict and told BM that either SS will be forced to miss the match or DH will allow SS to attend the match, but DH would expect BM to delay her pick-up on the return trip to ensure his time with SS is maintained in full.
BM responded, basically stating that it is up to DH - that he can be the bad guy who tells SS he is missing the match or DH can be the bigger person and let SS go to the match, losing the few hours of parenting time, because BM was maintaining the original pick-up time on the return trip and not offering flexibility. She also highlighted that "per the state co-parenting guidelines" aka these mythical, non-existent guidelines BM likes to throw up to manipulate DH and only when they serve her point, that it is important that both parents take kids to events, regardless of whose time it is. DH agrees that in a 50/50 situation, both parents take kids to extracurriculars, doctors appointments, etc. but we are on a long distance schedule. DH sees SS for 6 weeks per year with zero flexibility from BM, so when BM continuously and forcibly takes 2 hours here, 4 hours here, a day here, etc. to allow SS to attend every single event she wants him to attend, DH loses significant time overall. And BM never bats an eye at SS missing stuff for BM's plans - he just missed a week of school and sports for BM's family vacation a few weeks back. She also asked DH to do her a favor in adjusting parenting time last week, which resulted in DH getting an extra 20 hours with SS, and had the audacity to ask for a make-up day (despite already having over 300 days per year) to "offset the time DH gained." So accordingly to BM, DH can lose time with SS and it's okay, but BM can't.
DH talked to SS tonight on the phone and told him what was happening and that he would be missing the match. The whole time DH had this conversation with SS, SS kept looking up and past the phone, like he was looking for visual validation and reassurance from BM. SS barely said two words about it but seemed hesitant and uneasy, like DH was creating major issues for SS at home. DH emailed BM back, keeping it BIFF, letting her know that SS would be missing the match to accommodate the 4-hour drive back to our state and that he let SS and the coach know. Later tonight, DH gets a text from SS (we believe it was BM on SS' phone or BM forcing SS to send the message), telling DH that even if it resulted in DH and SS getting back to our state super late (like midnight), SS still wants to attend the match so DH can watch and that it's really important to him. **Coming from the kid who just told us days ago that he hates wrestling.** DH held firm and told SS that moving the visit to the January weekend was already accomodating another match in February, and since it is the only other 3-day weekend in the academic calendar (because BM wouldn't be flexible to offer any other option), this is when the visit had to be moved to and SS couldn't do both this match and districts; it was one or the either. DH reiterated that he would be coming to watch SS wrestle at the February match. We haven't heard anything from BM or SS since.
I'm sure BM is spiraling because she has always gotten what she wants from the courts and SS and it has forced DH's hand and forced compliance. Since she has never been told "No" and has always gotten what she has wanted, I'm sure she is grasping at anything to force DH to comply with her wishes. I just hate the frickin double standards with her. SS has missed so much school and sports every year for BM's stuff - a week for her wedding, a few days for a ski trip, a week for their family vacation a few weeks ago, etc. BM never stresses the importance of commitment in those instances, yet when DH asks for even a second more or asks for flexibility, BM says "No" and stresses the importance of every school day, every sports practice, and every game/match. BM's time is the only time that matters, and she expects total flexibility to suit her needs, and if SS never saw DH again, that would be totally acceptable to her. Ugh.
I am dreading the lengthy, manipulative, abusive email response that I am sure we will receive from BM tomorrow. DH said if we get one, he will simply respond "I will pick SS up on x date at x time" (the date and time he agreed to originally) and thats it and he won't debate this topic again. I told DH that he will likely have to have a conversation with SS over Christmas break that because SS lives long distance, he will have to miss things to accommodate visits, and that it is just the nature of this arrangement. DH won't bash BM to SS but BM is the one who moved away from DH and created this situation, so DH is not taking accountability for her mess.
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I'm sure you are right that this is really bothering her because
I'm sure you are right that this is really bothering her because for once she is not getting her way - just sorry you have to go through it. I think DH's approach is the correct one, there is not use trying to rationalize with her. I suppose there is no point in trying to figure out a way for SS to talk to you without them being in the room? It would be interesting to hear what he had to say about things if he was free to talk. How was the Thanksgiving visit?
The Thanksgiving visit was
The Thanksgiving visit was flawless. He melted right into our family routine without issue, didn't complain about anything, was really open in talking about a lot of different things, and he just seemed happy and at ease. That is when he mentioned hating wrestling and he also talked to DH about college (even though he's 12) because BM and GF are pushing him into career paths that he doesn't want and he was seeking advice.
