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CanadianWife's picture

Is it bad I never want children?

Being a step parent has changed that.


hereiam's picture

Some people are not cut out to be parents (I have never wanted kids of my own and don't have any), some people are not cut out to be step parents, either. The key is recognizing and making smart choices based on that.

classyNJ's picture

I made the decision very young that I did not want children and stuck with it.  

Living with SS16 has been trying and at times, like this one, seems bleak but the light at the end of the tunnel is that he will be not living in our house very much longer.

Jcksjj's picture

No. Parenting is hard and permanently life changing and I can see how people would regret/resent having kids. I will say though I absolutely love my 2 sons and being a parent to them but I'm actually scared to have a daughter because of SD. So the skids could be giving you a negative association of having kids in general that wouldn't be true of your own.