I told DH that I do not want to get involved in helping SS figure any of this out. BM already thinks I'm the devil incarnate, despite everything I do for SS - treating him the same as DD, including him on vacations, including him in every family milestone, event, etc. possible, which is another thing about her that just drives me insane. If I talk to SS, he will report the conversation back to BM (because he always does as her spy) and it will create WW3. As much as I want to help SS, he has been raised in this PAS, conflict environment (similarly to TrueNorth's skids) and he puts BM on a pedestal and acts like DH is an uncle or distant relative with no authority. You can't reason with him either because what BM says goes, even if it is crazy. As much as we wish SS would open his eyes and see the truth, his loyalty to BM runs too deep.
I am just at the point where I am so sick of her constant manipulation and games that I just want it all over, even if it means that SS doesn't want to visit anymore. I hate feeling like our whole life is dictated by a long distance custody order and the demands of BM. DH and I have DD (almost 3) and I feel like we spend our whole life waiting for the next phone call with SS or next visit. I don't want that childhood for her. BM has sole legal custody and she lives 4 hours away, so technically she could live life without ever really talking to DH, yet she communicates with DH multiple times per week and it's always crap like this. For a BM who made it so clear that she hates DH, only ever used him to get pregnant, and wants him out of the picture, she sure doesn't act that way with the constant communication and conflict. I know it is just a narc needing her supply but it's so frustrating.
I am stunned that she sits in
I am stunned that she sits in on and supervises his calls with his father. He's TWELVE, for goodness sake! She's going to get one helluva shock the day he tells her to beetle off when he's on the phone... and he will, it's just a matter of time.
Do you think she sits in on ALL of his calls? If not, how can she justify doing it with his dad's calls?
Usually, SS takes his calls
Usually, SS takes his calls in his bedroom, away from BM and GF. Over the last few weeks, he has been "eating a snack" or "watching TV" which has kept calls within earshot of BM. Based on SS' behavior, it was clear that she was right there. I don't think she does it to all calls, just DH's. BM has been tracking SS during our visitation for years; first with a GPS kids smartwatch (which we often made him leave at home) and now with the cell phone (which is a hell of a lot harder to tell a teen to keep home). Attorneys have told us that courts are finding tracking more acceptable through phones and smart devices, and since BM isn't confronting DH about locations and essentially admitting to stalking, there is little we can do.
UPDATE: SS texted DH back
UPDATE: SS texted DH back this morning and just said "ok" and BM emailed DH back shortly after telling DH that SS came to her and GF last night and was extremely disappointed and upset, which is why they "prompted" him to text DH about it (highly unlikely). BM continued about how it is DH's decision how to wants to handle this situation and it is between DH and SS to navigate SS' disappointment, feelings of loss, and having to missing important events to encourage/provide DH's parenting time. She then confirmed that DH will pick-up on that Friday in January at the scheduled time as discussed. DH isn't responding.
she just can't help herself, can she?
So SS responded for himself for once, she found out because she reads all of his messages, and now she's trying to make out like she's still in control (massive eyeroll). I would love for this to be his first baby step towards freedom.
No, we think BM told SS to
No, we think BM told SS to text DH about it. I don't think SS wanted to get involved but BM forced him to try to get DH to reconsider so she could get her way. Either way, the guilt trip isn't working.
" is between DH and SS
" is between DH and SS to navigate SS' disappointment, feelings of loss, and having to missing important events to encourage/provide DH's parenting time."
Gads. Make an appointment for grief counseling, BM? *scratch_one-s_head*
Drama Queen much?
Interesting how BM is
Interesting how BM is concerned over feeling of loss not having wrestling match but not feeling of loss of losing time with dad. It's not even the same category. This woman is awful
Yup, because SS' relationship
Yup, because SS' relationship with DH doesn't mean jack crap to BM. But ironically enough, SS' sports and other things don't matter to BM either if those things stand in the way of what BM wants to do. Typical narc.
Time for daddy to get the
Time for daddy to get the real guidelines and beat the snot out of mommy with them when she plays the "according to the State guidelines" bullshit card.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Not only should daddy get the the State guidelines, he needs to keep a rolled up copy of the agreement handy, and a rolled up copy of the Supplemental Jurisdictional (County) Rules ready and practice his Pickle Ball paddle swing smacking her about the head and shoulders with the real thing rather letting her play whatever bullshit she pulls out of her ass.
He should take SS to the wrestling match then keep the kid for that amount of time after the match before contacting BM to notify her where to pick the kid up. He knows her game, he needs to play it to win by boxing her in with her own bullshit. There are no rules that allow one parent to mandate what the other parent does with their time with the kid.